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Anna Maria Island 6:30 AM 2007 |
Do these wonderful Pelicans look like trouble? the morning I took this photo there were thousands of them flying in from and island to feed in the bay.
I love pelicans. They are a common sight here.
Bob and I were discussing The Pelican Peril from 1987 this morning.
photo by google images |
Photo by google images |
Bob drove 49 miles to work and the bridge below was 2 miles from Sears where he worked.
As he raced drove at 50 MPH on top of this bridge, he saw a pelican ,
Riding the currents.
Coming straight at him.
no worries, he has seen this before and they always rise up.
The pelican did not rise...
Desoto bridge Bradenton, by Me |
The pelican hit the windshield, head first right into Bob's face,
at the last moment he threw up his arms to protect his eyes, and managed to stop the truck with the pelican bill almost touching his nose.
Glass was every where...
the pelican was dead,
Bob drove to work.
And worked 8 hours covered in glass, in his hair and all over his clothes. Allstate put in a new windshield right in the Sears parking lot.
HE Did not call me,
did not clean up,
did not clean out the truck.
10 hours after it happened he came home with the truck looking like a glass bomb went off inside..
His curly hair acted as a net and required much brushing to get the glass out...
the bad news was the pelican died, the good news was Bob was not harmed and the truck was repaired at no cost.
Hello! Well, what do you know...something else we have in common...I worked at Sears, too! We had a small catalog order store in the town where I grew up. I was the "detail clerk"...balanced the cash report and helped in the credit dept. I worked there while attending college. Amazing story about the pelican. Not sure who was crazier...the pelican or Bob!! ha! ha! So glad he wasn't hurt! My embarrassing moment...as I walked into my in-law's church, the elastic in my skirt broke and my skirt fell to the floor! Fortunately, I was wearing a slip! Horrifying! I never used old elastic when sewing again! :-)
Wow. That must have been quite the shock. Like something out of Hitchcook's "The Birds".
Mersad Donko Photography
Yikes...talk about a PELICAN BRIEF!!!!...:)JP
Great shots of the pelicans and the bridge...love the light on the piers.
Wow what a story of the Pelican Peril. Bob was lucky not to get hurt.
You've got a tough one there Sandra. lol
OH MY WORD Sandra...what a scary scary ride to work. Thank goodness Bob was not injured. Wonder what in the world was wrong with the pelican not to pull up. Maybe it was sick.
Pelican Pearl was a beautiful truck.
I share the same sentiments as what you left on my blog today.
Hugs Cecilia
That was quite an adventure, one I'm sure he does not want to repeat. Scary! I'm amazed he was OK with working all day after that happened.
Oh my gosh! That Bob sure has some adventures...maybe you need to add a Bob Blog...
Thankful that was not worse; I know you must have been shocked to see Bob all those hours later.
Yikes! Was Alfred Hitchcock anywhere around?
Yikes we have heard of crashes with deer but never a pelican. Luckily Bob was OK. LOL trust a man not to clean the car out. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
Wow! That is quite a story! And I love that first photo especially. Such amazing critters.
That was a miracle he wasn't hurt, especially being blinded on the bridge like that!
good gosh, that could have been SO much worse!
Nice to see you here again. Glad that story had a good ending.
What a story, what a guy, just kept on working! I love pelicans too, but better the pelican than Bob biting the dust that day.
Wow, what a story Sandra, so glad Bob wasn't hurt and I think he was amazing for continuing working all day. That must have been a shock to see him when he came home.
That's a beautiful red truck and a great shot of the pelicans. I have never seen that many birds at one time. I love them too.
too scary...
glad to hear that story had a good ending. that could have been so much worse!
i linked yo you today!
The outcome could have been much worse.
Wow, so glad he was okay. Pelicans are really big birds...oh my the damage that could have happened, besides the glass everywhere.
About 10 years ago Hubby and I were driving home at night and as we were going under an overpass, all of a sudden there was this loud sound and our windshield shattered into a thousand dusty particles. Kids had thrown a brick from overhead and it landed on my side of the window. I really thought I had been shot.
No personal damage except for being totally shook up and having the glass from head to foot. Reported it at the police station but the "kids" were long gone. Got the brick and insurance paid for the new windshield.
Whew...hadn't thought of that in quite a while. It still gives me the willies.
glad Bob was okay! so funny that he worked like that and didn't even call you!
WOW what a morning that must have been ~
I think Bob was in shock !
You know, Greg always makes fun of me for slowing down when I see a bird in the road. I may make him read this! Sorry about the pelican but glad Bob was unharmed. That first photo looks like something out of Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds."
Oh MY GOSH!!!!! This story is amazing, like a good but scary movie!! WHY have you not posted it years ago? And I love the visuals to go along with it! We are sitting on the couch and I have been reading it aloud to Phil. It is so good that he interrupted his devotions to listen. If I did not know Bob like I do, I would not believe it! I thought if he puts his hands to his eyes, he goes off the bridge!! So what else have you been hiding? You have a rapt audience! I am so glad to even see a post from you today!!
Pretty darn scary. I am glad Bob was not hurt! Even when I am out driving...and you see a bird coming at you, it is scary. Sometimes they move on and sometimes they don't. Glad insurance covered that for you. Bob's hair is so thick and curly, it must have taken forever to get out....like you said.
Oh my, I can't believe that happened to him. Thank God he was able to stop the car. Also I can't imagine seeing thousands of the flying around, that had to be quite the sceen. When my husband was teaching our son to drive in a empty parking lot there was a big crow in front of them. My husband told him don't worry, he will move. Well he didn't move and my son ran over him!
Interesting story with a happy ending,for Bob.
Oh my goodness! I'm glad Bob was OK! Wildlife and vehicles just don't mix do they.
Happy August Sandra!
xo Catherine
whoa, what a scary experience. I bet you're glad you weren't with him when it happened.
I have never seen a pelican other than in pictures. They look a bit prehistoric to me
It's a good thing Bob kept his cool, that could have been much worse. I love your shot of the pelicans on the bay.
Oh my gosh! That could have had an entirely different and sad ending. I'm happy to know that Bob survived that freak happening! Cool shot of the pelicans.
Your Bob!!! Only YOUR Bob!!! I know that was a scary thing for YOU!!! Doesn't sound like it affected your Bob all that much!!
Wow, what a story. I am glad your Bob was Ok and the truck was repaired. But, that poor Pelican. What was it thinking to fly right into the car's window..have a happy weekend!
I amazes me that Bob went on to work and worked his shift with glass on him. Poor pelican but I am glad Bob suffered no injuries. That was great he got the windshield replaced at no cost. Hugs!
Sounds like a close call!
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