Monday, April 25, 2022

Your Assignment!


I went to Home Depot to get the part inside the above commode. It needed a flapper and chain and handle.
I stepped into the aisle marked BATH

This is me on the left skipping down the floor scanning for what I needed.
The woman on the right was stocking the shelves.
She turned and said May I help You?
I said
I need the guts that go in the tank on the back of the commode , the flapper and chain.

Her eyes went up, she asked What?

I repeated. She stood for a moment and went 3 feet down and
handed me this.

clothes dryer vent cover. WHAT?

I said no, I must be on the wrong aisle. She asked what the part does and I said it flushes the commode when I push down on the handle.
she burst into laughter and said "toilet"?

I laughed and said, yes, thank you, I will find it, she said

(Let me mention she had a heavy Hispanic accent and I have a heavy Southern accent)

no, come come come with me, and walked me two aisles over and
waved her hand at the wall of them maybe 20 feet of them.

She said "this do"?  You find it?"
I thanked her over and over and we giggled and laughed and she left me hunting.

A man that was standing there scanning, said Its hard to find what I need.
I pulled my phone out and said 
I got this, I took a picture of the guts before I came

I should have taken a photo of the COMMODE! AKA Toilet 

That is what I call what she calls the toilet. Now I wonder how to say toilet in Spanish.

WAIT! GG says its inodoro ( I love the internet)

This was the most fun I have had shopping in Home Depot and she was Super Great in helping me. 
unlike the person in the paint dept that pointed and said Aisle 10. I had to go back and say I don't know what this looks like, could someone help me?
She went with me and could not find it, but a female customer pointed at it and said
isn't that it right there? She and I giggled, the employee ran back to where she came from without smiling OR offering to help me pick the fluffy thingy that goes on the roller to roll the paint.

They had 87 million of fluffy thingys.

I needed help finding the paint thinner remover, for another project but could not ask for help because I could not think what it was called and did not want to describe it.

I was already ashamed at the amount of time it took to find what Bob Wanted.

The cashier at the front asked If I found everything I needed and I said, No, I need a husband that will come buy what he wants instead of giving me a list.

I wanted was a thingy that you put between the wall and the shutters to keep paint from getting on the wall while painting the shutter.
The last time I bought one, it was a plastic sheet. now it looks like this.
Its real name is Paint Guide. Does that even make sense?

Your assignment should you choose to comment, is tell me what a toilet is called your country or part of your country. What  do YOU call it and is there another name?  What would you call the paint thingy?


Jackie See said...

I call it "the potty"; thehubs calls it "the head" we also refer to it as the "thunder mug"; piss pot and shit hole. Plumbing is my least favorite project around our house. I refuse to use porta-potties! or rolling thunder mugs! ~jackie~

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have never heard of this paint thingy! We call it a toilet. Some of these foreigners who do not speak good English are more friendly and willing to help than Americans! Most women in hardware stores are like a man in a knitting store. We have a Lowe's and Home Depot right across from each other!

easyweimaraner said...

I saw me this moment you explained what you need... I ended with a pot for geraniums as I asked for a part for our glass door...but well the pot was nice too ;O)

Cathy said...

I call it the loo - lavy- toot - toilet.
If you lived in the bush you could call it the dunny but that used to refer to an outside unsewered, down the back of the block one. (The word comes from British dialect dunnekin meaning an 'earth closet, (outside) privy' from dung + ken 'house) '

DawnTreader said...

If I heard "commode" I would not know what that was. ('kommod' in Swedish is an old-fashioned word for a chest of drawers or a washstand on which you put a jug of water and bowl, before you had running water in the house to wash your hands and face) In Swedish we'd say toalett (same word as toilet) or WC. Toilet in everyday language is also often shortened to just 'toa'. (And there are of course even more colloquial words as well.) But these words could also refer to the whole room, so to be specific, when buying parts, one would probably use the word 'toalettstol'= toilet chair.

Hootin Anni said...

Well we use Thunder Mug a lot. Also potty pot, toilet, crapper, but never use commode (commode is used in a dry sink)

Tigger's Mum said...

Politely: toilet or WC (which stands for water closet) colloquially: dunny. Where F comes from comode is a pot cleverly disguised in a bedroom chair with a lift up seat.

