Saturday, May 7, 2016

When You Have NOTHING....

This Post has been in drafts for about 10 days but has been delayed. I NOW have SOMETHING to post about but will do that on Monday..
When you have nothing to post about there is always Something.... The top to the can of pumpkin. Really?

There I was, Sitting in the rocker, watching TV with Laptop in lap, The NOOK is to the right glowing, Bob and Jake are on my desktop smiling at me. It is early AM and there I sat feeling all cozy in the dark. With the advance of daylight I realized the dust balls were so thick I could pull them off with my fingers... I shut the laptop, turned off the TV and..............

Once again The NOOK Glass Is Clean.

While cleaning the mirrored light switch cover, I ponder just what kind of nutcase  would put mirrors around the light switch? SNAP! Snap! the Answer is.... a MADSnapper just might do that.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

My first comment using feebly on my tablet

Suburban Girl said...

Well, mirrored switches are motivation to keep them clean I guess.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I like your laptop photo. The mirror covering the light switch is different, I've never seen them.
Are you making something yummy with the can of pumpkin?
Happy Mother's Day to Jake's mom. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

From the Kitchen said...

I've never seen mirrored light switch covers--or, what you can see in them.


DeniseinVA said...

I have never seen a mirrored light switch before. That's really clever how you took photos of the reflections.

Ohmydearests said...

Yes, those switches are high maintenance! Have a beautiful weekend!

Ann said...

for as lazy as I've gotten about housecleaning I could never have light switch plates like those but they sure are pretty and are perfect for your nook

TexWisGirl said...

you're a mess.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Lol at Tex' comment! :) I haven't seen the mirrored switch plate covers before now. Have a nice weekend and Happy Mother's Day!

Just Mags said...

Those mirror light switch covers are pretty, never seen them before. I am trying to get rid of things that require a lot of cleaning and that I can do without so I will pass on them...although I do like them. Hugs

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What gorgeous reflections!!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

The mirrored light switch covers are good for photo ops, Sandra. As for those dust balls, we see them a lot living in an old mill. My advice is turn off all bright lights or close your eyes...or bith.

Gail said...

I like the look.

You inspire me to clean.

Ida said...

You know I rather like your mirrored light switches.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I haven't seen that on the pumpkin cans yet! I love your nook.

photowannabe said...

You always make me laugh Sandra.
Love this post.

Rose said...

I have never noticed mirrored light switch covers before...