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Saturday 7:30 AM at you know where. |
New Hair spray found for my OLD hair. My hair is course and straight as a board and the glue hair spray I was using was killing my hair.
I found "got 2 b rise n shine"
I LOVE IT... never saw it or heard of it.
It holds all day, put the shine back and is soft to the touch.
Just so you know!
Embarrassing Moment from 1975
I worked the desk for Sears Telephone Catalog... We sat in a row of desks with headsets on, madly taking Christmas orders. I completed my call and said to Beverly sitting next to me
"Can you believe this woman just bought 12 of these ugly pink glasses" She leaned over and said............
"Oh, I have that set"..........................
The funny thing is, now I like pink and would love these and I have them in green...
Share an embarrassing moment with us please.
Google Image of similar glassware. |
This should be fun...and I know I have had them but right at this moment I cannot think of one. well, one that I am willing to share...LOL And that would be PC...I still die of embarrassment every time I think of one of them. Too embarrassed to tell it to you via email.
I swear I have blocked all of my embarrassing moments completely from my mind. HA HA I'll pass the new hairspray tip to my oldest granddaughter- I haven't used it since I was in my 20s and had perms. Which I think are extinct now.
Good luck with the new "glue" :D
Mersad Donko Photography
When my older daughter was still a baby but interested in books, an acquaintance mentioned that maybe my baby would grow up to be a librarian. I said: I hope NOT. The acquaintance turned out to be a librarian. Hmmmmm.
My daughter is not a librarian but still loves books. And she writes manuals for computer software. :)
too funny. :)
i can't think of any offhand...
Thanks for the hair spray tip.
Funny about your "moment."
I will email you my goof up.
Drats we can't think of one off hand. Must be because it is hot and sticky in the study and the brain is not working. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly
maybe I should try that hairspray. My hair isn't course but it is straight as a board.
I know I've had plenty of embarrassing moments but they've all been locked away in the memory vault and I don't know the combination :)
Ha! And I thought you meant eyeglasses!
I LOVE these glasses! I WANT these glasses. But here is the thing:I drop everything I touch. All our glasses are plastic now. That was totally embarrassing!I guess I need to tell about my big yogurt accident the other day, perhaps I will post it.
I thought you meant eyeglass's too
then seen those glasses you meant. Duh me.
Yes hairspray will break your ends and hot hair dryers, curling irons,blow driers or the hot iron
iron girls use for to straighten the hair more.
Even scissors of hairdressers if they do not use expensive ones or the knife razor. Damage hair ends.
I now wash hair let it dry natural.No hair blowers Dry it with towel half way then apply this gel and style what way you want your hair to be when it dries. Sometimes gals like it to look standing up trendy.
I do use a product called Steady Grip by Paul Mitchell . It is a jell better then hairspray. You only use a dab in palm of hand. Apply when wet. Perfect for straight hair look. Natural shine. Firm hold.I bought mine in June and it can be still used I say till Oct as I have short hair.Yet my friends and there daughters use it on long hair.
I have natural waves so I go straight my preference for every day and wavy when I go out special.
Funny embarrassment moments here goes. My moment being pregnant first baby. So embarrassing. The manager got the mop out quick in the drugstore. Me with a line full of people at check out. You know the saying your water breaks then comes baby. That was me. My friend was with me.
I said to my friend. oh there is Darlene over there. She said. You sure you know her. I said oh ya. So I went up to this lady my age then 21 and started a conversation like Hi Darlene. Blah. blah. She said to me. Sorry I do'not know you. I said perhaps because I am pregnantwe sure change then. oh no. I just donot know you. So I walked back to my friend who was in the line. She started to laugh.My face was jet red. I then said. Oh no. She said what.
My water broke. I said call the manager.You need an ambulance. I said no, no. So he came the manager. He said do you want a ambulance . I said no. I will walk home. How stupid was that. Walking with legs open . Home was only five minutes walk. Not a big deal I said to my friend.
My friend holding onto my arm saying all the way home. How stubborn can you be. Not many hours later. I had a ten pound boy. That then was a huge big Deal. I ate my words.
I used to be extremely shy! I was a deacon's wife at a Baptist church and there was a visiting family sitting behind me. All through the service I told myslef I would turn around and introduce myself. I was sitting next to an older lady who was also a deacon's wife. After the prayer my friend turned around to the young family and said, "Hello! My name is Iris Freeman!" and shook hands with them. I then stuck MY hand out and said, "Hello! My name is Iris Freeman!!" That wasn't bad enough....the following week that family joined the church. Back in the day we all walked down as they stood in front of the alter and 'extended to them the right hand of fellowship.' When it was MY turn I introduced myself - using my REAL name this time and then said, "It is so GOOD of us to have you!!" Can you believe I am no longer a deacon's wife???
