Sunday, September 24, 2023

Birthday Gift/Sunday Selfie

Good news! I laid the blouse on the counter, and cashier said, please put your phone number in if you have Bealls Rewards! I did and she smiled really big and Said HAPPY Birthday! you have a gift of 15 % off on your purchase, do you want to take it on the blouse or save it for later. I said Take it now and she sang Happy Birthday all through the transaction. She had a beautiful voice and smile to match it..

Myra and Gail wondered if people paint their homes each year per the new trending colors.

 No, the aqua houses are all still aqua.  My theory is that when people paint their homes, the palettes in the paint store are what they choose from. they don't know they are trending; they just choose what is there. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love all three of these poses, you are beautiful and joyful. And the blouse makes it even better.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Winner all the way! YAM xx

Ann said...

The blouse looks wonderful on you. Hooray for 15% off too.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

You are the very picture of elegance and fifteen percent off makes it even better.

eileeninmd said...

That is a great discount and a pretty blouse, you look cute in the selfies.
I am not a trendy person, I would pick a color that I like the most.
Take care, have a happy day!

My Mind's Eye said...

Nothing better than to treat yourself on your special day and what a fun cashier. Is Bealls a store?
Hugs Cecilia

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Happy Birthday sweet lady! We'll all sing to you....altogether now!!! Sweet hugs, Diane

photowannabe said...

Awesome surprise to get a birthday discount..makes that blouse all the more enjoyable. How neat that you were celebrated too...local business is wonderful.
Enjoy your day and I do hope it cools down for you soon.
Yesterday we worked in the front yard and weeded and trimmed all the bushes and trees that we could reach. Almost 4 hours..can you say tired?? When we are on a roll..we just can't stop and both of us were feeling about as good as it was going to get so we take advantage of it and the cooler weather.
Still have 2 patches of weeds in the back to get to but they will have to wait..our green waste cans are full to the brim.

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra, A belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY. YOU look wonderful in your new blouse.

Mevely317 said...

I don't know why, but every time I see an image of your smile it gets me to smiling right back. (Like you can see me, hahaha)
That's so cool the cashier sang 'Happy Birthday' while she rang you up! I hope her manager realizes what a treasure he has.

Jo said...

Oh my word, you look STUNNING, Sandra. HAPPY BIRTHDAY (do I have this right?) I mentioned you on my post today. Have a look. Thanks for always commenting. Jo

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was certainly a nice Birthday gift and another Happy Birthday from all of us!

DawnTreader said...

Always nice when there happens to be a discount on something you were going to buy anyway! :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a great experience at Bealls. I used to enjoy going into that store with my sister.

CheerfulMonk said...

I love the picture, and how sweet of the salesperson to sing happy birthday. In addition to the discount. 😊

Rose said...

That was nice! I might have went back and looked for more!

DeniseinVA said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! A bit late but I figured it's your birthday week, just like I have a birthday week when it happens ;) So nice of that sales person. That's a beautiful blouse and you look beautiful too!