Favorite Photo of Hubby Bob |
Does the man in the above photo look like he is Stupid? well, let's Define Stupid: lacking intelligence or COMMON SENSE
We have been married 27 years and for all of those years, we wake up at 4 AM and drink our first cup of coffee in bed and Talk until 5 AM when we get up.
Monday AM, the above said MAN told me a story he had not told before. I thought I had heard them all.
Stone Crab Photo from Wikipedia |
Before we were married, Bob went diving for Florida Stone Crab, they are easy to find around rocks during the Stone Crab season. He tells me the large claw can be removed and the crab released and will generate another one for next year. It is illegal to keep the crab or the small claw. While diving free style off Johns Pass at Mederia Beach, he spotted swimming in front of his face an octopus like the one below.
Octopus photo from Wikipedia |
It swam quickly away from Bob but since Bob decided to CATCH it. He swam after it, reached out and grabbed it and immediately had 8 tentacles wrapped around his hand and arm squeezing like crazy. He struggled to let go but had to swim to the beach with it sucked fast to his hand. He stood up and battled with it, pulling one tentacle off and it would suck fast as soon as he let go. He said it was a lengthy battle to remove it and that he had no knife or any way to kill it, and he thinks he finally got it off because it could not breathe out of the water. Bob's arm was covered in quarter sized red circles where is sucked on to his arm and the marks stayed for days.
WHY did you chase it and grab it? that was just Stupid! I said. He said yes it was and I never did it again.
TOTAL LACK OF COMMON SENSE.... Stupid, just plain Stupid. So Say Sandra
just the silliness of 'youth'. :)
I don't know if I'm supposed to be laughing or not--but, I am!!
I can not even comment on this subject cause I do not want to get Bob mad at me. BUT.....I hope he never does that again!!!!!! Do you guys spend alot of your time at the water. I really like the pic of Bob.....I see why it is your favorite. I wish you had one of yourself like it.
This photo of your hubby is fabulous, and what an epic battle with the octopus that must have been.
What I liked best about this story was the two of you waking up together early and spending a whole hour talking together. I just love that. As for the octopus, men do tend to get carried away like that sometimes, don't they? I think it's hormones!
Great photo :) What a crazy idea lol :)
Sorry Bob, but yes! I have to agree with Sandra!
But ya' know, it's cool that he still has a *new* story to share with you.
Although, it would have been better, if it had been an old story, about him being sensible. -evil chuckle-
Gentle hugs,
Now see, I would have just watched the thing swim by. :)
Poor Bobby Appleseed....I bet that hurt!!! Did he know it was an octopus when he grabbed it? I would have been afraid of it. One time when I was 4 or 5 years old, Daddy had caught a basket of blue crab. Dummy Girl (that would be me) stuck her hand down in the basket to see what the crabs would do....Yep, one of them grabbed one of my fingers. I was standing there screaming my head off! All I could think about is I had heard that a crab will not turn loose until it thunders and there was no sign of a storm. It was a beautiful, sunny day. Daddy came running with a pair of pliers or something and got him off of me. Me and Bobby Appleseed will be good from now on... This happened to me 64 years ago and it is still very vivid in my memory.
Love you, Madeline
I've had my share of "stupid" moments, too!!!!!!!!
Men... they do lots of things just because they can and heck so they can tell their friends. To top it off they are just little inquisitive boys in a man's body.
Great story though!!
Hugs C
Oh, I have a stupid moment, too. However, in my defense, I couldn't see very good since I'm very, very nearsighted. I was swimming off Coco (sp?) Beach in FL and spotted a pretty iridescent lavender thing floating beside me. I (remember I couldn't see very well) reached out to touch it and something stung the heck out of me!! It really felt like knives slicing my legs. It turned out to be a jelly fish and it had wrapped its tenacles around my leg. It left red streaks that lasted for a month or so and it hurt like crazy all the day long. Okay, that's my stupid story!! I've learned not to touch things that I can't see clearly. :)
Wow! I would never! But, I think we've all had our stupid moments where we lacked any common sense. When I was a teenager we lived on a lake that was connected to two other lakes and there were big gators. I would swim across the lake to get to a friend's house or to see my boyfriend at the camp grounds where he worked. We had a boat and a canoe, but I would swim there. Not much common sense those days! LOL I would flip out if my son did that now!
Well - I guess you only do that once. But I do wish I'd been there to see it. And take a picture. :)
Now that is funny!! :-)
After you said you checked out the POOCH hotel, I did too. It was so nice, I wouldn't mind being dropped off there for a while myself. And then there were two more just like it in the same block, one across the street.
In the man world he did a normal boy/man thing. LOL I would have died on the spot...YIKES.
I am in 'shock' about you waking up every morning at 4AM--and talking for an hour. What time do you go to bed? Wow--I can't even imagine. Yes--it is a good photo.
(PS--I cried today when I read your comment under my Hollyhock)
I would argue this point.
How are men going to find out if all the rumors we've herd about Octopi are true or false. These giant creatures that wrap around ships and sink them.
Bobby apleseed is a hero for chalenging this dispicable creatue to find out if the rumors are fact or fiction. BRAVE BOBBY. YES.
I have told you about Roger asking if the stove burner was on didn't I...and then raising the pan up and place his hand on it to feel? It was on...he moved his hand real quick...had rings on it. but not serious burns.
Funny! Sometimes males just have to learn their lesson the hard way.
My Uncle Tom picked up a baby skunk by the tail when he was little. He was saying, Kitty-kitty!
Funny,crazy and a few other things come to mind. The best part is what someone else mentioned,that you get up together and can still talk at length. Keep it up.
Ah...but if WE didn't have stupid moments WE would never learn would WE!!! Least that's my theory :)
By the way, loved yesterday's chain shots--just getting to them tonight.
Great photo; great but scary story. On a field trip connected with my pre-retirement occupation, a group of us explored a section of California coast close to Monterrey. Our host for the excursion told the story of what his marine biologist mentor had experienced in the area we were visiting. The biologist's diminuitive wife was exploring closer to the water when he heard her frantic cries. She was being pulled into the water by an octopus.I am not sure if this is an urban myth or if our collective legs were being thoroughly pulled or what, but our host was a respected member of his profession.
males of all ages have stories like this...which us females see as Stupid...for some reason it always seems like a good idea to them...till it turns ugly....I guess it is the whole Venus/Mars thing...funny he just now told you the story...
Cool shot of that handsome man. :))
I like the shot of Bob - and he was kind of brave too - I would never have done that.
Hey - how is Ginny doing?
Love, sandie
Oh... My.... Goodness. Laughing my KEISTER off over here at this story. Loved it and will giggle for the rest of the day about this one. Sometimes, when we are excited... our brilliance hides behind our enthusiasm. LOL!
At least he learned from his mistake! lol I can't imagine going through that! It would have scared me to death. I also don't know how in the world you two get up at 4am! I couldn't do that at all. I'm just not a morning person. I don't even get up really even at 8 unless I have to go somewhere! lol
Well he does like Neptune in that photo...
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