Sunday, May 8, 2022

She said, She said on Selfie Sunday


I stood at the front desk, waiting to pick up Beau's Meds, Shay, the receptionist (live person at desk phenomenon) said Can you hang on a minute? I need to get this to the doctor.

She printed something and walked around and out and past me and into the exam room and when she came back, she stopped and looked at the leggings you see above.

She said: OH I love your skirt, I mean pants, no, no not that .. what do you call what you have on?

By this time we were roaring with laughter and for some reason I remember they are called Leggins.

She said: I am getting worried, I keep losing common words. I know the word but it will not come.

I said: I have to describe what I am trying to think of so Bob can tell me the word.

She said: I can't spell any more. When I am typing, the word, just a common work, like book will not come.

I said: I have to search by description to find the word I want, 

She said: I ask my Phone. 

I said: I aske my phone every thing. Like How old is Sam Elliot!

She squealed and said: HOW OLD IS HE?

I said: he is 77, one month older than me.

She said: HE is still sooo handsome. Have you seen him in A Star is Born?

I said: No, So why does he look so good at 77 and I don't?

She said: Right!   and then she looked mortified... OOPS!

 As I left she said: Thank you Sandra for making my day, now I can sit here and think about Sam Elliott while I work. You put him in my head.

I came home and told Bob this story and said I feel so much better, I have been fretting and fretting over all this. Shay is not even 40 yet. She is doing the same thing I am.

HIS ANSWER?  Who is Shay?  Shaking my head, I answered Vets Office and ran in here to type this.

Before I forget it.

I did not bother to tell him that she taught me to say the word I can't spell to my phone. To type the word phenomenon in the first sentence, I just said it to Google Girl and she typed amnam amnam, 2nd try she got it right.   Imagine this... me in a doctors office texting and saying the word Diarrhea out loud trying to find out how to spell it.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness. I think that EVERYONE loves you, and you are like a ray of light. You spread joy everywhere you go, and make everyone feel better for having talked to you. What a wonderful thing, to use your gift to make others feel better.

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. LOVE the leggins. I got so wrapped up in your story that I forgot all about them. I will buy them if W.M. has them, but what do you bet they will not? I'll look on their website if not.

CheerfulMonk said...

Sandra, you brighten up the world! ❤️

Ann said...

What a fun story. Only you could have that much fun at the vets office. I ask google a lot how to spell things.

Tigger's Mum said...

We love your leggings and had a good laugh at the missing word stuff. F's doing lost words all the time; she has even developed a mild stutter when speaking in important meetings because her speaking kind of locks up when the word won't come out. xxx Mr T

eileeninmd said...


I love your leggings too. Funny story, thanks for the laugh this morning.
Happy Mother's Day! Have a great day and a happy new week!

Hootin Anni said...

I have words like that's
the sh!ts!!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Yeah, my missing words syndrome started in my 40s and 20 years later I still pepper my typing and speech with "that thing you use to check spellings and meanings..." Shay would be best not to worry as she has that thing in her phone!!! (As do you, it seems - and yes, I admire the leggings too...) YAM xx

Rose said...

I loved this story...indo this more and more.

Rose said...

Happy Mothers day!

Chatty Crone said...

Boy your legs look great.
Andy graduates college Wednesday and has a job in downtown Atlanta. We are busy moving Andy to his first apartment (downtown), but wanted to stop and say Happy Mother's Day! Sandie

Mevely317 said...

What a delightful encounter! Naturally, I was relieved to hear I'm not the only one who struggles to come up with the right word. (Any more it's so bad, I don't put the brakes on my tongue but say the WRONG word.)
Anyway, I want to learn how to pose my legs like you have in this picture. When I try it looks like I'm trying not to wet my pants.

My Mind's Eye said...

Your Vet's office is a one stop place for a wealth of information and fun.

I love it
Hugs cecilia

photowannabe said...

I am sitting her roaring with laughter. Thanks for the carbon image of myself.
I have quite a tale to tell about our dining room light fixture, but I don't have time today to do it.
Church in a few and then on to son's home for Mother's Day dinner.
Hope your day is good too.
By the way I loved the Weeble picture...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

This is a cute post. I like your interaction with the woman.

LC said...


Linda said...

You are more fun than anyone else I know! You and my sister, Deanie, would have a ball together!!

DeniseinVA said...

Those are great looking leggins. Fun conversation with Shay and glad you remembered long enough to write all this down. That's impressive. I forget what I went in to get by the time I reach the next room!