Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Lizard Love -Lyle and Liam

Meet Lyle . .... Larry and Liam live in the backyard.  They all have the same surname, Lizard. We only name the big males, because there are 87 million females. Back in 2013 we names Larry's significant other Lizzie, but lost track of her.

Below is Liam, he is my favorite and is slightly handicapped. He is the one I talk to most because that zebra print you see him on, is the strap to my bathing suit. We think it is the zebra print because He Loves It and everytime I go out he is on one part or the other of that suit
.. I sometimes have to ask him politely if I can borrow the suit for a quick swim. He never sits on the polka dot suit.
We think his tale MIGHT have been swallowed by JakeOsuarus 
I might have 19 or 20 posts on lizards. If you love them to click HERE
NOTE: they are brown anoles, but we call the lizards


Linda said...

I thought we were the only ones infatuated with the 'Insurance men"....aka Geckos! They provide us with hours of entertainment!

Ann said...

Now it's obvious how you know who Liam is because of the missing tail (poor guy) but do they all have distinguishing marks or looks that you can tell them apart? I have to say Liam looks rather sad without his tail.

Anonymous said...

My cats love to watch these things! Wishing you a good day.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Always enjoy your lizard posts - I'm a fan! YAM xx

Julie said...

Oh I WANTS a lizard of my very OWN!!!!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

MadSnapper n Beau said...


eileeninmd said...

Hello, I love the lizards. They have cute names, I wish I saw them here.
Liam the handicapped lizard does alright with out his tail. Have a happy day!

Karen said...

That is funny that he only likes one of your bathing suits.

My Mind's Eye said...

MOLMOL what a cute post on Liam and Larry.
Liam says zebra stripes are slimmin'...polka dots make his head swimmy.
Hugs madi and mom

Chatty Crone said...

This way you can tell whose who - but to lose his tail - it looks pathetic. lol I am surprised they can live without it. sandie

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

I had to really search to find it with my eyes in the first photo but then I did and felt happy tolearn more. I guess polka dots are not his thing style wise.. commenting from UK. New grandbaby is a girl. Buddy arrived today. Sadly his skin got worse in my absence.

KB said...

I love Liam too! Is he an Irish lizard? I am surprised that he didn't grow back his tail. It's so fun that he loves your zebra pattern swim suit. Ha ha - I had to laugh about JakeOsaurus!!!!

photowannabe said...

Most of our lizards are little guys that scoot around and dive into the plants.
We have seen 1 really huge one that I think is an alligator lizard. I don't know where he goes if I turn away for just a second he's gone. He really looks like a mini alligator..think he's about 8 to 10 inches long. Really don't want him in my house though.
got an appointment with my primary care doc for Friday..we'll proceed from there..hoping for a surgery date.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

TeeHeeHEe...Our Jakey, along with Dory, loved to eat anole tails when we lived in Texas.

Mevely317 said...

That's weird; all this time I thought lizards' tails grew back. So he and Larry aren't chameleons, then? Wouldn't that be cute, his turning black and white while on the suit?
Love that you name them … that sounds like something Tom and I'd do.

PS - Then there's Victor (http://timeforreflections.blogspot.com/2018/06/whats-in-name.html) -- who names his toes. What a hoot!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Be careful when you're wearing that suit, you might have some close company.

Pam said...

Wonder if Larry and Lizzie divorced? Interesting...haha. I thought a lizards tail would grow back. We have them here in Nashville but not like Fla. I was dating a guy in Jacksonville years ago and I loved seeing all the lizards just crawling around. I have been to the American Pickers story once. I love the stuff but can't afford it.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

We have so many in our yard. I don't know who is who! That's cute about him sitting on your zebra suit but not the polka dot one. Some of ours look like him with part of their tail missing because Skye can be pretty quick sometimes!

Ida said...

Lizards and or Anoles are cool. Liam is quite fascinating.

Just Mags said...

What great pictures. Love the names you have given them. There are so many lizards and anoles at my place there is no way I can name them all and tell them apart. I love watching them when I talk to them and when they are out sunning and scurrying around the yard.