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Let's ♪ ♫ Music Chat ♫ ♪..... |
I can't say I love country, I love jazz because I only like some songs of each genre.
I was shocked when I Googled List of Music Genre I had no idea how many different types are within each genre.
the link is there, in case you care....
I found this list of genre.. By the way, I never even heard the word Genre until the past few years... they waned me to vote for my favorite and I could not. I love a few songs in every one of these on the list, but can't say that one is my favorite.I love
Harmonica, mellow sax, trumpet, piano, DRUMS, fiddle, violin, guitar, bass fiddle
But not All... it depends on the song and who is playing.
True Country is what I listen to the most of. Not sure where Celine Dion and Josh Grogan and Andre Botticelli fit in, I love to hear them, but not ALL that they sing.
Every CD has a few I like and the rest I don't.
I had no idea I loved a sax until I heard Julian Smith
skip to 1.52 for the music
What Music do you like/love/hate/drives you nuts? do you listen to different types according to your mood?
What Music do you like/love/hate/drives you nuts? do you listen to different types according to your mood?
My mood definitely determines what kind of music I like to listen to. Classical piano is my favourite though.
I agree with you. I do like various types of music but not everything in any particular genre. And music sure can lift my mood!
I listen to various types of music depending on my mood. It can be everything from hard rock to classical. But going through a phase where I prefer music without words, words can be distracting when I draw sometimes.
I listen to old rock mostly -- CCR, Motley Crue, AC/DC -- especially when I run. Interesting post -- thank you!
I'm like you in that I like certain songs from many genres. I love Iris Dement. I don't like Barbara Streisand. I love opera if I'm at the theater. I don't like listening to an entire opera on radio. I didn't think I liked country until we went to see "Love, Patsy Cline" a few year's ago. LOVED it! I don't like any music that has a heavy beat and lyrics consisting of the same few words over and over. I LOVE Yo Yo Ma and his cello! Whew! Next time, ask an easier question.
MOM like most kinds of music...most. If she could understand rap/hippity hop she says she might like it better.
LOVE THE CHARACTERS and you imagination. Mom discovered Pandora could stream through our puter...she listens to 60's oldies and golden oldies all day.
hugs madi your BFFF
i really don't listen to music - almost never. i like silence these days.
i used to like 70s, 80s.
If I'm cleaning house or reading, I have to have Classical music on in the background. Promotes organization and cleanliness. :-) During Advent, I love to play and replay music from 'The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols.' Usually, however, I like instrumentals over vocals. Also love piano jazz, like Blues, am just now beginning to tolerate Josh Groban and Celine Dion (because I think their voices have matured over the past few years and I like them lots better now). I also like some Zydecko. Makes me want to MOVE to the music. Fun post. Fun graphics!
I almost did another post on music...only it would have been the whole post rather than just mention it like I did the other day...but decided against it. Now I wish I had.
I am with you--I have no favorite...I like some of almost any type I hear. Some classical gets on my nerves real bad...but then some of almost any of it does.
Oh, and I have been loving a sax for a long time...
I like rock, some hip-hop, very little new country, but love the old stuff, old gospel...pretty eclectic! No polka, ever. LOL!
Mood is the key factor and music very important in my life. I love artists like Sarah McLachlan, Imogen Heap, Ms Mr, Fitz and the Tantrums, and many many more. Those are the current artists I listen to.
I like a lot of music, but not all. Just like you, I usually like only a couple of songs on a CD, but not the rest. My favorite music is from the 50's and 60's and easy listening music. Some country, but not the new country. It depends on my mood as to which genre I listen to. Gosh, I didn't know there were so many genres!
This one is easy for me to answer. I LOVE Southern Gospel and listen to it every day. My favourite group is Legacy Five and I have yet to hear a song by them that I don't like.I can listen to almost any kind of music when it is done well,but my personal collection is pure Gospel,southern,that is.
I like silence better now, but when I listened, it was to jazz, r&b, country, rock, well, you get the message, pretty eclectic. And I loved to go to the Opera! Now I like to listen to the silence and the birds.
I have a bug in my email, so I can't answer any. I have checked it out online and it seems to be pretty common with aol. I will figure it out later, not feeling good today. Had a water thing break up at the garden, water everywhere, called hubby and found out how to fix, then slipped in the mud from the water, shoes and jeans all messed up, then low blood sugars, now I just want to go and lay down. Great post!
I like the octopus one man band and the horn with the pink background. Love Julian! For me, horns can sound either tinny or plaintive and wailing and softly beautiful, like at southern funerals. I love all genres except rap, I have hundreds of C.D.'s. I had no idea of the sub genres within the genres!!! I like to play dance music when I do housework, it gives me pep to get around. My new favorite song is by The Lumineers, "Hey ho" or maybe that is "Ho hey" You MUST give it a listen and tell me what you think, give it a minute it is different.
I have mood music and music moods... Then again, sometimes neighbours play their music too loud and I have to put on my own just to distract from that - while otherwise I might have preferred silence. One of my favourite genres is what I'd call "Celtic" folk/rock, that's not even on that voting list :) But I also love certain American singer/songwriters like Paul Simon, Bob Dylan, Carole King, Joan Baez (yes, right, ever since the golden 1970s...)
