Tiger |
These cats are looking good and
feline good...and I think they are awfully purrretty....
Liger |
A Liger is a lion bred with a tiger. This big guy could look me in the face, he weighs 1000 pounds and is the biggest they have ever seen and still growing. He does not have a mane because the mane is just for fighting off other males and he has no one to fight. He is a male liger, 7 years old.. Males like mules can not produce babies.
I think they should have named this big guy Jean Clawwed Van Damn.
I am smitten with these kittens.... Joining
TexWisGirl for Good Fence Thursday and this IS a good fence, actually there were three fences between me and Brutus... and a guard to keep people outside the fencing.
Wow! I have never heard of or seen a liger! So this is a first for me, and something cool to learn!! This guy is HUGE. I would think just as big or bigger than a tiger. My favorite pun is Jean Clawed Van Damn, har har har!!!
Interesting about the liger. Boy is he ever huge. Great contribution to Good Fences this week. Certainly a place where fences are very necessary to be strong enough to hold such a big cat.
The fences sure look like they will keep viewers safe . The animals are beautiful but not sure about them kept in zoos.
Hello Sandra:) I've been absent from blogging for a few days and trying to catch up. Liger is a new species to me, and this big guy is huge. Great fence post, and puns.
Jean Clawwwed! too funny!
what a beautiful kitty kat! you crack me up!
he's really beautiful. found the males are mules thing fascinating.
These fellows always fun, but glad there is a fence in between.
Those cats are fascinating. I would be very glad for those strong fences!!
Wow! Such magnificent creatures behind those sturdy fences. The Liger is quite something.
That's a lot of feline fencing :)
Hi Sandra. Thank heavens for good strong fences. I wouldn't want to see that monster without one. Isn't he magnificent?!
John Clawwed Van Damn .... LMAO!
Love the Bengal tiger! He reminds me of one that came to 'visit' when I worked at Channel 10. I'd just come in from the 'smoking bench' out back, opened the door to the stairs leading to our offices on the second floor .... and came face-to-face with this smiling fella sitting on the stairs with this HUGE tiger improbably named "Hobbes." As memory serves, this guy had a little rescue sanctuary in Clearwater and the news was going to do a human-interest piece.
This was, of course, WAY before cell phone cameras, but it's definitely in my Top 10 life experiences!
Hello, he is beautiful. I have never heard of the Liger, very cool. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!
I have never heard of a Liger. I just found this out....A liger is the result of breeding a male lion to a tigress. A tigon is the result of breeding a male tiger to a lioness.
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