Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Someone Has to Do it!


someone has to do this....but who (or is that whom, or does that matter, this IS the English Language)

Do WHAT you are asking?  you get an reply, they reply, you reply, they reply

WHO or WHOM will be the one to  END THE EMAIL? one wants to be the LAST to reply
 Sender:  Hi, here is my mother recipe for What Ever casserole.

receiver:  looks good, but i don't eat onions

Sender:  that's OK, it's good with out onions

receiver:  OK, thanks

Sender: let me know when you make it

receiver:  will do

Sender: gotcha

Receiver: one smiley face

Sender: two smiley faces


SOOOOO what is the ANSWER... who stops the do I KNOW when to stop replying? Does it continue for ever?  anyone know????   I LOVE EMAIL! I'm Just Sayin


Betty Manousos said...

what a delightful post!

who stops the e-mail? i really don't
have an answer... but i love e-mail, too!

betty xx

Carole said...

I just stop "replying". If it doesn't need to be said, don't say it. But remember the old saying, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all".

Remington said...

Ha ha! I just stop and ask a new question....ha ha!

Madeline said...

This is a cute post. Snapper II will love it and I am sure will have some input! The 4 Sistas surely understand what you are talking about. We just go on and on. I start a new one every now and then. I love email too! Such an easy, convenient, FREE, way to stay in touch.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Great post !
I've often felted guilty for not keeping the back and forth e-mails coming, but you are correct, at some point they ahve to stop.
I'm usually the one to end them.
Love, love your new header.

Unknown said...

This just brings tears to my eyes. I've been trying to get people to stop this madness of one word replys, and even worster; continuing to use the same subject for every E-MAIL.
I can not tell you how upset I was when my uncle Morton died. Got the e-mail, took the suit to the cleaners, Got out my shoes shined them up, bought a plane ticket and off I went to Uncle Morts funeral. I cried my eyes out, very nice funeral.
DAMIT 6mos later comes another e-mail Uncle mort dead come for the funeral. Got out the suit shined the shoes. Bought a plane ticket and off I went to the funeral TEARS flowing down my face. Got there to find out the e-mail was a forwrd so aunt B---- could get the recipe for an outstanding apple pie that Aunt Caroll Koback baked. Well S---.
6 mos later comes another E-MAIL, UNCLE MORT Dead Humphhhh Not this time. I'll call on the phone.
Caroll Uncle Mort Died.
a very unpolite answer came back "that was 6 mos ago why did'nt you come to the funeral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Cracking up at Snapper II...
oh my...

Ginny Hartzler said...

I've actually thought about this before!!! Never thought it would make a good post, though, I LOVE your example, so funny!!!

George said...

If I don't have something to say, I don't reply.

Lisa Gordon said...

Oh, I know what you're saying!
For me it happens with text messages with my kids!

Tipper said...

I've thought about the email thing before too : )

DawnTreader said...

Whoever gets tired first ends it! :) I don't usually go on and on with the same email unless it is a continued discussion of the same thing.

Ann said...

Nothing makes me happier than coming home after work, hitting send and receive and seeing all those email messages pouring in. It is hard to decide sometimes if I should keep responding or not. I don't want to seem rude by not but there are times when I just don't know what to add to it.

Ruth Hiebert said...

To reply or not to reply,that is the question.I only reply,if a reply is necessary.

Anonymous said...

Nice blogging my friend!

Regina said...

Oh, (lol) know this is what I call mental gymnastics!! goes through the same thing texting on the phone too!

Chatty Crone said...

I've thought about this myself. I think there is just a time you know when enough is enough.

SquirrelQueen said...

The last company I worked for if the boss sent you an email you kept replying until he cut it off, it was his unwritten rule.

Same as the phone, the one who calls should end the conversation.

Madeline said...

Didn't I tell you Snapper II would have something to say? Reply, reply, reply, drives him crazy! It does not bother me...?

Deb said...

you crack me up girl...The End...

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Funny and so true.... I'm usually the one who stops the back-and-forth... IF the other person just acknowledges what I said and doesn't ask another question, then I read the acknowledgment and STOP the email...

I get all blog comments in email (which I love). Sometimes I respond to someone's comment and sometimes I don't... Unless they ask a question or say something I 'want' to respond to, I usually don't.

I do have a couple of blog friends who respond via email to EVERY comment I make on their blog.... They do NOT need to do that... Guess they have more time than I do.
