When I uploaded these photos, the words Dark Forest came to mind and I thought these would be perfect for a Grimm Fairy Tale...
I decided to write a fairy tale along the lines of Hansel and Gretel, in the dark forest, but I found I was barking up the wrong tree. I decided to write about a poor sap, that was a rootless wanderer but he turned out to be a dumb ash.
I decided write about board kids that got into mischief and someone had to call the copse. But then I could not think of a punch line, so you will all have to pine a bit longer.
I know you are all rooting for me and you saw this coming. The root of my problem is sometimes I can't cedar forest for the trees and if you want to turn off your comments today it is your deciduous
Remember Sept 11, 2001 |
You have me laughing and it is 4 a.m.!!
Love the photos.
Good morning Sandra!:) It is your Deciduous!!!:))) That's a good one!:))))
You can't cedar forest.....LOL you are good at this. Love this.
Your photos are beautiful and your narrative is a great way to start the morning with a smile. Thanks Sandra :)
Good morning, Sandra! I love the funny puns and the images of the dark forest. You are good at this! Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!
Great shots.It's interesting how any standing water can be used for fantastic photos.
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH my cats MS mom says she would like to invade your brain for a day just to see how it works.
These are hilarious!!
Hugs madi your bfff
Love the cedar pun the best. I expect the Big Bad Wolf to come trotting out an any minute. My favorite image today? That bit of spanish moss hanging down at the top of picture #4.
"The woods are lovely--dark and deep-but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep." Oh, wait! Robert Frost already penned that line.
You are sooooo funny S!! Those trees do spark the imagination!!
You had me at the Brothers Grimm!
In all seriousness, Sandra, I think your humor and photos would make a great children's book series!
Fabulous photos and a jolly good tale.
Your gentle humour and puns make me smile. More beautiful photos of trees and reflections in water. I like the last one with the moss growing down, but they're all atmospheric.
Thanks for the laugh.
These photos are great.
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