Monday, July 30, 2012

Lewis Park - Kids

Lewis Park is very kid friendly, things to climb on, tables to eat on, merry go rounds to go round and round.

Why do bicycles fall over?   Because they are two-tired...

How do rabbits travel?     By HarePlanes

 and beautiful and very unique fountains to drink from

 PLUS wildlife to watch

Teacher: John, where is our homework?
John: I made it into a paper plane and someone hijacked it!


Unknown said...

Good Morning, seems to be a nice and quiet park for the kids, and close to nature - very good.
Have a lovely Monday, this weekend went all too fast. Even though I had 3 days off work. But, now back to reality. Hugs

Linda P said...

My Monday morning started with a smile as I read your post. I hope you have a good day yourself.

Anonymous said...

A great park and I love the unique water fountains~

SquirrelQueen said...

I'm liking this park more and more, it is really pretty but most importantly it has Squirrels!!!

Thanks for the laughs!

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Wonderful wonderful photos. So clear and sharp.

Amy Burzese said...

You're too funny. Nice park!

Anonymous said...

In our neighborhood there is a similar childrens park they call it Imagination Station.

I still enjoy the swings :)
Happy day to you, Sandra.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

For me... That hanging moss (or whatever it is) makes the area magical!!!

Wondering what it looks like, on the night of a Full Moon?????? Doesn't that sound interesting?

Well, it would be beyond me, to capture night shots like that, though. I'd trip and fall and break something and............. lol....

Gentle hugs...

"The fairy queen wore velvet cloaks of pansy purple in spring,
with a petticoat of late yellow trumpet Daffodil."

TexWisGirl said...

looks like a nice place to play.

DawnTreader said...

Seems like a good place to walk the camera! I love the bicycle-joke... two-tired... LOL

Remington said...

Awesome park....I wish I could go there with you....

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sandra, Hope you are still feeling good and getting your strength and energy back....

Loved your crazy jokes--especially the 'two-tired' one!!!! ha ha ha

Cute pictures....

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

You asked if my present blog Background, is my own photo? Nope, it's actually one of Blogger's Backgrounds.

I hardly ever like Blogger Backgrounds. But this one fit into my present "Kinda'-Dark-Fairy-Forest" kind of a Blog Look preference. -grin-

"The fairy queen wore velvet cloaks of pansy purple in spring,
with a petticoat of late yellow trumpet Daffodil."

Unknown said...

You are to funny.
I love this post, and the kids playground, Our Henry would love to visit here.

My Mind's Eye said...

I do so love this post!! You picked the most wonderful things to snap too. I especially like the old fashion merry go round or as my daughter called it 'the round round'
and the water fountain.
Hugs C

Susannah said...

Really like your photos of the water fountains. The merry go round horses are great, too. Looked like a beautiful day at the park!!!!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

That's a nice park with cool water fountains! You take the best clear, crisp shots!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Looks great and not only for kids. Looks like a certain photographer had a good time there as well.

barbara l. hale said...

Looks like a nice place to hang out. Love your squirrel pic!

Ann said...

Looks like a fun park although the last time I tried to ride one of those merry go rounds they told me they were for children not adults :)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

These pics look so fun...You made me smile with the jokes too

Dee said...

Parks are special...especially kid friendly ones...your jokes were a little corny but they made me laugh...LOL

Marie said...

I always enjoyed parks when I was a kid. This one looks like a lot of fun! My favorite pic is the little squirrel. :) Pretty fountain!

Inger said...

I like the brightly colored horses. And the squirrel too. And the jokes!

Rose said...

that looks like a wonderful place to visit...

my older daughter had friends at work who had a goat...their doors originally had the handles like screen doors..I guess you would call them a lever type handle. The goat would open the doors and get in when they were time ate their son's homework...the teacher did not accept that as an excuse. True story.

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh I love your park there - brings back memories when my kids were little. Speaking of that I share all your jokes with Andy and he gets a hoot out of all of them! sandie

photowannabe said...

You just make me smile every time I visit you.
Love the puny bike being two tired.
That looks like a wonderful fun park for everyone.

Christine said...

I see your humor is back in full swing! Such a pretty little park.

George said...

You make me wish I was a kid again.

Deb said...

I haven't seen a merry go around in a long time..none of our parks have them anymore...cute little squirrel...

Catherine said...

That's a sweet park!
xo C