Praise ye the Lord, Praise God in his sanctuary: Praise Him in the firmament of His power.
We have 176 churches here, these are a few I really like.
Palmetto Historical Village |
Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.
Manatee Historical Village 1867 |
Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp.
Christ Episcopal Church, Bradenton Fl |
Praise him with the timbrel and dance, praise him with stringed instruments and organs.
First Baptist Church |
InSPIREd Sunday a meme for Churches
follow the link to see other churches
Way cool. Have a serene easy Sunday.
Best wishes Molly
I think I like the first one the most. Looks very compact and like you can find solace there.
Mersad Donko Photography
Pretty collection of images and churches.. I like the first church! Happy Sunday!
They are all lovely but I really like the first one.
if you wish to share your churches with others who enjoy churches too ... check out InSPIREd Sunday have a lovely weekend. ( :
i am a fan of the last 2. what beauties.
i do hope you'll link to inspired sunday to share these! LOVE the first one!
Beautiful churches
Beautiful churches...MY word there are a lot in your city. I love the first Baptist it very closely resembles the original Tabernacle Baptist Church where I was baptized and married. About 12 years ago TBC moved out of downtown Raleigh. They built on a beautiful hill not far from here. They took nearly all of their stained glass windows from the 1800's too.
I'll have to see if I have a picture of the original TBC
Hugs Cecilia
Nice selection of churches and I love that Psalm.
I love old Churches. My favorite is the first one.
Hi there,
I first one is my favorite! The The Backroads Traveller
All are interesting designs.
the first one reminds me of a small Baptist church I attended when I was a young girl. the last church is really pretty. :)
Wow, you sure do have many churches there. I like the first one best I think. Enjoy your Sunday :)
I like the first one the best. Gosh, Bradenton has a lot of churches. It must be a much bigger city than I had thought.
Those are some attractive churches.
all are beautiful...the first appeals to me the most. Why I don't know. I would love to see them all in person.
Perfect post for triggering good thoughts this Sunday!
Wow! They all have their own beauty!
wow, you have a lot of churches there.Those are all very nice. I always liked the look of the older churches the best
Wonderful church photos! You can praise Him in a simple church and a magnificent structure, too.
They are all very pretty churches. My favorite is the first one. I like small churches.
These are beautiful, it's interesting to see the different styles. What a cool meme! I hadn't heard of that one.
Each one has it's own beauty!....even though some are entirely different. Which one do you like the best, Sandra?
Lovely. The first one looks like something from a fairy-tale.
The first place of worship is really interesting looking, at least from the angle you shot is from!
Those are are just wonderful. I especially liked the design of the 2nd church.
I love churches.....I can't believe you have that many!!!
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