Sunday, July 31, 2016


One of our most dramatic plants in our yard is the Yucca aloifolia
Common Names: Spanish bayonet, dagger plant

They don't call it Spanish bayonet for no reason! The tips of the leaves are pointed and sharp! Do not plant Spanish bayonet near walkways, patios or in areas frequented by children and pets. This plant can inflict painful puncture wounds even through heavy clothing!

What do you call a frog spy? A croak and dagger agent!



eileeninmd said...

Good morning, Sandra! The blooms are pretty. Cute froggie funny. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL MOL MOL MOL a Sunday snicker with a dagger plant.
WTG MS!! We love the froggy joke
Hugs madi and mom
PS I have daggers and fangs...wonder if there is a joke to go with that. MOL

Jo said...

Oh wow, Sandra! After living here for 16 years, and having planted these shrubs in the garden next door (which I don't own anymore) I finally know what they're called! Thanks for the funny on the frog too!

Betty Manousos said...

gorgeous! i love your yucca. and i do think your garden is beautiful, lovely pictures again!

enjoy your sunday~

Mevely317 said...

I never knew that the pretty yuccas could be so mean.

Goodness. I just realized that makes me sound like I'm describing a teenage clique! :(

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Such a beautiful blossom!

Anonymous said...

Pretty pictures and you are right, those pointy tips hurt!
One house we had, someone had planted some by the mailbox and no matter how careful we were, we always got stuck. John finally used his car bumper to pull the roots (from China!)

Ohmydearests said...

Very pretty! And some plants can be really dangerous!

TexWisGirl said...

they are pretty! a lot of folks here put them at their driveway entrances as 'guards'. :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

Ouch! The leaves of this plant sound dangerous,but the flowers sure are pretty.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is a test comment, no I am not commenting on my own post to raise my numbers. he he he

Hootin Anni said...

I just wish the candelabra blossoms would last longer! They're pretty and waxy. I like ANY kind of yucca.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your photos of the yucca are beautiful! We have a lot around here, and I have taken pictures. But not posted them yet. Now I WILL. I love the way we see the blossoms surrounded by the leaves in the last photo. And the first one is different, but just as gorgeous. Phil doesn't like them because from a distance they look weedy. But when you get up close they are beautiful!! I did not know how bad those leaves are! But I knew enough to be very careful, and not get my hands or body near them.

Anonymous said...

Yuccas have always been a love of mine and we do not have any here although I see them in yards. We had the most wonderful ones in VA...not a beautiful as YOURS though!!!...:)JP

Ann said...

This is pretty. I'm pretty sure my dad had these in his yard but the flowers were different. I do remember the sharp leaves though.
Funny joke. Thanks for the giggle

What Karen Sees said...

Hey, we grow yucca plants in both northern and southern Utah, too. I'm surprised. They must be quite hardy and withstand a variety of climates!

Anonymous said...

The flowers remind me of Lily of the Valley in my Moms garden. They had a perfume odor. We took this type of flower in and placed it in a very tiny glass.

Marie said...

beautiful and misleading! these would be great to put around border of a yard. :)