Who let the frogs out? A Tale of A Three Frog Night!
It all started when the drought broke and we GOT RAIN! Inches of Rain!
The Rain Barrel Over Floweth Type Rain
The first photo is all I could seen in the dark..... I recorded the NOISE but can't figure out how to get a voice recording on here. TRUST ME! It could easily wake the dead..
I had to wait for the sun to come up because ALL 20 of the photos taken in the dark are to dark to see. Never Fear, MadSnapper is HERE... The Tale is this.
One Male Frog had found his lady. The other male frog was jealous. I know this because all 3 were screeching, but there was also a tapping sound, like a clicker makes when training a dog.
This went on for SEVEN hours... every hour or so I ran out to take another picture. The lonely male would jump towards the Loving Couple. Each time the male of the couple would make his sides go in and out and make a clicking noise.
I watched as the Loving Couple jumped, from side of barrel to cup, cup to barrel, dove to the bottom to get away from my clicking camera, back to the bucket. the lone male chasing them. I kid you not this went on for 7 solid hours.
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Bottom of the container we water plants with. Three Frog NIGHT |
Hari OM
Crikey, Sandra, who knew you'd end up filming frogs-porn (say that out loud quickly!)........&*<> YAM xx
I'm laughing at Yamini's comment. I think I would have gone over the edge listening to that for 7 hours. At least they provided you with blog material.
Dang those Cuban Tree Frog OMCs OMCs I'm surprised we didn't hear it up here.
I cannot imagine all that croaking in the wee hours. So judging from these photos the mail Cuban Tree Frog is petite compared to the female
Hugs Cecilia
Good morning,
Our frogs are very loud at night, I can hear them all around the house. I love your photos, they are so cute. I would have thought the other male was a kid, they carry around on their backs. Have a happy day and new week!
I have frogies in my pond, but they are very quiet ones, I wonder why that is?
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx
National Geographic will be calling you soon!!
LOL LOL Oh, what a night!
You are amazing - first of all to notice it, second of all to take photos for seven hours, and know what was going on! lol I love it.
Oh my...talk about entertainment! That is too funny to go on for 7 hours. I went to let Dakota out about 1:30 a couple of mornings ago and there was a tree frog on the outside handle of my screen door. He was not however courting another so I did not hear a peep out of him! OR her....whichever!
Joy to the World as Three Dog Night would say ha ha. Well, I hope the lonely frog finds his princess! lol But now outside your bedroom window.
Correction: NOT outside your bedroom window!
You have me rollin'
What a funny post, Sandra, and really enjoyed all the photos of this vocal threesome. Also wondering how you managed to not go a little nuts with all the noises. And, did the happy couple leap off together into frog heaven?
Haha, oh my goodness what a hilarious post - although probably not 7 hour funny at the time. You caught some great pictures though.
You see the humor in being invaded by frogs! Funny love story. Frogs are not very pretty lol
What a circus... A photographer gets no rest :)
Aw, they're ADORABLE! Your 'closed caption' accounting is pretty clever ... but I'm concerned about the racket. I hope you've scheduled a good, indulgent nap this afternoon!
You should have told them to hop it !!!
God bless.
Oh what a rude a wakening that must have been.
Wow -what a romantic drama kind of night and day. Please tell us how the drama turns out!
You could have your own nature show!! Marvelous pictures!
Seven hours is a long time to listen to that. I think they are adorable. I've always liked frogs. Glad they were safe.
The noisy frogs must have been loud if Bob could hear them! Ha Ha! Nature is wonderful to observe especially in Springtime. Being woken up by the croaking was a bit much. You captured some fascinating activity. Good to hear your voice on the short video clip.
I missed a few posts and needed to return to the first installment of your Frog Saga! What an adventure!! How did you know they are Cuban Tree Frogs? You did a great job with the photos and story line! I’m so glad you put them under your window and not some other yard where they would not have been given near the attention you gave them not to mention the huge source of entertainment they provided! But I need to know one thing.....did y’all get up and stay up or did you go back to bed? Inquiring minds want to know!
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