Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Fascinating Fascinator and a WHINE

My BP  was 144/90  at doc visit on 5/31. I wanted to check it that afternoon and I went to Wal-Greens to have my BP checked by the Pharmacist.  He checked it with a monitor like this one, and said it was the best for me to buy in order to track it at home. It was 69.99 so I chose to check Amazon and much to my NON surprise, it was 39.99 PLUS I had 22.92 of rewards. I got it for practically nothing.

We live about 30 miles from Amazon Distribution center, and since I am a Prime member, if the item is in stock there, I can have same day delivery. I ordered at 10 AM had it by 7 pm same day.
There was a surprise mixed in the packing thingys…

My head still hurts, but my BP has been normal 3 times a day since the doc visit, Jake is still old, Bob and I are still old, The AC Quit on Sunday, still not repaired, AC guy knows what part, waiting to hear the $$ and if they have or have to order, I feel like crying all the time, irritated and grumpy.

Just so you know... If I make a grumpy comment on your post please delete.... I don't want to blog and I don't' want to NOT blog so I am going to post. I have 12 in drafts, been sitting there for days waiting for me to FEEL like blogging.... WHINE over... for NOW
UPDATE: as I was about to publish, he called and said MAYBE TOMORROW, 500.00 for part/labor and the parts said they will have it tomorrow, but they don't know when, as soon as it comes they will come put it on.... so at least two more days.... arrrrhhh

This fascinating fascinator.... Orchid with clip! Who knows if it fell in, or they put it there but since I had it you know the rest of the story
 If I buy a long wig, I could wear it over my ear and become a Hawaiian Hula Dancer...  It looked to silly clipped on the side of my face. Trust Me, even sillier than the photos below.
I can still smile act silly,Can you find Bob's arm and foot?


MadSnapper n Beau said...

comment by the fascinating madsnapper to send your comments to my email. please google fix this glitch.

From the Kitchen said...

I see Bob's arm and Bob's foot and they don't seem to be connected. What have you done?


Karen said...

Good to see you smiling with flowers in your hair like back in the Hippie days!

Mevely317 said...

It's so GOOD to see your smile … even tho' I know you don't feel like it.
That's a smoking deal on the BP monitor! When Tom was going through the chemo and radiation we had to keep a 3x/day log for his doctors. Soon it became a comfort … v. letting our imaginations run wild.

Sorry, but I don't want to delete anything you write … that's not what friendship's about. Good times and bad, you're stuck with me. :)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

While some say it's always best to try and smile at troubles cause there's nothing else to do, I'm not so sure that really works (all the time. Certainly we all whine and feel down at times and there is nothing wrong with feeling that way, but when you share with others it could help lighten a heavy load. I also went to see our nurse practitioner and was told my BP was on the high side and asked if I wanted any meds which I declined. Then it was again high when taken this week at a health clinic and the nurse advised me that fried foods are bad, but odd thing is that we eat very little of those. She then said that her aunt ate oatmeal every morning and that helped her, so I would rather try that than meds. Also I do believe that factors such as concern about people, pets, expenses all contribute to higher BP bu odd thing is those are never discussed as much as changes in diet. Thanks for the smiles and seeing the orchid in your hair amd yes I did see Bob :-)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The flower looks cute! Yes I see Bob's arm and leg. I understand how you are feeling. I have been in a funk for a long time now. I cry everyday. You are being faced with too many things right now. I'm so sorry. I'm glad you got yourself a home monitor. Don't go overboard with checking yourself. Blood pressure changes all day long. This is what they suggest:
"Measure your blood pressure twice daily. The first measurement should be in the morning before eating or taking any medications, and the second in the evening. Each time you measure, take two or three readings to make sure your results are accurate."

Julie said...

Dear Aunty Sandra, I am sending you 87 million hugs, luffs and licky kisses and wish I could do more to help you smile and be happy
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Now Sandra ol' gal...
#1 - no deletion my side either; luv ya grumps and all
#2 - ugh for the a/c - may you get a pleasant surprise from that
#3 - ugh re the b/p, certainly not helped by the mood
#4 - I see a frangipani...every bit as pretty as an orchid and it suits you!
#5 - you don't have to actually comment - just click the 'notify me' box at the bottom.
Did I cover it all? Blog when you want to, even with a whinge, a gripe, a menoloopal moment or 87... YAM xx

Chatty Crone said...

