Saturday, May 7, 2022

Camouflage is my Middle Name


My entire life has been dressing and Apple.

By the age of 13, I was at my full-grown height of 5'6" and for all the rest of my life, I was shaped the opposite of others. Think Apple on sticks.  My middle has always been larger than my top and bottom. 

Impossible to fit. Pants that fit in the waist, hang like a skirt on thin legs, dresses are always Shaped and smaller in the middle. get it to fit the middle and the shoulders fall off, the scoop is way to low.

In high school I did ok, just no pencil skirts. Crinolines were IN and that hid a lot. we were no allowed to wear pants to school so not a big deal. 

Losing weigh doesn't fix the problem, it just makes the apple smaller.  Above is my camouflage . I wear leggings that are prints, or solid leggings with print tops.  It hides the fact I am An Apple under there. 

I have been to websites that show you how to dress and apple.  

How to dress for your body style HERE   they list  Apple Body shape, but she has 48/44/49 which is NOT an apple shape, it is a shaped apple.  change hers around to 41/44/39. that is a true apple. 

Amazon sells tent dresses, but they have shapes, not true tents

the pattern I used in 60's/70's Tent is good for apple people


Tigger's Mum said...

Tigger says Apple is perfect shape - you carry it well, look healthy and sound happy in your skin. Tigger is also apple shaped but fur hides lots of things. xxx Mr T and F

Ginny Hartzler said...

I know what you mean. And here is my complaint. WHY do men's pants have both waist and length size, but women's so NOT? Women's pants are one size, but forget what your waist or legs are! Pants I buy are always too long by about four or five inches, so that means hemming. Unless I can find petite or short, which is kind of rare. We were not allowed to wear pants in school either. Once I got called to the office for wearing culottes (remember, they were a split skirt, kind of like a skort now). WHY can men have different size waists and legs, but not women? I also see you are wearing your pretty Legging capris. I have NEVER seen any here, not even in W.M.!! Just don't even get me started....

Cathy said...

You carry Apple well ….but try being an H shape😊. No waist!
I’d love a nicely indented waist but Mother Nature decreed I was to be short and straight with a flat rear end
Like Ginny I have to have my jeans/trousers (pants are called knickers where I live) shortened….unless on the rare occasion I can find short length on sale.

eileeninmd said...


You look wonderful. The capris are so comfy, I wear them a lot too.
I used to be 5'6" . I am under that now I am shrinking. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

crafty cat corner said...

That pattern would suit me also, I have large hips but a small waist so jeans are always baggy on the waist, I also have large legs and all the jeans have narrow or very wide bottoms, I hate shopping for clothes.

Ann said...

I could never figure out what my body type was. When I've looked at those kind of things before none of them seemed to fit me.
I think you do apple shape well. You always look good in your capris.

Rose said...

I want to check it out later...but even if I discover something new, I wont be able to find it. It is so hard to find a top that dies not have a huge neck that hangs down to my navel.

Hootin Anni said...

I gotta go see what shape I am ...or check out the link you provided. I'm short and rotund.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I am actually hour-glass... but being so short in the body, and limbs, sack of potatoes might be a closer analogy... YAM xx

Hootin Anni said...

Hour glass...but, Ido not like any of the styles suggested. Now what? lol

Mevely317 said...

This is so interesting-- both your account and the article. You do a great job of tricking the eye; like that old song, "You gotta AC-centuate the positive, E-liminate the negative ..." Now I'm trying to remember what it was you were wearing in that glam photo atop Bob's car? My pretty friend!

I don't recall ever having measured my shoulders. According to this, I'm a pear.

My Mind's Eye said...

MS leggins are for certain work very well for you.
I recall the tent dresses. I'm 5'3" on a good hair day so my struggle has always been lengths.
Happy Saturday
Hugs Cecilia

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I didn't have that problem in H.S., I was 5'2" and when very slim. Well that all changed in my 20's when my lung issues started. Now after all these years and steroids I'm an apple shape and it's hard to find clothes. Actually I now wear solid legging with print tops.

photowannabe said...

I'm a pear shape and pants are always a problem. I'm short 5' 2" and either things are too long too tight in the thighs or not enough room in the rear end.
I too hate to shop for clothes..I can hardly ever find the perfect fit.
A "tent" dress would make me look a bit like R2 D2 ....or maybe a "Weeble "
Lots of "projects" today

DeniseinVA said...

I am I don't know what kind of shape these days, lol!

CheerfulMonk said...

You're a beautiful apple! I'm a pear and don't worry about it.