Thursday, July 17, 2014

Good Fence Thursday - Bray Park

This is the field where my hubby flies his Radio Control Airplanes at 

I found several different types all in one place.
 About 50 feet to the left of this bench, way up high on a light pole is a nest with a family of Osprey

Some days the hawks and osprey sit on the fence below and watch and several times they have chased his planes. He is always very careful of them.
If I go with my camera they do not appear.

this might look like a lot of fencing for one place, but the park is 160 acres and is divided into softball, football, soccer, tennis courts, 3 pools and 2 dog parks. all that requires much fencing.

Jump on over to TexWisGirl Good Fence Thursday and join the fun


Anonymous said...

Fun to see where Bob flies his planes. Great fence shots and I love those trees too. Have a good day.

eileeninmd said...

Great fence shots, glad your hubby is careful when flying his planes.. Have a happy day!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Well that was a lot of fencing there.

Cranberry Morning said...

Laughed at your comment that the birds aren't there when you take your camera. So funny that they will chase the plane. Bob must have so much fun playing with those planes!

Hootin Anni said...

I like looks like. Maybe?

And you have an osprey family near this area? How lucky!!!

My Mind's Eye said...



EG CameraGirl said...

I would love to see the ospreys watching the plane. Hmmm. I'm wondering why you would go there withOUT your camera. :))

TexWisGirl said...

a really NICE park with lots of variety, too! i like how the bench appears to match the fence. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice park with acres and sturdy fencing. Maybe I will fly over and see Bob fly his airplane. Maybe you will be there Sandra or not hum dee?

Hubby and I used to take the boys and let them fly kites and then after watch guys like Bob fly the model airplanes. I guess now they are sort of modern controlled airplanes compared back in 1967.

Janey and Co. said...

Perfect place to fly his plane. I watched an Osprey teaching her young to drive for fish at the lake here. of course I had left my camera at home.

Debby Ray said...

Great shots...reminds me of when my when my boy played baseball!

Anonymous said...

That is a lot of fencing indeed. Thank you for visiting my GOOD MIXED FENCES.

Montanagirl said...

Nice photos - I especially like the second one.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

That is a nice park for plane flying! I guess the birds don't like to have their pictures taken. Funny birds!

Rose said...

Of course they are not there if you have your camera...maybe you could camouflage it!

Jo said...

Wow, those are sturdy fences! And the benches match them! I love that the ospreys chase your husband's planes. Have a great day. Jo

4RRanch said...

Looks live the bench in the first picture is made out of fence.

Phil Slade said...

It looks a very complicated fence to deal with all those activities. It sounds like the hawks and the Ospreys think they have an intruder on their territory.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds like a great park! Of course the birds hide when you have your camera. I tried all last week to get the Blue Jays in Mammoth Lakes. By the time I zoomed in they were always gone!

DeniseinVA said...

That looks like a nice, wide, open space for Bob to fly his airplanes. Always the way for wildlife not to appear when you want them to.

Ginny Hartzler said...

That's a whole lotta fences! Does his plane ever get stuck in a tree?

theconstantwalker said...

It looks a lovely peaceful place while no sport is being played... Mmmmmm noisy planes? lol xx

Michaele said...

Wow! You win today's prize for fences!

Ann said...

a nice multi purpose park. That bench matches the fence quite nicely

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

That is a lot of fencing. Super that Bob has a nice place to fly his planes.

Roan said...

That's a great place to find fences. I always see amazing wildlife if I don't have my camera with me.

SquirrelQueen said...

Birds can be as camera shy as our critter can't they? This looks like a great place for Bob to fly his planes. I really like all the fences.

Anonymous said...

That would take a lot of fencing! I like how the bench looks so similar to the fence. Interesting about the birds of prey keeping an eye on the planes.

Tanya Breese said...

it looks like a pretty place! i'd probably bring a book along!

Susannah said...

Hi Sandra, That is a lot of acreage that needs a lot of fencing!!!! I think they have it covered pretty good. Beautiful place - nice park!

HappyK said...

The bench matches the fence perfectly. : )

Anonymous said...

I would love to see the birds chasing the plane! I can't say that I blame them. Ha!

CJ said...

Lots of fences here. Hope you catch those hawks & ospreys some day.

Thanks for visiting my Good Fences Post.

LC said...

Again I say, you do live in such an interesting community.