Tuesday, July 10, 2012


The tree in my neighbors yard, was a orange tree, well, it is still and orange tree, just no leaves or fruit. I LOVE IT! I called and asked if I could go in their back yard to photograph the beautiful tree, and Dick laughed, he thought I was kidding about the beauty of the tree. I was NOT.

 Taking photographs is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second..Mark Riboud

I did take photos every 100th of a second, aren't you glad they are not all here???

The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera. Dorothea Lange

Take some Vitamin N this week, get out in Nature and look/listen/feel/SEE


BlueShell said...

I do completely agree with you, Sandra!About everything!That tree is just beautiful. I o not know the right word, in English, to express what it means to me...I can only say that it is gorgeous!
Have a wonderful day, dear!

Unknown said...

Great photos. I think the Camera is a great tool. You get to see things that you might have missed otherwise. A beautiful tree, with all it's branches and 'details'. Have a lovely day - and I bet there will be more snaps coming :)

Susannah said...

A different photo at every angle. Very interesting. I wonder how long they have had that dead orange tree?

Linda P said...

That tree looks perfect in its setting and you've captured its pleasing quality. We just have to look closely with a fresh eye at the world to appreciate our surroundings.

Anonymous said...

The orange tree certainly provides a lot of interesting pictures. I love the shadows, especially.

SquirrelQueen said...

That is definitely a very photogenic tree even if it is dead. You got some great shots and lots of detail.
The camera just teaches us to focus on the details, the rest is up to us.

diane b said...

Is that a cut banana tree in your super new header? You have got a good photographic eye for beauty and detail. Love the quotes about photography Can I use them?

DawnTreader said...

I love that Dorothea Lange quote - it's so true. I "see" a lot more things now even when I'm not really out to take photos.

Catherine said...

Wishing you a snappy Tuesday! :)
xo C

Ruth Hiebert said...

Sandra,I just know that you and I see things so much alike. I love that old tree with twisted branches. I sure wish we could spend some time together,capturing nature's beauty.Have another wonderful day and keep on snapping .

Chatty Crone said...

Thanks for all the Vitamin N today - I feel better after coming here. sandie

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Oh to understand the mind of a photographer, and people laugh... they just do not understand.

I say you captured this old dead tree and gave it new life with your eye.

Declan said...

I'm so busy marveling at the sunshine! Deccy x

Declan said...

I'm so busy marveling at the sunshine! Deccy x

Cheryl @ TFD said...

My time outside is limited in this awfully hot weather! I can't take the heat, it's been brutal. My snapping is slowing down until it cools off. I do take a few drive-by shots!

TexWisGirl said...

it is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I too am drawn to uniquely shaped trees like this one.
Nicely done, Sandra.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Ohhhhhh, I spy another possible photo op! That tree house, over that fence... Last pic.

No, not asssssssssssssss picturesque as this dead tree. But, betcha' it could yield different views of shadows and stuff, at diff times of day.......


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Cool quotes...

And beautiful new Header pic, too.


theconstantwalker said...

It's wonderful... and so are your images.

Amy Burzese said...

When he gets ready to have it cut down, just have it brought to your yard!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Re: your comment in my blog post of today...

Thank you for telling me that you can see them.

This kind of a question, always brings interesting replies. Like one gal says she can't see ONE symbol. But I kind of thought I "grabbed" it, from her blog. lol.

George said...

That orange tree makes a fascinating piece of yard art. I really like your photos.

photowannabe said...

I need lots of vitamin N!
Its so hot I haven't been doing much photography lately.
A couple of your quotes are really choice.
I agree that I do see things differently since I started taking photos. I see detail, angles, shadows that I really didn't notice before.
Love your shots of the orange tree.

Marie said...

Love the pics of this tree! I just LOVE vitamin N!:)

My Mind's Eye said...

Gorgeous pics as per norm! Mom and I are in awe of Jake's jumping skills. We are so glad you entered.
We have 14 more pics for our Thursday post!
Hugs madi

Ann said...

even dead it really is an awesome looking tree. It has a lot of character. So just exactly how many shots did you get of this orange tree?

Magia da Inês said...

♡♡♡ ♡♡♡
Muito lindo... um show!
Boa noiteeeeeeeeee!!!
♡♡♡ ♡♡♡

Dee said...

I see what you see :) I also love the header photo...I would frame that one. Which leads me to a question. do you ever frame and hang any of your photo's?

Rose said...

I do love it...I have always had a thing for dead trees. I do not know why.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

That is definitely a tree with character.... George and I both love to take old naked trees like this one --when we are traveling. We see them along the Blue Ridge Parkway---and both of us take pictures.... They seem to stand out... Like I said, they have character.

BlueShell said...

GOOD MORNING DEAR! 07:18, HERE IN PORTUGAL...and today it is my 25st weeding anniversary!-LOL...I Praise the LORD...you know why...
We have gone through so much...BUT WE ARE still here...with so much love...
I'm so glad that I want to spread the news...

EG CameraGirl said...

I agree that the limbs are lovely It's a gift to see beauty is so many places and rather sad that so many people cannot see it.

Smareis said...

Suas imagens são encantadoras, tem um focagem perfeitas. São lindíssimas. Parabéns! Vou estar te seguindo pra voltar novamente!
Grande abraço!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

You turned comments off, on your latest blog entry... But we know how to come back to this one, and wish you well with the op.

Lots and lots of gentle hugs!!!

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

Well you turned your comments off for today (11th), but I can still comment here! Ha ha! Hope everything goes well. You will be in my prayers.

S. Etole said...

What an intriguing tree. Hope your surgery has gone well and that you have a speedy recovery.

Betty Manousos said...

wish you a very speedy recovery, my dearest!

hope your surgery has gone well.

big hugs!!
