Hubby Bob in the gulf |
All the doctors said the same thing, Bob swimming 1000 meters a day for 19 years plus doing his calisthenics at home, taking care of the pool and mowing grass, saved his life.
When I stepped through the door into ICU for the first time, I could hear singing. It was Bob, he was laying in bed singing Willie Nelson's song You are Always on my Mind....he has been singing it for 5 days now, in the bathroom, while watching TV, while walking laps... oh well, there are worse songs.
Hubby Bob in the YMCA pool |
Bob went back to the YMCA Pool, Thursday July 6th. We are beyond Happy... He can drive and fly planes (toy ones silly) and MOW THE GRASS... for this we are thankful, I was about to buy a machete and a man to swing it.
Nice to see Bob in the pool again. Thank you, Lord, for answered prayers. Wishing you both a nice weekend.
This is such brilliant news! Back where he belongs! Have a beautiful weekend!
Fabulous Sandra, so happy for you both.
I am so thankful for these results. The singing may eventually stop...it could be worse,
Hello, I am happy for the both of you. So glad Bob can get back to his regular routine. Swimming is a great exercise. BTW, I like that song.
Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!
Well we think you should be singing the song of Super Man to Bob!!
For sure Willie Nelson is way better than rapping or hip hop.
YOU GO BOB and YOU GO MS you are an excellent caregiver
Hugs Madi and mom
So good to see the Salty Dog!
Have a good weekend! Sandie
Oh, happy HAPPY day! I like Bob's song! You should hear some of the ones I get to listen to! Sometimes they get in my head and scho for days!
Makes me think I should get up off this couch...
YAH!!!! Wonderful and joyful pics! Way to go Bob, you are a strong man!
Love the thought of Bob singing that nice song. It's a good sign as is the back to swimming at the YMCA pool. Wishing you both well.
This is wonderful news Sandra!:) I am overjoyed for the both of you.:)
That is fantastic. Not only that his active lifestyle saved his life but that he's finally able to get back to it. So is there any particular reason why he's singing that song
God is good!! What fantastic news, so glad Bob is doing so well!
God is still in the business of healing. I am happy to see Bob back doing what he loves.
Such great news!! I am happy and thankful.
Great news and only goes to show that taking care of yourselves is beneficial.
I'm so happy to see him doing so well. And what an inspiration to do better with the exercise. When you get old, it is so difficult to get back what you lose when you stop exercising, as I am noticing now that we are walking again and not getting very far, but building up or strength. Samson and me. Faith is amazingly strong, but she's young and healthy.
BOB is a something else. Way to go. Just be sure he is also wearing sunscreen when out in the water. He has had a wicked way to go but amazingly jumped right back.
Singing Willie Nelson in ICU?
Compared to what they usually see (and hear), I'll bet Bob's doctors and nurses were so surprised and pleased.
That's a beautiful swimming pool!
So glad he is fixed and readt for more laps and flying. Swimming is goog forvus all. If only we were as motivated.
That first photo is really good. It is good to know that Bob is doing well and that he has done all those things over the years to help save his life. That is one of my favorite Willy songs. Hugs sweet Sandra
That is great news. What a wonderful blessing you have both been given.
He's got more spunk then I have for sure. Way to go!
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