Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Leaping Lizards

The Big Bee from yesterdays post, flew away and  I heaved a sigh of relief. As I turned to leave, I caught movement out of the corner of my eye.  NOTE: if you own a camera, you can always entertain yourself.

Another visitor to the seed pod flowers. He came for his Pod Flower Buffet (pods draw bugs, Lizards Love Bugs)
 OOPS! I almost missed the limb when I leaped
 Maybe the food is better over HERE
 Quiet! I am busy here
 Wait! forget the buffet! There She is!!!!
 Meet, the Stalkee.....
and His Majesty, The Stalker
Aint life grand?


DawnTreader said...

Ah, young love ;) ♥
(PS. So true about the camera.)

Shanda said...

So incredible. Wonderful shots. And you have to be so patient to wait for all these shots.
Good job!

Betty Manousos said...

beautiful shots! those creations are so difficult to be photographed.

have a great day!

betty xx

p.s. i had linked to an old entry by it's ok. wanted to let you know in case you stopped by.

Ann said...

Leaping lizards looks like a buffet that Jake would enjoy :)
A camera does provide hours of entertainment doesn't it? I'm always easily amused when I've got the camera in my hand

diane b said...

A great series of shots. You must be patient and have a steady hand.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Great captures.

Chatty Crone said...

You're right - I never thought about it - own a camera and you don't need much else. Think I'll take the GS out with a camera.

Wonderful shots - poor bug - but it is the survival of the fittest!

Unknown said...

Leonard is not fooling me He's not looking for BUGS!!!!!!!

In the eye of the beholder said...

I like the bee from yesterdays but you were lucky to find this lizard. They were all good shots.

Remington said...

What a cutie!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Once again you post the best ever shots to capture my attention and make me smile. Thanks and hugs

Tipper said...

Super shots of the lizard!

George said...

These are great pictures. I'm glad your camera can entertain you (and us) with these wonderful pictures.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

For some reason, I think you love your camera as much as I love mine!!!!! ha...

Great shots, Friend.

Scott Law said...

You guys in Florida do get lots of cool crawly and jumpy things. I can never get them to stick around long enough for this many pics.

Regina said...

Oh I enjoyed your pretty lizard shots today! Happy and carefree (out of range from dogs)..I know when our cats haver gotten older, they don't really go after them fact they even seem to prefer the mice and rats to birds (most of the time).

Dawning Inspiration said...

Leapin' Lizards! Cracks me up... good job!