Since you have listened to Fitz and the Tantrums, may I suggest to you two of their songs I like, and listen to a lot right now. You can find them on YouTube:
First song is called "The End": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjK6p3x5xzs
And the other is "Spark": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gh-pGxZBQ1Y
Tell me if you liked them :D
I don't listen to music very often, except in the car. But, I like all different kinds. Classic rock still tops my list, though. Love your colorful headers. They look so nice on the black.
My mood and Music are the decision makers.
I'm the same about likeing a little bit of many types of music.
I just can't call Rap music, especially the offensive vulgar type.
I'm a sucker for the old musicals and the sound of brass is music to my ears.
I rarely listen to music but usually choose classical or hymns when I do.
I like a little bit of everything when it comes to music. It really does depend on my mood what I prefer to listen to. The only type of music I've never enjoyed is opera
I love all kinds of music...and it does depend on my mood to which type I like to listen to....
If possible I would have music on 24/7....I grew up on hearing music...my kids did too...now Hotrod...
I used to love rocknroll when I was young but I can't stand rock of today. I still like old fashioned pop songs.
I love music but it has to have a melody ...not like the rap stuff they have today. I am a country music lover...depending on each song and who sings it. I love 50s and 60s rock and roll, I like Adele and Andrew Boucelli. I could listen to that all day long. I guess I skip all over the place but music is pretty much played here every day. It can brighten my spirits when I am down but can also make me sleepy like in a lullaby This was hard but lots of fun!
I love all kinds of music! I listen to Earth Wind & Fire to Sade to Alan Jackson to AC/DC to dance music. :)
Music can really help pull me out of a slump! I think it's great therapy for anyone. :)
Another interesting post. :)
I don't like country and I only own one country CD because I like Scotty McCreery from American Idol a few years ago. I like Smooth Jazz but I also listen to soundtracks from movies.
I rarely listen to music. When mother was living, we enjoyed piano instrumental hymns but I can no longer listen to those same cd's. Makes me too sad.
I majored in piano in college and always enjoyed Christian music more than any other.
Hope you had a good day. I took Dee to lunch for her birthday. I think it is supposed to rain tomorrow.
I have to be careful because it is usually the other way around with me - what I listen to affects my mood. That's why I don't listen to country. Great post - however you did this : )
"I love Rock 'n Roll, put another dime in the jukebox baby."
My taste in music is all over the place and, yes, it all depends on my mood. One day I might be playing Heavy Metal or hard rock like AC/DC and the next classical like Vivaldi. Not the new rock, mostly 70s and 80s. I also like some jazz, the blues, Bluegrass and even a little country. I like Jimmy Buffet and Zac Brown, Paul Simon and Metallica.
I don't like Celine Dion or Whitney Huston or anything along that line. Adele does have a couple of songs I like.
It would probably be easier to list the genres I don't like than the ones I do. I'm not fond of heavy metal or rap. I have my iPod with me almost all the time I work in the yard.
George and I both love music. I grew up in a musical family and majored in Music in college. I even taught high school choral music for several years.
My favorite music is almost all kinds other than rock or rap.. I'm not crazy about jazz either ---but love country, classical, religious choral music (Mormon Tabernacle Choir is a fav), easy-listening, etc.....
I love music. It sure makes my life complete. The Art of it all so beautiful.
I rarely have music on as background during the day so your post is a good one and thought-provoking. I don't like those restaurants or stores where you're forced to listen to an endless loop of easy listening music. If I had a choice I would listen to anything in the Italian language whether it's old Neapolitan folk or a love song sung by someone like Andre Bottcelli. I also like Latin rhythms or rock - that gets me dancing!
Music does indeed set the mood! I love lots of different kinds of music but my most unfavorite is "Rap", "Gospel" and "Twang Country".
Happy Thursday!
xo Catherine
I love music period and listen to most all of it. Can't say I like the screaming or the mumbled music though. Cute graphics! Hugs
Sandra thanks so much for sharing that clip it was phenomenal and touching !
I have a great diversity in my love for music, and yes like you it often depends on my mood what I listen to. Although sometimes hearing a great song can deeply effect how I feel :)
Great Post. I can not keep up with you Hero.
It's interesting when you're traveling to hit the scan on the radio. I do it looking for a Christian station, but you get to hear a few seconds of all kinds of stuff!
I must admit I love country and watched the awards last night!
Music plays in our home 24x7 and also when we travel, we have Pandora streaming through the iPod.We were very big on country for a few years especially after we moved to the South and still listen to it now and then. Old-time rock is my preference for mornings when driving to the "Y" At home it's jazz, blues, easy listening - vocal and music, big bands, classical on weekends . . . about the ONLY type of music we don't listen to is popular R&R, rap, opera or too much R&B (some is OK).
That's a long list but I'll put rap at the bottom of mine and Classic from the Romantic era as my favorite. All those piano lessons my mom nurtured me with must have determine my love of Beethoven et. all....:)
i like all types of music.
especially jazz and rock...can really lift my mood.
great post and cute illustrations.
I come from a music loving family so enjoy most music.
I sing and dance when no one is looking and listening :)
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