Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ringling Circus Museum...Animals

 If you hear it from the horse's mouth you're listening to a neigh sayer.

What works in a circus, walks a tightrope and has claws ?An acrocat !

What do you get when you cross a parrot with a tiger? I don’t know, but when it talks you better listen   by Soccer 

Policeman: One of your elephants has been seen chasing a man on a bicycle.

Zoo keeper: Nonsense, none of my elephants know how to ride a bicycle.

An elephant's opinion carries a lot of weight.

All of these animals were created in the shop at the museum.This is a camel that is a work in progress, could not get close enough to get a better shot in low light. They use small pieces of wood to create each animal, piece by piece, that is all I know.


Unknown said...

Beautiful animals. It took real craftsman to do that. It's unbelievable what it took to keep a Circus up and running.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Once again you have brought to days gone by. I just love this. Was it costly to get into this museum? Does it have lots of visitors?

Sunny said...

Wow! There is so much to see. These animals are amazing.
☼ Sunny

Christmas-etc... said...

Aren't these just lovely!?
And... I do love the jokes...
Thanks for sending me my chuckle of the day!

What Karen Sees said...

I love all you museum shots, so bright and colorful and cheerful. I've missed my daily dose of your humor and wit!!!!

LC said...

Your color on the animals is so vibrant. i have got to google and see how far a trip to this destination would be. So much to see and enjoy in person and through your lens.

George said...

I may not understand how they do it, but the certainly create some very beautiful animals.

DawnTreader said...

Beautiful and interesting - and funny! Thanks Sandra.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HI Sandra, WOW--those are neat carvings... There must be some very talented woodworkers there.. I especially love the elephant--even with his wrinkles... NEAT!!!

Chatty Crone said...

You have an awesome camera - have I ever told you that? sandie

Ginny Hartzler said...

Love this post, of course!!! I love seeing the upside down camel in progress in the workshop. But I think my favorite thing is the reflection of the horse's eyelashes on his face, because when have you or will you ever see anything like that again? He does not need mascara.

Remington said...

What an amazing art to create all of these! Beautiful! I had no idea! ALSO -- smiling! Thanks!

S. Etole said...

Thank you for taking us on this trip with you and for the smiles.

Anonymous said...


The Tiger photos are fantastic!!!
And thanks for the laugh :-)


Ann said...

Love that tiger. Your jokes are cracking me up here.

Kilauea Poetry said...

There are even shadows on the horses eyeslashes! How beautiful! Thanks for this peek..they are all a work of art. Enjoyed this and the jokes you seem to be pulling out of your hat (smile)-:)

Christine said...

I love the baby elephant Sandra! all the animal carvings are beautiful.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Wow - fun tour!

SquirrelQueen said...

They are all lovely animals, this would have been a fun tour. I am a little disappointed however, I would have thought a museum like this would demonstrate the older techniques with more details and colors.

srp said...

I wonder if they ever make these to use on a carousel?

Susannah said...

Can not imagine all the work that went into this!