Friday, May 18, 2018

Flower Friday PLUS

Joining Arty, Jakey and Rosy at LLB Flower Friday...

PLUS a word for you bloggers.

You are now coming to my blog via because Debbie at Just Breathe told me there is now a place in Settings on Blogger Dashboard to change from http to https which is a more secure way to go to blogs. Simple to change and makes us more safe. LIKE THAT CAN HAPPEN.

If you have never seen Leavenworth, Washington, NOW is the time. A blog I follow has the most amazing photos today click HERE and it is not Leavenworth Prison which is the only one I knew bout.


My Mind's Eye said...

Woo Hoo thank you for the the https://information we changed too.
Am I correct in thinking just hit yes to the change and that is all we need to do. Do I need to let folks know I changed.

Your flowers are beautiful. As for taking photos in the grocery store I tried that at Fresh Market years ago the manager actually told me photos inside were not allowed. Since they are a private chain maybe it is just them or maybe they thought I was from a competitor trying to still their display ideas?LOL
Heading over to the Leavenworth link now.
Hugs C
Sending you a photo in a bit of my new guest

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
...well that's weird... the https//designation rolled out more than a year ago and all blogger blogs were auto-updated. However, if you had a private URL (ie a dot-com and not a assignation), then you were not included. As you have a blogspot address, I don't know how you would have escaped the rollout... that aside, this article gives a good rundown on the difference and why the need. {There are some other major changes in protocol afoot which I shall be writing about very soon}. The encrypted security is not immediately relevant to 'down home' blogs like ours, but a lot of bloggers are now 'monetizing' (dreadful term) and thus the encryption increases in value. It also minimises hacking potential. That 'redirect' in settings appeared at the same time as the rollout to allow bloggers to undo the auto-update if they so chose.

Loving the light and shadow in your flower photography today!!! YAM xx

Mevely317 said...

I just made the change to https:// ... thanks for the tip! Do I need to say anything to anyone?

These photos remind me of the old slogan, "Brought to you in living color." Soooo vivid ... defies description!

I'd not heard of Leavenworth, either, but will check it out. The Pacific Northwest is gorgeous.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, my blog already has the https. Not sure how it changed, I did not do anything. Love your pretty blooms. I have been to Leavenworth, it is a lovely town. It is weird too, my sister, BIL, niece and great-nephew and great niece are all there right now visiting. I saw Mersad's post he take awesome photos.
I hope you are having a great day!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love daisies!

Pam said...

I will have to check that out and see but you are correct, if on the internet nothing is safe or safer! the daisy.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What gorgeous daisies...and OH MY, Leavenworth is beautiful and it looks a lot like Bavaria!!
Jakey, Arty & Rosy

KB said...

Beautiful flowers. And thank you for the hint. We are camping in a huge meadow that is green and gorgeous at about 10,000 feet in New Mexico. And I turned on my phone to read about yet another tragedy at a school. You are right - nothing is really safer.

diane b said...

Thanks for the info I'll check out your suggestions. Love the flowers.

Linda said...

I get scared to change anything!!! That's not good, either. I will be brave....

Ann said...

Just checked mine since I noticed the comment above said it was auto updated for anyone with a address. Yep, mine has changed. I'm bad at reading things about updates. I should pay attention but I don't.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

I think mine changed awhile back, so many changes online it is hard to keep track.

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh Sandra those flowers look so gorgeous with the black background. Okay now I have to ask her about that. I don't get it mentally but I will check it out.