Tuesday, April 26, 2022

New Water Jug

I sat the jug by the coffee maker for perspective of its size

Meet My New Water Jug for my ice water. I was using a gallon milk jug, but when I finished what was in this, it is perfect. It holds a half gallon and fits perfectly and also, I love the look of it.

To me it looks like Fine Crystal Water jug, recycled from a plastic Almond Milk Container and 
for no reason at all, I took a photo of my breakfast Crepe. it has Maple Syrup and Peanut Butter inside and is the same as eating 
2 eggs, 2 toasts and Bacon.
Gluten free and yummy. Made from Tapioca Flour, eggs, avocado oil and Almond milk.
I can use this milk but  not drink it. Same with Soy milk, use small amount to cook but can't drink it. I miss my glass of milk a day.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I think the jug is gorgeous! How on earth did you even think of removing the label? I love almond milk, we haven't drunk real milk in many years. All dairy milk has a certain percentage of pus in it, and it has a protein chain that enhances cancer risk. Some doctors at U.V.A. even tell their cancer patients not to drink any milk. But I digress. Today I bought a jar of that new powdered peanut butter. The kind with cocoa powder in it. I saw on T.V. where you can put it in your coffee and it tastes real fancy.

Tigger's Mum said...

Beautiful reuse. Very impressed. Also very impressed by that pancake. Not so sure about the sound of Ginny's powdered peanut butter - how do you get that to stick to you toast (and the roof of your mouth)? xxx Mr T and F

easyweimaraner said...

the jug is great... it has class ...a little bit like something from downton abbey ;O)

Ann said...

That does look like a crystal jug. I've never had almond milk. I'm not much of a milk drinker. About the only time I have milk is if I'm eating cereal.
That crepe sure looks tasty.

Hootin Anni said...

Very artful water jug!!!

eileeninmd said...

Your breakfast looks yummy. I like the recycled water jug.
I am not a milk drinker, I do use the almond milk for my cereal.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Very stylish!!! YAM xx

Rose said...

It really dies make a neautiful.water jug.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I use a water pitcher that sets out on the counter. I drink a LOT of water! Love your jug!

My Mind's Eye said...

I love the shape too and such a good photo. I bet it is so easy to pour from too.
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Love the look of this water jug! My parents always kept a water jug in the refrigerator, but I prefer mine at room temp.
That crepe looks so pretty! You're making me hungry! (Again) I really need to resurrect my crepes recipe; does yours contain cheese?

Linda said...

Your breakfast is as pretty as it is healthy and I LOVE your new water jug from your milk container! It's great to recycle things in this manner!

Chatty Crone said...

Just wanted to tell you our beloved Disco crossed over the Rainbow Bridge yesterday - we had to put him to sleep. So just trying to recover for a few days.

DawnTreader said...

The jug looks good. We get milk, soy/almond/oat milk, juice etc in cartons here. Have you tried oat milk? I prefer the taste of that for drinking compared to soy milk, but find soy milk better for cooking, baking and pancakes. On second thought, maybe oat milk is not 100% gluten free, though. So perhaps it doesn't work for you.

photowannabe said...

Love your Chrystal jug..perfect for you.
Ummm that crepe looks delicious and very healthy for you and your problems. Glad you found something tasty.
I don't drink any milk and have found I feel so much better. Different bodies certainly work differently...
I have gained a lot of weight over the last 3 months..now I'm getting back on track again. Hope I can loose a few pounds before Amanda's wedding in the middle of May.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Wow! That does look like a beautiful crystal decanter! Way to upcycle!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yum on your Crepe! Great idea for your water jug.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I like your new water jug. I'm sure it weighs a lot less than crystal.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Great reuse of that container, Sandra, and I do the same and re-use glass tomato jars in which I have stored dried peas, beans, and grated cheese. The breakfast looks good, but I do like eggs, bacon and toast which are usually a weekend treat here. Most mornings it's oatmeal or yogurt for me.

LC said...

Kudos! Creative healthy strategies for healthy meal prep as well as recycling and reusing instead of throwing containers in the trash!

CheerfulMonk said...

Well done!

DeniseinVA said...

I like that jug a lot, and same for your pancakes. Looks really pretty and healthy.

Betty Manousos said...

this is a very stylish water jug. your crepe does look delicious.