Sandra love the fascinator. The flower is cute. Gosh you have to have an a/c there!!!! And I am glad you got such a great deal at Amazon. I love Amazon.
Hey I have a question - hate to bother you - but it seems you sent me something on the cookies and Europe - I have looked everywhere for it. I don't know what I am doing anymore. Discouraged.
Thanks and hope you feel more like blogging soon!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm glad to see you are still silly and posting! Maybe this will help relieve stress. Where did you get this pretty orchid? I do see Bob's foot! I think your blood pressure is fine, it is just totally situational.

photowannabe said...

Wow, Sandra the issues you have been experiencing would raise anyone's BP. Hope you can get it under control..I know it will make you feel better.
Crazy cost for the AC but so needed where you live. Trusting this will be solved asap.
I'm glad to see there is still a bit of silliness in you.. You make me smile.
Hubby and I have been exhausted since we had the Granddaughter's high school grad party at our home on Saturday.
We are "old" too and sure don't bounce back the way we used to.
No more Grumpys, just know you are loved.

eileeninmd said...

Hi Sandra,

It is good to be able to check your BP at home. Great deal on the monitor. Sorry to hear about your AC breaking, I hope the repairs can be done soon. The orchid is pretty, you look pretty too. You are entitled to whine, I hope it does not keep you from blogging. I did see Bob's arm and foot.. Stay cool!

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh my cats MS you deserve a good w(h)ine....and maybe even some cheese to go with it. What a chain of unfortunate events all at one time. They say things happen in 3's so fingers and eyes crossed this is it.
I love they collage at the end.....
Hugs madi and mom

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Well now don't you look ready for the pool party! heehee! And yes...I see a foot. Hope you get everything fixed PRONTO! It is SO hot! Take care! Hugs!

crafty cat corner said...

We have our own bp machine and check our blood pressure from time to time. I don't think you get a true reading at the doctors as you are probably anxious.
I have just taken a couple of weeks out from blogging as like you I was tired of it and couldn't think of anything interesting. I feel fresher for the break.

Ann Thompson said...

I haven't used my blood pressure cuff in a long time. N9t even sure where it is. I do see Bobmparts in those pictures.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Things can and will go wrong, but it's good to see you can still have fun.Hope that AC gets repaired soon.

Anonymous said...

Groovy flower for your hair! I'm sure sorry about the a/c. Thx for sharing about the bp monitor.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I totally get it MS...and I am glad to see you acting silly!

We have the same flower clip here, Dory used to wear it in her hair...and now Rosy will :-).

Pam said...

Being silly and having laughs in your life sometimes helps to get through those times you are grumpy and crying. I am sorry for all that. Mainly for the BP to be that high after you losing weight and eating so well. Here is hoping things turn around and pick up for you, Bob and Jake!

KB said...

I'm so happy that you still have your zany sense of humor. I hope that getting the AC fixed will help things a bit!

DeniseinVA said...

Awww you look beautiful! Love that humor of yours. Yes you can kick my butt for that last post I put up but my heart is in the right place;). Your entitled to be a bit grumpy, go right ahead. Sending lots of hugs your way.

DawnTreader said...

Sandra, I think the auto-email notification is gone for everyone in connection with changes to do with the new sharper data protection laws. BUT: I discovered it's enough to click the follow-up box after you've posted a post - you don't actually have to write anything in the comment box. (Tried it on my own blog and it seems to work, the only trick is to remember to actually DO it with every post - easy to forget.)

Betty Manousos said...

i second ginny's comment. so glad to see you are still silly and posting! aww, you look great in those photos, love your orchid and your smile. just so you know, you're my inspiration.
hope that ac gets fixed soon.

and yes, i did see bob's arm and foot.

Cranberry Morning said...

LOVE the fascinator. Were you at the wedding of Prince Harry and Miss Markle by any chance?????? :-) And poor you to suffer without AC. I bet it's not a cool 64 degrees there like it is here, either! Heat makes me cranky too. But cold and snow for months on end makes me cranky too. I guess unless it's 64-78 degrees, I must be cranky. LOL