Monday, May 23, 2011

MadSnapper-Lizard Paparazzi

Waiting on bugs in the MadSnappers backyard last week
to see my favorite Lizard (dragon) ever.... Meet Ollie, Yoda and Harry in a prior post

Male calling out to his lady

You can run but you can't hide from the MadSnapper paparazzi

Hey! can you hear me yet?

Can't get any peace from that Madsnapper Paparazzi
check out his expression!

Buffet @ the Fence (lizard resturant) SO, what did you expect me to do with all this going on in my backyard.

"Precisely the least, the softest, lightest, a lizard's rustling, a breath, a flash, a moment - a little makes the way of the best happiness."
- Friedrich Nietzsche (German classical Scholar, Philosopher
and Critic of culture, 1844-1900.)


Regina said...

Ok..I went out the other day and saw one doing that!! By the time I grabbed my camera he stopped. Your captures are excellent (lol)..just love love them!! And the lighting is so pretty, they just take me away. I took a few this afternoon of a Jackson Chameleon (my son has one)first time I had a chance. Anyway, Sandra all my photos are piling up but are mostly in my camera! I think about it and realize I'll be fiddling forever!! I have to get something up. Oh, I enjoyed the quote too. Well, enjoy your day tomorrow-

SquirrelQueen said...

I think the lizards enjoy the attention of the Madsnapper paparazzi. Great shots Sandra, I love the last one of the lizard and the fly, that is cool.

DawnTreader said...

He's showing off, obviously ;)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

test comment

Unknown said...

Wow these are great Sandra You live in a wonderful place and its great the way you document your finds with stories and humour, that is why your blog is one of my regular visits. Kev

diane b said...

he's a beauty. Love his bright collar. You are patient paparazzi, love the lizard and the fly, excellent shot.

Suburban Girl said...

You make a terrific paparazzi. Love the colors of the necks.

Ruth Hiebert said...

A woman with a camera has to do what she has to do.The results are some amazing pictures.Keep that shutter clicking.

George said...

These are great pictures taken at the Lizard Buffet. I really like your header as well.

Christine said...

Cute little critters aren't they! I loved these Sandra.

Helen said...

That is some really good shots.

Remington said...

You have some cool things in your yard....hope they don't make a mess like the bears in ours....

From the Kitchen said...

Years ago, I was sitting on a bench in Winter Park gathering strength to continue shopping with my sister and along came a lizard who sat down beside me. Those nearby still have a ringing in their ears from my scream! Great photos!


srp said...

We don't have them this big... mostly ours are small and black with bright blue and yellow stripes. I love that colorful little... beard? on him.

Deb said...

great photos girl...boy Bliss would love your place...

Dawning Inspiration said...

Fabulous captures Sandra! You are one great paparazzi of lizzy's!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

You have some very nice beauty going on in your backyard! Love the shot of the lizard catching the bug...

Chatty Crone said...

You are like the Crock Hunter - You are the Lizard Hunter!

No getting away from you!

Teehee. . .

your work verification:

Ann said...

Those are some pretty cool lizard shots. I can't believe Jake didn't get in there somewhere. Maybe he prefers to hunt his lizards on the ground?

S. Etole said...

you get some great photos!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great pictures, Sandra... That lizard wants you GONE... ha ha

Went to the Smokies today --and had a terrific day.

Unknown said...

These are some great photos.

Debbie @ Swampbilly Ranch said...

What an amazing photo with the fly! Thanks for stopping by and leaving the kind comments.