out of the camera |
If you get a paper cut or a small slit/slice thingy that stings like fury..... CHAP STICK! rub in on, instant pain relief
Never use chap stick on your lips, it is designed to dry your lips so you need it more. My doctor told me this. She said use Vaseline, the little round thing in the pic is Vaseline in an empty lipstick thingy...
Ugly green thing is from Aloe plant.... if you have a cut that will not heal, pick aloe, and put the slimy stuff on. Heals it every time... also heals burns.
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Texture added, no, I don't know WHY |
Thursday AM I took a sip of coffee and said YUCK. my coffee taste terrible.... Bob said Mine is Fine...
another sip. "I CAN"T drink this, are you sure yours is fine? Yep! mine is good.
I get out of bed, pour the offensive, nasty brew in the sink and make another cup. YUM! this is good.
Get back in bed and say. wonder what was in my cup? this one is fine....
BAZINGA! the thought hits me.....
The day before, I had a cup of tea in the middle of the afternoon, put fresh squeezed lemon in it, sat the UNWASHED cup on the tray by the coffee pot....
Are you picking up what I am putting down?
Do NOT, I repeat, Do NOT put coffee in a cup that had lemon in it without washing the cup first, it curdled the cream, OH YES IT DID....
I'm not a coffee drinker but I have accidentally eaten curdled things, not my favorites.
I drink a glass of water with lemon in it every morning. It never curdles. Never been a coffee drinker but I sure love the smell. Every once in a while I just walk into a Starbucks shop for the whiff.
Well who'd of thought that about chap stick?! Mum first came across Aloe Vera in NZ when someone gave it her for sunburn. We've got a few plants of our own now.... even Mum doesn't seem able to kill them! Deccy x
It is a wonder we didn't hear a boom up here with that mixture.
Hugs C
I do use Vaseline but I don't carry around a "sprig" of aloe in my purse. Yuck on the lemon coffee. That was a real eye-opener.
Woof! Woof! mom LOVES coffee so she knows when it is not RIGHT??? Way to start your morning. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Oh that cup story is scarey. -gigggles-
I use Vaseline on my lips!
still chuckling over the "are you picking up what I am putting down".
Hummm Lemon coffee. You might be on to something. hahha
I'm glad I don't use lemon with my tea. I didn't know about Chap Stick, but I do use aloe quite a bit.
my sis is addicted to chapstick. must have it with her at all times. i worked with a woman who was addicted to carmex - same way. :)
when i was a kid, my mother had a plant called a healing onion. it had an onion bulb but the stalks were flat instead of hollowed tubes. we'd snip off a piece of the leaf, mush it up and put it on sores, cuts, even slivers. it would draw out any infection and even the sliver would come out overnight. i wish i had that plant... have never seen one since...
HA HA ---bet that coffee woke you up bigtime!!!!!!
Never knew to put chap stick on a cut. I'll remember that. Thanks!!!!!
Have a great day and hopefully, your next cup of coffee was better.
These are very interesting things to know....thank you! Oh my! I will have to tell Beth that about the coffee cup....she would NOT be happy if her coffee tasted funny....ha ha!
I never drink coffee, and I take neither milk nor lemon in my tea, so I should be safe...
Hi Sandra, I have heard that about chap stick! I will have to put some vaeline in my little jar that I have like yours ...then I can carry it in my purse. Coffee? I love my coffee but I have had it curdle before..with some nasty milk...Yukky yuk!!!!!!!
Have a good day!
Hello! My name is Angela and I'm a chap stick addict! I have been for well over 30 years. It all started when I got braces when I was a teen. I can't go anywhere without my chap stick now. I go in and shop. Come out and have to put some more chap stick on after and before going into each store I go in. I do alright at the house but I do have to put some on before I go to bed and after I brush my teeth in the morning.
I never thought about finding a small container to put the aloe juice in! I use it for burns.
I use Vaseline for chapped lips because Chapstick doesn't help a bit, didn't know CS was good for cuts. I used to have an Aloe Vera plant, need to get another. Great tips!
Ew! That lemon coffee wouldn't be my favorite either! There's nothing like that first cup of coffee in the morning. I'll remember that tip about chapstick for cuts!
I have coffee every morning and I will never have lemon in my cup because I can't stand lemon in any drink. I take a tablespoon of honey and lemon every morning.
I'm addicted to carmex and vaseline on my lips. LOL They hold in my lips moisture. :)
Love the aloe, I have a small garden of it by my front door. :)
Fascinating stuff Sandra.
If I do use Chapstick it's usually Burt's Bees. It does help keep the lips moist.
I say ewwww to curdled any thing but that lemon curdled cream in your coffee must have been a real eye opener.
It reminds me that I had better do up my dishes from last night. Don't want the same adventure you had.
good hints Sandra...my Mom has always had Aloe...
No wonder my lips feel dry- i use chapstick almost every night. From now on its the old Vaseline for me ~:)
I pick my neighbors aloe when needed- mums the word!
Hope you are well and Happy Sandra.
Ewww...what a shock that must have been, the first coffee in the morning is suppose to be the best.
Aloe is very good, I love it and always have Aloe Vera Gel at home.
I've heard that about not using chap stick for your lips. I didn't know about putting it on a paper cut though.
Curdled coffee first thing in the morning is not a good way to start the day :)
Good hints. I am surprised you didn't take a picture of that awful coffee before dumping it. LOL
So, you don't want lemon with your coffee? I will remember that...
LOL..lemon coffee...sorry I don't mean to laugh at you :) I heard about chap stick and paper cuts...if I could only remember it when needed.
LOL on your nasty tasting coffee cup, Sandra...I bought a special cup with a lid so my tea will steep...my coffee is consumed from a different coffee mug that has now acquired a coffee odor!!! But darn it tastes perfect in the AM!!...:)JP
What a horrible way to wake up, curdled cream. I love coffee but I like it black so I guess that's not a worry for me.
The Chap Stick company would love to see all those folks who are addicted to their product. I learned about it in AK and haven't used it since. Aloe and Vaseline are two of my favorite remedies.
How interesting about the Chapstick! Beware marketers and their schemes.
Hmmm. Lemon in my coffee does sound disgusting. :)
I will try chap stick on a paper cut the next time...the little cuts seem to burn?
good coffee tip
So true about the Chapstick! I use constantly and make sure I am never without some lip balm. I think I have tried every kind on the market.
Oh yes it does - I have had that same problem with the milk curdling too!
sandra always, i really do enjoy your delightful posts and pictures.
good to know about the chap stick...from now on it's the vaseline for me either.
yuck on the lemon coffee.
Vaseline is made from a petroleum by product and should not be put around the mouth to be ingested. Natural oil products like coconut are a safer alternative.
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