Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday Disaster

It is all Bob's fault, I broke my CUP!  (condolences please)
YES, I have other mugs!
The thing is.... they all have straight rims and now I MUST go shopping for a new cup.

 BOB left the chair out to far from the table and as my arm swung the cup it whacked the back of the chair causing Irreparable Damage, as you can see. He Is To Blame even though he was mopping the floor when he left the chair out to far.  Now I am forced to go shopping to find a curved lip cup.... While I am out there searching I have homework for you.
which do you drink from, straight or curved lip?

Was this Bob's fault? my fault? or Murphy's Law


RoeH said...

I can answer that. I don't. I never did like drinking out of cups or mugs. Don't ask me why. I have no idea. But now the fun comes because you get to find a new favorite one. Wish I was there. I'd go shop with you. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I am so sad about your loss... I know you will miss that special CUP. I have a special one also--but have another 'in waiting' (from our trip) IF something happens to this one. I use a straight cup...

Poor Bob.. Why was he mopping the floor? Doesn't he know that the maid is supposed to do that????

Whose fault???? Hmmmmmmmm--have a feeling it was the Madsnapper's fault... (Sorry, Friend!) ha

TexWisGirl said...

any or all of the above cups will do for me. just don't make it a curled under lip and i'm fine!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Almost any cup will do as long as it holds some good coffee.I think a cup would be easier to replace than a husband who mops the floor. :) Have fun shopping.

Chatty Crone said...

First of all I am sorry your favorite cup broke.

I had never thought about what kind of cup I drink out of - but it is curved and it is my favorite mug.

And sorry Bob - women can always slant every problem on their man - teehee.

Debbie @ Swampbilly Ranch said...

I don't care so much about the shape of the lip as long as it is BIG. I hate to use the cups that come with the dish sets. You have rto refill your cup every 5 minutes. Give me a big ole mug of coffee. I like it even better after it gets cold.
If he was mopping the floor I'm saying, Leave that man alone!

Is this a new header pictre? I've been absent for a bit. I LOVE it!

Unknown said...

Be a big girl and don't cry.
Be careful when moving around the table. You didn't burn your self did you?
You should stay out of the kitchen when Bob is mopping.
I like a curved rim cup.
It is your fault and I hope you cleaned up the mess. LOL

From the Kitchen said...

Straight-sided cup (not too thick/not too thin), strong coffee with caffeine, no sugar, very hot, made light with half and half that has been heated. Other than that, I'm no trouble!! Have fun finding a new cup to your liking.


Angela said...

You have my deepest condolences! I'm afraid I don't drink coffee so I don't really have a special cup so to speak. Good luck shopping for a replacement! If you have a Home Goods in your area that would be the first place that I would go to to look for a new one! I love that place.

Happy Shopping!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Thanks for the lightheardedness this morning - even though your poor cup has bit the dust...

I drink from a curved lipped cup most of the time - sometimes a straight one (when I am out of the curved ones.... meaning they are in the dishwasher!!)

Go shopping - find the perfect cup and buy two! No matter who's fault - it's a great excuse to go find a new cup - and take pictures, of course. xo

Ginny Hartzler said...

Murphy's law, definitely! Bob is a sweetie for mopping the floor! I don't really care about the rim, but I, too, have my mug preferences!! In fact, I have a whole mug post coming up, bet that does not surprise you! I need a mug that is not tall and skinny, but more fat and wider, so I do not topple it over!! How fitting for your post today! Your header amazes me, you just keep getting better and better This is prettier than the last one and the one before that, which each one I wanted you to keep up forever!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Such a tragedy! My first thought is that it's Bob's fault - always blame the other one - but he did mop the floor, so give him a little break (no pun intended!). You can always find another cup, tho it may take some time searching - it's harder to find a husband who mops!

I drink hot tea & prefer a cup vs a mug because the cup in thinner. Exception: I do have a mug with a lid made for steeping tea - like that one - it's not too thick.
Copy and paste from email comment by Cathrine

LC said...

No one's fault. The shopping spirits decreed you need a new cup or cups.

I have not thought about why I like some more than others for my hot tea.But my favotites all have some sentimental connection. Love that header!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Sandra, sorry about your cup! I tend to favor mugs over cups, but any will do. Have a great day!

Ann said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I don't care about the lip, straight or curved. I do prefer large mugs though. If it's not big I don't want it.
I'm going to say you were equally to blame. However he WAS mopping the floor so that kind of tips the scales in his favor. Sorry.

DawnTreader said...

Sorry your favourite mug got broke - but I hope you get to have fun looking for a new one. (You could take photos of all the alternatives, you know...) I don't think I ever thought much about the shape of the rim, I think to me the handle and how it feels to hold it in my hands matters more. The kind I probably tend to use most (I have half a dozen of those) do have a curved rim as well though.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

WOW! It certainly sounds like Bob should be in the dog house for that, Sandra! It is funny how we gravitate towards one certain mug, isn't it? I'll admit it was nice to get back to VA & drink from mine this morning!...:)JP

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your cup. LOL! I feel for you Bob. I drink straight up. I would like to know how to get the reactions tab. I have looked in gadgets and it tells me it is not there. Can you help?

S. Etole said...

I prefer a curved lip ... and a husband who mops would be a real gift!!!

George said...

I'm not going to get in the middle of this one, although I am sorry about your cup. I drink my coffee from a straight mug.

SquirrelQueen said...

That's a shame, I know how one can get attached to a favorite cup or mug. My favorite is a mug because I like the heavier feel as opposed to cups, it has a straight edge.

Deb said...

I will have to say Murphy's Law...found better not to pick a side with husband and wife..LOL...I don't drink coffee so I never use a coffee cup or mug....I have a ton of them though...

Tipper said...

Straight lip-and for sure Murphy's Law : )

photowannabe said...

Never thought about it but I guess I like curved lip cups (thin..not chunky) best. I don't drool that way (:0)
We usually use one of our collection of mugs for coffee or tea in the morning. I'm sitting here looking at my straight rimmed mug of Mickey Mouse having his first cup of the day. Most important requirement of our cups...they can't be black or dark on the inside of the cup. I can't tell how strong my tea or coffee is and it does a mental fooling on me. It just doesn't taste like its suppose to when I can't see the brew.
Hope you found the perfect cup. Pictures???

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

I hope you don't mind me laughing, maybe its because I have not had my coffee and my brain is sleep deprived but his is so like me when I walk I swing my arms at times and whatever is in my hand will crack against the doorknob or door frame and even a chair only I don't have anyone to blame it on, he travels.

I so hope you find a replacement for your cup, mornings are not the same if you can have coffee in a cup that suits your fingers and lips....its all about the experience for drinking coffee....

Homework completed.... I drink for a curved lip cup.