Thursday, September 15, 2016

Good Fence Thursday ART

Repeat after me... This IS a fence.. THIS is a fence. This is a FENCE.....

Fence Art will have to do today  since I have NO fence photos...I live in the city.

Joining TexWisGirl in Good Fence Thursday... This IS a Fence!

These were all created in PicMonkey by Madsnapper, below is The Creation, above are
Mirror in PicMonkey


eileeninmd said...

Good morning, Sandra! Love the tree, birds, flowers and fence. I like your pretty fence art. Well done. Happy Thursday, enjoy your weekend ahead!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning. Very pretty and creative. Have a nice day.

TexWisGirl said...

hey, i like it. and love the tree. :)

Tanya Breese said...

well i like your fence art, works for me!

Anonymous said...

That should work for a fence for your theme Fences. I live in the country kind of now. Only my fences everyone has seen. Typical farmers fences here and there.

So good for you.

Yes Sandra. I am up and running.

Inger said...

Thanks for your advice the other day. I have cleaned up my computer and everything works great. Except my printer but thats another story. The Except here is gmail and loading pictures on the blogs! All I see here is black background, no pictures. I am not happy. I have to get going with my day, but will return later. Have a good one.

photowannabe said...

You are definitely the PicMonkey artist!
Love your fences and the treatment.
Have a great rest of the week.

Lady Fi said...

Lovely creations!

Marie said...

This is a fence...a pretty one too! Love the tree, birds and flowers! You're one talented lady!!

Hootin Anni said...

Repeat after me...I like your fence posts, fence posts, fence posts!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

WOW! This is even better than a real fence!! I LOVE it. The birds are like leaves falling. I have no favorite, I love them all! They make me SMILE and are so wonderful and artsy!!! What a treat!! You are a true cyber artist. And your header is glorious! I remember it, and it is so cool for fall. Your beautiful eyes are so green. In my memory you edited it, but they are still so wide and beautiful! LOVE LOVE LOVE. You ROCK.

Ginny Hartzler said...


Ida said...

You do amazing things with Pic Monkey. I like your bottom shot so much, it's really pretty.

Ruth Kelly said...

Someone is an artist!

Ann said...

That's a fine looking fence. I like your art. You've had some editing fun :)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You certainly were not fenced in, Sandra.

DeniseinVA said...

This is a fence, this is a fence, this is a fence. You are a hoot Sandra and I love your creations.

Mevely317 said...

I've never tried the 'mirror' feature in PicMonkey ... yet. These are great!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I like all of them but the last one is the best fence one!