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Photo Shop texture |
Myself at 3 months in 1944 and I used the letter from my Granddaddy written in 1944 as a texture.
I added the texture in Photo Shop Elements then took that photo to PicMonkey
Which edit do you prefer?
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PicMonkey Archive |
I will do anything to avoid crowds of people or driving on the interstate.. either and both of those make me crazy.
I was attacked by a rooster at age 2, by a turkey gobbler at age 8 and several geese at age 12.... add to that I saw The Birds in 1963 and spent my whole life terrified of birds....and wasp and bees and all things with WINGS or stingers.
Could this be the reason you rarely see bird pics on my blog?
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PicMonkey Bloom |
No sewing, cooking, knit/crocheting and no craft items either.
No collections...
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PicMonkey Urban |
I love the "bloom" texture. I think I would have recognized your baby photo anywhere. Your eyes are so beautiful - then and now!
LOVE your baby pics ...the texture in the last on is my fav.
How sweet to have used a letter from your grampa as the background.
Beautiful you were then ~ and now :))))))
I'm going to choose number three but like them all. You were a cute baby.
I remember my youngest son being chased across a field by a flock of turkeys when he was quite small, he was terrified.
I like urban for the baby photo.
The third photo is my favorite! You were such a sweet, pretty baby who grew up to be a talented photographer. How old were you when you first got interested in snapping?
What a delightful photo. I think the Bloom may be my favorite.
i like bloom.
i was cornered by a flock of roosters when i was about 4 yrs. old - backed up against the barn wall by them until i screamed bloody murder and my mother came to rescue me. i still like birds, though, as you can tell. :)
What a cutie, I think I opt for the first edit as my favourite.
Great post. I love the video, made me smile.
Enjoyed the first shot with the letter as background texture, Sandra...cute baby shot too.
I like all of them, no help at all......such a cute pic. No wonder you don't like birds
I really am not partial to either edit,both look good. You and my sister would get along really well,no birds,wasps or bees had better be anywhere near her.
They both look good. I like the color and transparency of the first...and you say you have no talent!!!
Think I like the third one better. Definitely a cutie-patootie.
gosh I like them all...for different reasons...well I'm sure you remember I got attacked by a GOOSE...when I was in 3rd grade we were at the duck pond feeding ducks...all of a sudden they surrounded me...I was running and screaming with a loaf a bread in my hands...they were all following me quacking...my Mom was yelling drop the bread...drop the bread...when I finally did what she said...they stopped and ate it...when I was 15 I had a pet duck named Daisy...she slept in my room...swam in the bath tub...went for walks with me like a dog...then my Mom said enough is enough..your room smells like a barn yard...and we had to fight Daisy to take a bath...she went to the Duck ponds...I still love ducks...not so crazy about Geese...the movie The Birds scared me half to death...my Mamaw had birds...I made her lock the cages good before I would sleep in the same room...I was afraid they would peck my eyes out...
Too hard...I like them both :) PS Thought you might be interested I'm hosting a $150 giveaway for PlushRugs.com
I like the photoshop one. You were a bright-eyed, pretty little thing at 3 months! And you are very crafty...with your camera and your photos! :-)
I think I like the second one best. It's so cool that you used that letter as a texture. Cute baby!! I am not competitive either, but I still like to play games. i just don't care if I lose.
Sandra I love all the pictures...so creative I could never pick just one. It took me years to get over The Birds. I still dislike crows although I'm told they are intelligent...??????LOL
Hugs Cecilia
You were an adorable baby.
You realy were a cute baby, and I can even see the resemblance to your grown up self.
What a sweet baby pix. The first is my pick, although I like them all. Who wouldn't with that enchanting little one as the subject.
I think I like the Bloom.....
That video is adorable, thanks for sharing it!
what a great idea to use the letter as a texture. I like them all but I'm thinking Urban might be my favorite
What a little cutie!! I think I like the top one best.
Have a happy week Sandra!
xo Catherine
You were a beautiful baby. AND you are beautiful now too.
What a cutie! I like them all but I do like the PicMonkey Archive the best. Hugs
I like them all but PM Urban is my fav. I got chased by a rooster when i was little and I still don't care for roosters but other birds are fine with me. We visited Bodega Bay, CA where the birds was filmed several years ago and I admit I kept looking up at the sky just in case. It is a gorgeous place.
oh my, what a cutie pie!
you were/are beautiful!
awesome textures.
love them all, but the texture in the last one is my fave.
Hi Sandra, well....I had quite a time picking my favorite one but in the end I went with "bloom". I just thought your cute little face stood out more than the rest. I might be totally wrong. Which one did you like the best? That would be interesting to know.
It is amazing how excited little children get while doing something they never experienced before. She is really cute. He laugh is infectious!
I like the first edited picture, and it looks nice with your dads letter in the background.
Oh, those roosters are unpredictable at times, remember my grandparents having one and he was not easy to deal with.
You were a cutie. I like the first one best. We have a lot in common.
What a lovely beautiful chubby bonny baby Sandra ! Bloom and urban look the best.
You were a very cute baby! I think I like Bloom the best. Great idea to use your Granddaddy's letter for texture.
They're all nice, but guess I favor the Bloom texture. Nice work!
It is hard to choose a favorite...I think I like the last version best.
I am not real competitive in day to day life...always loved to play ball as a kid but more for the fun not for the competition.
I do like different games...I do like sewing...
That being said, I often tell Roger life would be a lot simpler if I didn't love to sew/quilt.
Darling photo of you at 3 months.
If I have to pick a favorite it would be the first one. Love your Grandpa's letter as the background.
I never did trust geese and try to stay away from them. Hate the sound of the bird wings near me.
Love hummingbirds but shudder at the sound of their wings close to me.
I'm wary of birds, too. I don't mind them from afar. I had an uncle who even had a phobia of feathers. I think he had some bad childhood experience like you. You were a sweet baby with lovely big eyes. I like all your photos.
What a cutie patootie ...you still look like you :) I choose the bloom edit but can not see a lot of difference between the two. I can understand why you would be leery of birds..you were traumatized one time to many....you may not be crafty but you are very artistic in photography. And for collections....all it takes is two or three of something to be a collection.
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