My friend Madeline and her husband attended open house at the day care that their grandson would attend. For security they would need to be fingerprinted because access through the front door required a finger print to open the door....
Guess what???? they have no finger prints... none, nada, nary a one... Did you know that as we age our finger prints disappear? NOW you know, when we age our fingerprints disappear. I checked, mine are gone too.
This could be an advantage if we wanted to live Off The Grid... or do murder/mayhem and not leave fingerprints. Oh Wait! does our DNA disappear???? I am contacting Baldacci and Grisham to give them a story line.
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fingerprint ART found by Google Search |
Fingerprints Make Good Impressions
You are my Finger Prince, The Only One in The Whorl
Fingerprints Add a Personal Touch
Guess what this smiley face means??? it means I got Photoshop CS5 in my desktop and created this face all by myself. Just So You Know..Fingerprints Add a Personal Touch
I am surprised to read that our finger prints will disappear. Still i am able to believe it.
Hello Sandra!:) This is intriguing! I immediately took a large magnifying glass which I keep on my desk to see for myself, and sure enough there was only the faintest trace of any lines. Only the little finger on my left hand has a slight whorl. It's amazing what you find out Sandra,:)) The fingerprint art was amusing and some were really imaginative and artistic, I think I'll give it a whorl,...with my little finger of course!!:)) Have a great day!;)
In South Africa, they take your thumb prints when you apply for an Identity document... my mom ran a swimming club for decades... and her thumb prints 'washed' away... unfortunately, the DNA stays...
How interesting. When John and I first married, I did a lot of crafts with a hot glue gun and I joked that I was losing my fingerprints! Little did I know it is true. Love the cute art!
That is an interesting fact indeed, we learn something new everyday. Thanks for sharing and warm greetings!
an interesting topic you have here.
i've learned something today! thank you, sandra!
Are you serious? Okay, I gotta go check my prints. I'll be back in a bit....Okay, I'm back. My prints are still with me....tho somewhat less detailed than years ago. Hmmmm.
I did find out I have a sliver in my left thumb tho!! Couldn't even feel it 'til I check my prints under the magnifying glass.
OMCs mom will for sure be checking to see if her fingerprints have disappeared...she would rather the hair on her legs disappear!
I love the finger print art too
Hugs madi your bfff
I keep having trouble leaving a message on your blog. Is it just me? They won't post unless I reopen the comment box.
Cabinet is attached permanently...which makes for quite a lovely landing pad....just sayin'
hugs madi
Hi Sandra, I did not know our fingerprints disappear! The fingerprint art is cute! I know you will be having fun with the Photoshop!
Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!
Wow! Next time the 7-11 is robbed, we'll know who to check first! LOL
Have a great week, Sandra. Grandson here last week, family here the past weekend just left today. It was wonderful, and next weekend we have another family birthday party. My goodness, when it rains it pours! :-) xo
I had NO idea, and I can't believe no one already used it in a detective story...?! Surely literature must be full of old criminals??? (Looking at mine I still seem to have them but maybe they have faded... I've not tried it lately with ink...)
So glad you got Photoshop! This means more fun for all of us! My DIL does this fingerprint art with the grandkids, it is so cute! NO senior prints??? Unbelievable!!! So what age o they start to disappear? I still have mine. I had to be fingerprinted a couple years ago. I had to come back because they had to do it twice, so maybe that means that mine have started to fade? much about us fades as we get older or in my case...just plain old..(:0)
When I did a lot with VBS at church we used to do fingerprint art. It was always a fun project.
I can't wait to see all of your new creations now that you're all set with photoshop 10.
Have a terrific Monday.
Haha....I discovered that I had no fingerprints years ago when I became a licensed social worker. They really had to work hard to get anything to show up with the old fashioned ink pad method. I'm sure it's all done digitally and more sophisticated now. If we have no fingerprints when we get older I wonder if that is because we have spent a lifetime "worked our fingers to the bone"as the saying goes!!
I sure have enough finger prints for you and you and you. Hey maybe I am not old to lose my prints. Ha-ha. You think.
I know though when I have to have blood work done. They have a hard time finding my veins. Once they get in.
It keeps a coming good flow. Those containers fill up in know time.
Seriously?!?!?! That's troubling, in a way.
Oh, you know the way my mind runs to True Crime. ..... As she sits, studying her fingertips.
Years ago I had to go downtown Tampa to be fingerprinted for my concealed weapons permit. Wonder if I shouldn't let them know they can delete me, now that I'm OLDEN.
Wait a minute...I open my phone with a fingerprint and it works..wonder why? Glad you got another program to enhance your creativity...:)JP
I did not know that. Mine seem to still be intact!
At least maybe my finger prints will go before my mind does.
No I did not know our fingerprints disappear! I cannot even see if I have mine lol. You did some creative work again lol
Now this fact does leave lots of room for my imagination to run seniors not needing gloves to do heists!
I had no idea! No ID? Oh yes, DNA. We'll have to wear gloves if we're going to get into mayhem. Love the fingerprint art. CS5! Girl! You are movin' on up!
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