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Orange Hibiscus back yard, November 9, 2014 |
The true male has never yet walked, who liked to listen when his mate talked. Anna Wickhaur
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MadSnapper is my name, madly snapping is my game.
I try to be a fountain, and not a drain...
I am a talker by profession
and this is my confession.
Sometimes I do NOT LISTEN when my hubby is talking.......there I said it!
Now, can any one of you admit you don't listen to your hubby sometimes?
I mean how MANY times can I listen to how he put 3 carburetors on his 1959 Ford and 6 transmissions in his 57 Chevy... FIFTY YEARS AGO...
I have heard the story of his trip to Indie to the drag races, 55 years ago, and the names of who went, where they spent the night, which restaurant they ate in...AT LEAST twice a year for 30 years... help me with the math here.. is that 60 times?
YES, I'm as guilty as you are and Wade does the same thing telling the same stories over and over and over....
LOL and that is when the art of selective hearing is so useful. Have a Wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly
I have what I call "fugue" states. I just tune out any noise. Not that I think my husband's conversation is noise.
Haha. Well I certainly do find my mind wandering at times when the mister starts in. I have to ask him to repeat himself. He thinks I'm hard of hearing, but it's usually because I've stopped paying attention. We discuss politics a lot, but my contribution is a paragraph, whereas his is more like a doctoral thesis. Lol
What a gorgeous color of hibiscus. I have some "stories" memorized I've heard them so many times!!!
I guess it comes with the territory! :)
Mersad Donko Photography
Beautiful hibiscus flower!
too cute. :)
The nice thing about forgetting things for me is I don't remember all the stories Hubby has told. Sometimes we even "discuss" his stories when he adds a new detail.
Too funny, Sandra. I think a lot of us hear ya!! ;))
GUILTY!!!!! I thought I was the only one!!! I try hard to LOOK like I'm listening!! Guess it would be easier to just LISTEN! A couple of weeks ago LD was going on and on and on and on and on about some political thing as we were driving! (I was a captive audience.)I thought I would pop.....I said "Wait!!! Quiet a moment." Then I said, "Okay, you can rant again now." LD said, "What was that all about??" I told him I had to look for and PRESS the DISREGARD button!!"
i hear ya. oh, yes!
that's an absolutely gorgeous macro!
The hibiscus is wearing beautiful frilly petals!!! We mostly have the plain ones that are not frilly. I admit it, I have not listened at times and my mind wanders. But Shhhh! Women ARE the listeners and talkers and men are the silent ones. That was and is the way it must be. Or else the whole universe gets disrupted. Who knows what might happen then.
yes Sandra. I hear you loud and Clear.
I sit and watch the news with my hubby in morning, night.
And all day it seems. He comes in computer room.
It calls for snow today . I know honey.
Then two hours later.
I am going over to Canadian Tire before it snows.
He comes home. The weather guy was
right. It got real windy and it snowed. I loss my cap.Glad I have the snow T on.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ( Me) Yup!
So guess what I put up in my blog today. So maybe he wont bug me.
I will just show him. Big bear says he is going soon to hibernate.
How funny! Does he now you tune out? I think most guys do this, tell stories, while women really don't. At least not to the same extent.
Oh my gosh I am glad he doesn't read your blog - I have heard his stories too. And he talks slow. And so long when he does talk - lol - but he is a sweetie and an army vet.
The hibiscus flower is a gorgeous colour. Your post made me smile as I can relate.
LOL I love you...and yes..I admit sometimes I do not listen...my mind just goes somewhere else till he finishes. I am sure he does the same to me...:) The one thing i like about the state you live in..you have flowers all year round.
I am an American man, and I have decided to boycott American women. In a nutshell, American women are the most likely to cheat on you, to divorce you, to get fat, to steal half of your money in the divorce courts, don’t know how to cook or clean, don’t want to have children, etc. Therefore, what intelligent man would want to get involved with American women?
American women are generally immature, selfish, extremely arrogant and self-centered, mentally unstable, irresponsible, and highly unchaste. The behavior of most American women is utterly disgusting, to say the least.
This blog is my attempt to explain why I feel American women are inferior to foreign women (non-American women), and why American men should boycott American women, and date/marry only foreign (non-American) women.
I guess we all are sort've in the same boat. LOVE the hibiscus!
The hibiscus is gorgeous! Great shot! We just had snow here last night, so it's awesome to see a burst of summer color.
I decided that it is better if this old girl stays completely quiet about the man who wrote about American Women!!!! My Heavens ...What a biased opinion...oh yea, I was going to stay out of it. I love to talk to my hubby and I love to listen to him. Actually he is quite intelligent and easy to listen to ....but I MUST ADMIT THAT SOMETIMES I JUST HAVE TO TUNE HIM OUT...I MEAN WAY OUT!!!! He means well but after quite a while it can get real boring. Love him but enough is enough...at times!
I think that is the prettiest hibiscus that I have ever seen. I have wanted to get one up here and plant it in our yard but all I seem to find are red ones. My sister had a pink one and it was so pretty! Maybe next year. We'll see.
Great post! Have a happy day, Sandra!
Me to Bud..."ya, ya, you've told me that a 100 times or more".
Hey? I posted your pancake post with what Bud and I went through after I read it to him...
Thanks again for letting me share it on MY blog.
You are just so funny! I'm always smiling when I read your blog posts.
Thanks for being so honest here. We are all flawed, but that's how humans are. You are perfectly imperfect for your partner. :)
we are attentive to what is under the words. . . . . <3
ALOHA from Honolulu
=^..^= . <3 . >< } } (°>
That is one beautiful hibiscus flower. I try to listen but he often tells me that he told me about something and I swear he never told me.
Your hibiscus is so pretty.
Well I can't say I always "listen" to hubby but I'm sure he does the same thing by not always listening to me either.
Maybe that's why the Spam Man is boycotting women, his wife doesn't listen to him. LOL! But then I'm not reading his comment either.
I think we are all guilty of not listening to our spouse at times. I've heard a few carburetor stories myself.
I'm am guilty too! My Hubby is a non stop talker!
This is so funny sweet Sandra. My hubby never talks about anything but the weather and that happens one to three times a day. Other than that he is pretty silent. He is the one tuning out around here. lol Hugs!
Oh, and I forgot to say how much I love love love that first shot! Thanks for the comment on my header. It is a grain elevator near where I grew up. Sadly, after this pic was taken straight line winds took out several of the grain bins.
Grenville and I sort of half listen to one another's stories at least half of he time.
What a lovely blossom!
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