I have more but will stop now. I won't tell you about the time I had toilet paper stuck to my shoe and traipsed all over a restaurant winding in and around many tables trailing that paper all over the place!!
I can't think of any embarrassing moments off hand, but I am sure there have been many. I only use hairspray on my bangs because they want to go every which way they are not supposed to, so I may try this next. Needless to say, it takes me a very long time to use up my spray.
Sounds like a great hairspray and I am wondering if it is fragrance free.
Cute story, I am sure we all have some embarrassing moments..The hairspray sounds great. Happy Sunday!
The hairspray tip is good for those who use it, but I just wash and dry and thankfully some of my natural curls have returned as I aged, fo figure. As for the embarrassing moments, I too have had my share kf foot in mouth, but can't think of any at this moment...memory vlock?
At a young mom's Bible Study long ago, I had a 3 year old and new born in tow. On exiting, I struggled with getting the door to open, my 3yo asked, "Mom, is that a damn door too?"
Thank you for the hair spray info! I like the pink glasses too.
Ps I was wrong we were not on dial up...we were on low speed DSL... Last night B said isn't dial up when you hear a dail tone? Yep we haven't had that in 10 years . Mt excuse is I have a head cold!
Funny! I've stuck my foot in my mouth too many times to count and have tried to forget them. Thanks for sharing yours!
Good to know about that hairspray. I will check it out. I know I have had many embarrassing moments in my life. One that I remember is a time when I was really mad at Mark. This was back in the 70's and his sister and her husband at the time were over. He walked them outside when they left. Then I heard him come in and I started yelling at him only it wasn't him, it was my brother in law who had forgotten something!!!!!
I can't think of any of those moments even though I know I've had them. :)
I will check out the hairspray. I don't like stuff in my hair, but I do spray a little in the front to keep my hair from falling in my face. I can't stand one strand of hair in my face lol that's why I don't have bangs. :)
We all have bad hair daze n embarrassing moments and I've had my share of both.
Yes it's hotter than blazes on the east coast too.
Happy Sunday Sandra ;)
I used to use hair spray all the time but when my hair started getting longer and I put it into a pony tail most of the time I stopped using it. Funny embarrassing moment. I've had a few but for the life of me can't remember one right now. Have a great week Sandra :)
I will try that spray...hate the ones that make your hair feel like cement!!!! You really did put your foot in your mouth with the glasses!!!,that is a tough one to beat...other than me talking to the horses!...:)JP
Too many to count! :)
Great idea to share---I am a pro at this funny times--- thanks for sharing :)
Haha! But I know what you mean. I used to hate Depression glass. Now I love it in green, at least the ones with straight lines. But I still hate Carnival ware. Ugly!!!! Oh. You have that? Haha.
LOL...I think they call that putting your foot in your mouth.
I thought at first they were eyeglasses with pink frames! :-) Glad you included the photo.
New spray for "old" hair--love it! It's nice to find a product that helps.That's a cute embarrassing story. One of those that makes one want to crawl under their desk. I was working for Sears in 1975, too, but I was in Customer Service/Parts. I can't think of a story right now, but I know there are some!
LOL! My life is one embarrassing moment after another, but I've found that while it is frustrating at times getting old and forgetting things, it is an advantage when it comes to embarrassing moments.
How funny! I know I have lots of embarrassing moments but my brain is too tired to think of one right now.
I like the got 2b line of products and have used some of the hairspray but not that one, I'll look for it.
Well I am going to have to try that product I need to get a hairspray - you got it at WallyWorld??
I am allergic to hairsprays. I have tried them all. My problem is my scalp goes nuts with itching. So my friend said she has that too. So she told me to get this brand. By Clario. You use so little. I have had mine for months.
So I use Herbal Essences Body Evey it reads.
Mousse .
The bottle is orange on half of the can which the can is slim and tall container with a Green letter O. The top is dark blue. The bottom is white with those Danger emblems and 192 g.
It is a graphic design. You shake it well and put in your palm very little and rub in your hair. It is like a mans shaving cream the substance when it comes out. The lip is like a flat button you push. I always do it in the sink to try it first. Now I know automatically.
After you have your shower. And you do not need a hair spray Sandra.
I laughed at your telling the gal beside you about the glasses. Now you liking them only in another color.
I remember saying to my daughter. Oh I would never wear orange . My daughter said neither I or the brown when those colors came out.
Well we ate our words too.
I bought an orange top and an orange hat in summer.
Then a brown top with my white summer jeans.
We laugh to this day.
Love your interesting blog.
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