Fall and Winter Sun shines in the kitchen early AM making November/December/January my favorite months of the year..and so cozy for sitting inside the door or out in the sun.
On really cool days, I push the blinds open and Jake and I share the sun puddles.
and while Bob works on the pool you KNOW what I am doing....
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White Bird of Paradise |
Oh please send some sun this way. All this week has been so dreary and drizzly and I need a good dose of sunshine.
Finally, after nearly a week of gloomy gray skies here, we are going to have some of that sun. Sun puddles!!!
Catching up on your posts and see the Kia in the dappled sunlight. Nice ... and it still looks brand new!! And the tv from the movies....not me. I enjoy having NO TV around our house. Well, let me re-phrase that, we do have a tv connected for watching dvds, but no cable and blaring programs. Blissful.
Beautiful. Glad you're getting sun and that Jake is willing to share. January is almost always sunny here too, although a tad cooler than there. Lol
I agree sunshine on my shoulders make me happy too.
We are about to come out of another long rain event. Hopefully no rain for 4 or 5 days. This is the wettest fall I remember in a long time.
Madi is jealous of that fine sun puddle she reluctant hugs
Madi and mom
What a lovely environment to live in, you are are blessed.
Good morning, is that a John Denver song. Sunshine makes me happy too. I like your sun puddles. Enjoy the sun and have a happy day!
The sun is out here, too, and it surely does brighten up a day. Have a great day, you two.
I especially love sunshine in January, February and March. This past November was unusually sunny for Ontario, which was much appreciated. Of all the months in the year I dislike November the most...usually...because it's mostly overcast.
Sunshine lifts my spirits! Glad you and Jake can share a sun puddle. After several days of clouds/rain, we are enjoying sun today!
I've been scrolling through your recent posts. You've been busy. I like your new header, although I also liked the one of 'Father Christmas/Bob' sunbathing. Your home looks peaceful.
We do have some sun this day...and I am glad for it. But it is 33ºF as I type this and was colder earlier. So I envy you being able to set outside. I think that is what I miss most in the cold weather...
Sunshine and mild does lift our spirits.
It is sunny here and mild.
That pool looks so good.
gloomy, gloomy here, I'd like to see a bit of sunshine for the lift it gives you.
Still, only a few weeks and Spring will be here again, there's optimism for you. lol
sharing sun puddles with a pup...nothing better.
Ah how different our definitions of a "cool" day are... :)
sunshine makes me happy too but we don't have any. It was snowing when I got up this morning.
Sunshine coming into the house is a warm and welcome retreat.
Taking pictures of course!
Looks like you are snapping away!! We are finally getting some much needed rain here in Northern California....but it is keeping me indoors which cuts back on my snapping time!
Enjoy your sun puddles!!
Well I must say your sunshine is lovely!
Sun puddles - love that! It has been so cold here at night I may have to try Florida next winter! Great pics.
You have a lovely home Sandra and I love the look of your pool. Those sunshine photos are lovely.
Sandra, I love the sound of that -- sharing sun puddles!
What a wonderful spot to share. I like sun puddles too.
I just love this post!! I have never seen so much of your home before and it is just as I imagined it to be! Clean and shiny and orderly. I love how we are so different and yet we admire each other and the lives we live. I would love to visit you and enjoy the calm and order and serenity of your home. I am thinking profound thoughts - but can't find the words to express them. Bottom line - I love your home!
Love the lightness of your room. And the pool.
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