Friday, January 13, 2017

Following the Sunshine.. Again

I saw the shadows on my pineapple and had to snap.. then of course I had to Play in Lunapic.

Coffee filter Lunapic

My blogger friends, You are all prickly on the outside and sweet on the inside. I pine for you.
If all of you were fruit, you would be a fine-apple.

Creepy filter Lunapic
Gray filter Lunapic


Ginny Hartzler said...

I just love the original picture. The leaves and the stripes are fantastic. The filters fit the pictures so well! They are not pretty ones, so I never use these. But it's all in having the artistic judgement to know what filter to use with each kind of picture. I could just never come up with this. You really know your stuff.

diane b said...

Sandra, I just got this rubbish on my blog too. I tried to inform Google mail but I don't know if I was successful. You might be smarter at that than me.

Love the lines and patterns in the photos.

Anonymous said...

I rec'd this same spam.

Love your pineapple edits. Wish I had some sweet pineapple chunks for breakfast. Wishing you a good day.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Sandra, love the edits and I love pineapple. I have not bought recently, was it sweet? Are you getting weird spam about American women? I always delete the anonymous comments and yesterday when I came home I accidentally deleted instead of publishing all my comments made on my last post.

Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

Hootin Anni said... the previous post..."Out of Odor"....hilarious.
I've been able to do everything but dishes for years! Drs. orders.

Okay, seriously, I've become a Lunatic for your effects you have on us all. Pining for more.

Gayle said...

Love the complexity of the shadows on the original and the one strip of light around the pineapple.
I saw a nasty comment about women on another blog yesterday.
Today my 'followers' gadget on my page is blank.

MadSnapper n Beau said...


Jo said...

Amazing images ! I've had one comment (spam) about American Women should be boycotted but deleted it.

Rose said...

Oh, wow, I love what you did with this one. I cannot pick a favorite.

My Mind's Eye said...

Clapping like a lunatic....
your devoted fine-apple friends Madi and mom

Marie said...

you crack me up! great post, as usual! I love your original photo best and then probably the coffee filter. :) I made an upside down pineapple cake for Christmas, my firtst, and it was delicious! my neighbor in Orlando was always growing pineapples...very cool. don't know if I could grow one here.

photowannabe said...

You are so Puny!!
I do really like that Coffee Filter. It makes a super photo.
Yippee...the sun is shining today and the sky is a crystal blue.
Hopefully things wil dry out a bit before the next wave of moisture comes in.
Our pumps worked great and nothing got in the house.

Mevely317 said...

The Coffee Filter sure "speaks" to me!

SMDH! At first glance, your first picture looked like you'd captured a little green snake slithering his way around the pineapple. Better have my OWN eyes checked, huh?

Anonymous said...

Sorry to see that nasty thumb. Oh my if I had known that. I would of not bothered you at Facebook. I read
your back writing somewhat. Love your art I have missed and pictures.

Happy New Year Sandra and your special guy. ( Hubby)

Ann Thompson said...

These are all pretty cool. I'm assuming that your auto correct didnt like the word lunapic and kept changing it to lunatic. Or maybe you were just feeling like a photo editing lunatic lol

Ruth Hiebert said...

Fun edits.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...


Ohmydearests said...


Debby@Just Breathe said...

The sun and shadows are always so beautiful.....