That paint guide thing got used during wall papering in our house as a straight edge for cutting the paper top and bottom.
xxx Mr T

eileeninmd said...

It is nice to have a nice and helpful stork employee. I usually say toilet and sometimes the loo. I have read too many British mysteries. Take care, have a great new week!

Ann said...

I seem to recall my mother using the word commode back in the day. I've always called it the toilet. My sister-in-law pronounces it terlet. Others here call it the head, john and maybe a few other names.
I don't know what I would call the paint guide. Maybe something like the thingy that you use to keep from getting paint where you don't want it.

Rose said...

We call it both commode and toilet...i don't know which we use the most. I think I would call the paint thing an edge or paint edger

Mevely317 said...

What a breath of fresh air, that first clerk! I love how you chose to find the humor in that situation v. becoming annoying and stomping off (like some people). Unfortunately, unless you're in a Publix that second clerk's attitude is more typical of what we see. I thought coming to the South everyone would be more congenial (than in Phoenix), but nope.

PS - My parents said when I was little I called the toilet the 'hoppa' (?????). Nowadays, it's just the potty.

Chatty Crone said...

Years ago when I worked in the school system - we took a group of teenagers on a month long trip to Europe - I learned a lot about kids and Europe - any way I digress - every country or place we stopped had a different toilet system - in Italy you stood up! I thought about once writing a book about the different toilets in Europe! lol

My Mind's Eye said...

Heads up this Friday is Rocky's 2nd got'cha day. Kit prepared the most adorable video for me to use on the blog.

I understand you issue with speaking with someone for help when English is not their first language and my first language is Southern English. My new SE64GB tracphone i Phone came w/o a manual. Zilch zero nada. After an hour trying to locate the itty bitty hole to sick the sim card tool into I finally called TracPhone help. Of course I had to put land line on speaker so I could use both hands as the nice lady tried to assist me. But that made it even harder for us to understand each other. I finally got sim car in but now I'm have a devil of a time trying to set it up. I've tried manual set up and auto set up. I failed at both. Granted I was F R U S T R A T E D. I looked for an online manual. Nothing so far. I cannot call Tracphone because guess what we are waiting for a call from AT&T. 3 weeks ago tomorrow they installed a new cable from the box up the yard to the box on our house. It was to be buried in 1-2 weeks. Today I found out the order to bury was never submitted. It is hidden in quick growing grass. I surely don't want your grass service to run over it with the mower.
Currently am PO'd with all phones. LOL
Hugs Cecilia

Inger said...

In Sweden it's called - toalett, or toa for short. While in Mexico, I would call it bano, with this thingy over the n ~. Maybe you can let me know how I go about putting it on top of the n?

In America, I would call it toilet. I've never heard it called commode before. Is that a southern thing?

When I first came to American, I worked in a family. The grandmother was from the South and would not allow me to enter toilet paper on the shopping list. She called it something else, I forget.

photowannabe said...

I guess we call it the toilet or probably potty from kids and grandkids.. I seem to recall my Mother in Law sometimes referring to it as a commode. when we were in Mexico it was the ba`no...when we were in Leningrad many years ago there was a hole in the floor...also the same in parts of Kenya..squatty potties are difficult to use...
the other thing I would call a paint edger and go from there..

Ruth Hiebert said...

We call it a simple toilet.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh my, that was some shopping trip at Home Depot. Yes it would be nice if Bob would go. Glad you had the photos which helped.

CheerfulMonk said...

We call it a toilet and I get confused when people say commode. I don't know if they're talking about a toilet or a piece of furniture.

commode: noun

A low cabinet or chest of drawers, often elaborately decorated and usually standing on legs or short feet.

A movable stand or cupboard containing a washbowl.

A chair enclosing a chamber pot.

Linda said...

For some reason I don't really like the word 'toilet' so I say Commode......
That paint thingy is a 'Paint Guard' and I love them!!!
What a good time you had at Home Depot! Sometimes Louis Dean comes home fuming that no one will help him! He used to work at Home Depot and he says it's a shame the customer service has gone down. Still - it helps if we can use our words - right??

DeniseinVA said...

That was a fun trip, I enjoyed reading about it. I used to and still do occasionally call the toilet 'the loo'. The paint thingy, just read Linda's comment above and Paint Guard sounds good as I couldn't come up with a name before my first cup of coffee ;)