Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pardon ME... while I BRAG...

23 Babies in the  bucket garden, all from slime on the counter....
HOT OUT OF THE CAMERA, 1:08 PM Sunday....
It may be true a watched pot will never boil.... but it is not true a WATCHED tomato will never GROW.
We spend a lot of time watching these little babies grow from the slime on the counter. see labels on side bar Bucket Garden


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sandra, WOW---you all are really going to have some delicious tomatoes.... YUM!!!!! I love homegrown tomatoes --and only get them during a few months in Summer. This year, I'm sure we will pay BIG BUCKS for ours.... Congrats!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

They look beautiful and perfect. What will you do with all of them? Oh, back to clicking three times and signing in today!

Ruth Hiebert said...

These look great.Have you got the toast ready for those toasted tomato sandwiches?

DawnTreader said...

Looks very promising! :)

Chatty Crone said...

23 beautiful babies - boy would I like to have them - right off the vine when they turn red. Great job. sandie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is a test

Ann said...

WOW, those are some very nice looking tomato plants. I have got to start saving counter slime and try this out. I don't have much of a green thumb though so I doubt I'll be as successful.

Sue McPeak said...

Wow! They are beautiful and sooooo green...perfect for Fried Green Tomatoes....but I think they are better when bright RED! Makes me want to run out and fertilize and water again the ones I planted last week. I guess I'd better WATCH Em' for awhile!'ll be so glad not to have to pay the price at the grocery store! That's what I'm looking forward to....homegrown is so much better!

Remington said...

I can only dream of having something like that in March....

Regina said...

Sounds like your talking about a slug on your counter (lol)..Well you should be proud..they look healthy and I do hope you enjoy salsa!

Unknown said...

No fair, You live in Florida and anything will grow in Florida, in any season. I bet Bob can plant a dollar bill and a money tree will grow, Yikeeeeeeess.

SquirrelQueen said...

Yum, I'm thinking fried green tomatoes. Those babies are beautiful, brag away.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Watch them in the morning, go away and play, come back in the evening, you probably will notice a difference.

I never watch my tomatoes.

srp said...

It looks like you are well on your way and here I am without so much as one seed planted.

Kymberly Foster Seabolt said...

Great job!

"All from slime on the counter" made me die just a little inside.

I can plant and tend and cultivate all summer long and end up with a handful of gnarled fruit that fits in the palm of your hand.

Madeline said...

Beautiful tomatoes. They make my mouth water. You will enjoy them so much when they ripen. And you will get them almost free. No $3.29 a lb. for you! Are you going to name them The Slimy Tomatoes?