Monday, October 23, 2017

A Negative Look

You can find a positive in every negative, just don't be so negative about it...

if someone tells you, you are putting to much peanut butter on your bread, you KNOW that is a negative person, get rid of them in your life...

Wait! What? What did you say?   was that sarcasm or supportiveness? You only THINK there's a difference.

Photos taken with my tablet using a setting called... are you ready for this?   NEGATIVE... now I know what my furniture would look like if I painted it white.... that is a POSTIVE...


Ginny Hartzler said...

Yikes! Makes me think how much more positive your rooms are!!! Not to be negative or anything...

Ann said...

Well I'm positive that this proves that being negative is not always a bad thing. I'm also positive that I could never have white furniture in my house. I'm not a white furniture kind of person. It would look horrible in no time around here

Karen said...

I had an aunt with all white furniture and carpet. It was not a fun place to visit as a child!

My Mind's Eye said...

How did I miss the very pretty ornaments yesterday? I must dock the pay of TOGM.
Negativity is evil and we must smother it with lots of peanut butter
Hugs Madi and mom

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I think I prefer the negative look. Too much white hurts my eyes.

I had a giggle over Madi's comment above imagining smothering negative people with peanut butter.

Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

Gayle said...

Only you Sandra; only you--hahaha

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Very cool...and now, and for some reason I am craving peanut butter :-)

Jackie See said...

These remind me of photos my mom took back when she was young! Thanks for my morning laugh Sandra! He he

Lois said...

Interesting way to see things! I'll have to look for that setting.

Hootin Anni said...

I'm pretty positive I don't care for negative....nor white furniture.
That's me being positively negative today.

But, in all honesty I like the idea of making a negative from a positive!!

You go girl!!

Chatty Crone said...

Your room looks good in the positive of the negative!

Anonymous said...

Fun to see the edits of your rooms. I laughed about the peanut better! lol
Lots of rain here this morning and overnight.

Linda said...

You are so funny! Your place looks so nice and tidy! I think you and I are at opposite ends - you are clean and minimalist - and I am ‘more is always better’ mindset. While we couldn’t live like the other, we would love visiting each other’s places!

Ruth Hiebert said...

An interesting look for sure.

Mevely317 said...

There's no such thing as too much peanut butter!!! Talk like that might get someone smacked.
Amazing edits ... like something out of the Twilight Zone.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those are interesting! Glad that you are always having a good time.

DeniseinVA said...

I love peanut butter, if I am hungry at night, I will eat a teaspoon of it right out of the jar :) I like the negative effect. I was thinking of painting the kitchen cabinets white. Shhhhh, don’t tell Gregg ;)