One of two reindeer, on my list of favorite things. The song Amazing Grace is on that list also.
I got the link to this in email yesterday and just had to post this amazing instrumental. 3 minutes will do it. Flutes and bagpipes are on my favorites list to.
I love how the glass reindeer catches the light from the candle, very beautiful. That is a great version of Amazing Grace, bagpipes are one of my favorites too. I found another version of the song a few weeks ago that is very different, maybe I will post it soon.
The reindeer is fabulous! Just look how the light is captured by the bends of its poetic body!
Amazing Grace... it about says it all!
Beautiful light reflections Sandra. I hope to assemble our tree today so Henry can help decorate it.
I think that song was truly inspired. I love it.
I started to play the video and Beth came running! Amazing Grace is her FAVORITE song and she said this was beautiful! Thank you for posting this.
Your reindeer is so beautiful in the candlelight.
Amazing Grace is truly gave me chills :)
☼ Sunny
P.S. Thanks for stopping by, yes Fall is pretty much gone by here. The trees have lost their lovely folliage.
Oops! I mean foliage!
☼ Sunny
I love that arrangement of Amazing Grace, Sandra... I've heard it many times --and each time, I love it more....
Love your candles and the little reindeer.....
Beautiful, sparkly, perfect Christmas image. And the music is, well, amazing!
Love the deer and of course the song!!
Wow!! This is beautiful! And the effect is hightened by so MANY bagpipers, they are even lined up in the audience. I wonder where this is? It looks like the conductor is playing the violin, but he may be a famous violin payerr instead.
Beautiful, Sandra!
Amazing Grace is my all time favorite song.
Beautiful pictures and beautiful song. I too love the flute and bagpipes. Good job!
Wow! Just... wow! This whole post made me smile. I LOVE your reindeer!
Such great light that you have shared ...
Love the pictures. That's a really pretty reindeer and it looks awesome in the candlelight.
I just got a chance to listen to the "Amazing Grace" on your blog. Fantastic,love it love, it.
Beautiful - so clear!
The lights certainly do look like notes. How very nice.
Hi Sandra -
What treasures these are!
Thank you for sharing.
Very colorful reflections! I love the music with bag pipes too- beautiful!
I have decorated around the mess that is the dining room right now. They tore out the water damaged wall and insulation and treated it and put in new insulation and dry wall and re-plastered and tidied up a few cracks as well and put the trim back up and the painter has painted... but the original paint company has been bought out by Sherwin-Williams and while they can computer match the paint to a degree it could be a bit different. Crossing my fingers and saying a little prayer that in the morning it will have all blended in as planned and I can get to the job or cleaning up the floors and dusting and moving furniture back into place. Then perhaps finish the decorating so I can start making cookies... I like the making of cookies better than hauling out the boxes and decorating. These glass items are lovely but would not have survived here this week. Sigh!
The candles and a glass reindeer make beautiful scene full of warmth and light. Beautiful photos Sandra! I also enjoyed listening to the amazing melody of this lovely song.
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