Oscar Scherer April 2004 |
26 miles from our front door, lies Oscar Scherer State Park, Osprey, FL. If you move to Florida you can see views like this all year long...
Why did the dog dive in the pond? He was chasing a catfish.... you can groan with me NOW
One thing nice about your home in Florida - you have beauty all around you - you can drive a few minutes and see those scenes...sandie
Picture Beautiful!!
I'd love to visit Florida --but didn't like living there year round!!!! I did however love MARCH in FL. It was my favorite month with mild temps --but not cold like it is here today (15 degrees this morning).... Can I come and visit???? ha
these are beautiful!
Yes, this is a lovely view!
The sad part, about when we were in FL for 3 months, is that we didn't know much about the surrounding area. Really too bad.
I know, 3 months was long enough to have scoppppppped out info. But part of my dislike of being there, was a growing weird drug reaction, which was making me "down" and "pooooped", more and more, each day.
We didn't figure it out, till well after we got home, too! What a horrrrrrid time, all of that was!!!! FL didn't stand a chance.
Oh well, I'm glad you do enjoy living there, and you do know where to go visiting, and you share these places, with us, on your blog.
That was a funny joke MadSnapper!!!
Your state has an endless supply of beautiful places. All new pictures to us.
We were warned about the med side effects. We'll see she is taking a tiny dose it is just barely larger than the head of a pin. I had no idea your Dad suffered with this...
Many hugs...
Madi and Mom
Very pretty scenery- nice pics!
These are stunning photos! They make me really miss living on a lake. :) You are right about Florida.:)
To get to the other side?:-)
LOVE that reflection!!!
[Big grin] you're too funny ^_^
I envy you a little that lives in such gorgeous place with sun all year round...it's nice and warming to look at your pics when it's wet, cold and windy here.
Just beautiful! I wouldn't mind having those views all year round but I do enjoy my 4 seasons. Even though Old Man Winter has went crazy this year and it is snowing on the 2nd day of spring!
now you know I would love a year round view like that. Especially since I'm seeing lots of little white flakes flying outside my window today
I want to come to Florida....think of the fun we could have..
Such a pretty view!
A wonderful reflection of this lovely Florida scene. Love those punks!
LOL...Groan....so what do you get when you cross a poodle with a cow? Cow Poo. Heavens views will probably be something like the one's in your photo's.
Very pretty!
xo Catherine
The photo is great. The joke not so much.
The views yiu share with us are lovely, Sandra, and so many folks prefer the warmth and sunniness of FL. but we are looking forward to cooler weather and winter weather if Nd when we relocate to NH from the VA eastern shore. It gets very hot and sticky here done July.
Hahaha....I used to have a dachshund that would stand at the edge of a pond and bark and fuss at the sticks in the water and would drag them up on the bank...and she would poke her whole head under water to grab stuff.
That is a beautiful lake, I am loving all that green. I like the way you took the shots through the grasses and cattails. The joke is a great groaner!
WOW! So pretty! Have a nice weekend.
what a beautiful lake! how fortunate you are having so much beauty all around you... so close to your house.
florida is one of the places i'd love to visit!
Love the serene view. And I am addicted to the groaners!
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