Saturday, April 29, 2023

Pickleball at Bray Park


Bob and I went to Bray park to see what all the hullabaloo is about 
Seems humans from Toddlers all the way to Seniors (Toddlers)
are doing the now trending Pickleball.
Bray has several Wow Court. The one on right middle has 18 courts in it. it was full of
Seniors having a blast.
The top left all looked like the wives of Doctors, lawyers and Indian Chiefs. You know the ones who stay home while the head of the house brings home the bacon Steak
I say wives because there was no a male on all 18 of those courts, each held 4 women in various states of perfect tennis/pickleball outfits, tanned and fit and ACTIVE

I wanted to drive the Jeep home, and told bob he could apply for the job of driving the motorcyle court sweeper. He did not find anything he wanted to drive.
he is the Old School Muscle car type. Sad to say there were none and also sad to say
neither of us are now able to do this PB thing. Wish it had been there when we moved here, 33 years ago


Ginny Hartzler said...

These are wonderful, fancy, and modern courts! Yes, it is all the rage everywhere it seems. Maybe all the ladies' husbands were out playing golf!

Linda said...

My friend Pam plays Pickleball!! Who KNEW old people played like this???

CheerfulMonk said...

It sounds like fun, but only if I found people as uncoordinated and slow as myself to play with. Then we would probably be taking up court space that better players wanted to use. I'll stick to streaming Programs while I use my Nordic Track treadmill. 😊

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
That jeep means business! The golf-cart is probably more my pace - though the sweeper is cute. Wonder if the driver needs the spectacles that are left lying there... YAM xx

Linda P said...

Pickleball is a sport that I've not heard of. I had to look up some information about the sport. It sounds energetic. You have wonderful facilities for sports over in Bray Park. :) Here we have tennis courts in our local park and a bowling green which is more my style if I could bend and roll the ball. :(

Ann said...

I had never heard of pickleball until you posted about it once before. I don't think anyone around here ever plays it.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Like Ann above I had never even heard the term pickleball. Maybe in Canada we'll have pickleball on ice! Then we'll see how those buff women do!

Mevely317 said...

Oooh ya. I know exactly the sort of ladies of which you speak. (Tom's sis, for example.) I know PB is crazy popular here, but no facilities as fancy as what you show. I still can't say it out-loud without giggling.
I'd like to drive that sweeper!

eileeninmd said...

I did not know pickleball was so popular. It does look like a nice court and place to play. It is not for me, I will stick to walking for my exercise.
Take care, enjoy your day!

My Mind's Eye said...

Pickleball is extremely popular here too.
Our next door neighbors (we live on a cul-de-sac) have a
way to set up a temporary court with lines on a section of the cul de sac in front of their house. Only problem is they are 2nd from the house front the intersection to a main road...every time someone at the bottom of the cul de sac wants to leave they have to wait for the crazies to move the net. Which of course doesn't take long but is must seems kinda of presumptuous of them to assume they can do this on a public street even though it is a cul de sac
Hugs Cecilia

photowannabe said...

Pickleball is all the rage here too but it's just going to have to get along without us. Too old I guess.
Amanda's university graduation this morning and getting her teaching credential.
So proud of her and all of her blood sweat and tears that went into it.
Gonna be a hot one today..temps around 93F again then we have a cold snap and there will be snow in the mountains 2 hours from us!!

Betty Manousos said...

I had never heard of pickle ball ; it sounds like fun. have a great weekend! xoxo

DeniseinVA said...

Great photos of the pickleball courts. I know all about it because my sister-in-law plays every morning and we hear all about it. Her husband plays too but there are more women there than men. These folks are all fit as well.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I always love a Jeep when I see one. I know nothing about Pickleball. Glad people are loving it. Must be good exercise.