Bob went out for the mail, mid afternoon, he popped his head back in the door and yelled into the house "Samar, come out here!!!!"
I popped out on the porch with a "WHAT??" He said LOOk Up in the tree, Where? Where?
OH MY GOSH!!! I see him I see HIM!! Stay still I whispered Easing the door open, racing to the kitchen table.
Is he still there? I whispered I see HIM I see him... THERE HE IS!!!!
Owl you need is love, he is so hootiful and what a HOOT we had.
and here he is .. We hear this amazing couple all the time , softly calling Oooooooo Oooooo and have seen them at night or at least the outline of them in the tree.
As we watched Bob said, the owl was on the ground, in a bush under our picture window, when Bob walked past he flew up almost into Bob's face with a wing span that is mindboggling for a 7 or 8 inch owl... I got to see the wing span when he tired of my camera clicking and all the Happy Dancing we were doing. it is rare for them to be out and about in mid day... Google Girl said they love eating lizards and frogs... OH NO! I hope he doesn't find Freddy and Freda Frog and Liam Lizard, but they are in the back yard so maybe they are safe.
A link to YouTube to hear one... HERE
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If Liam Liazard new how much I love this little guy he would be LIVID Liam with Jealousy |
Amazing pictures! At a previous home, we would hear and only occasionally see an owl - it was exciting!
Wow, lucky you. We very rarely get to see Owls in uk, they keep themselves well hidden. That looks like a big one.
We do get excited if we get a stranger in the garden, the other day we had a Jay sitting on the line, very colourful.
Owlsome pictures. Yes, wildlife in my yard does get me excited and I always run for the camera hoping they wait for me. I love owl but I don't think I've ever seen one in real life.
Well now we may know where the Lizard's tail went. Fantastic capture. P.S. He could have said Samar bring your camera and saved you a trip and time.But you captured the owl and that's what mattered at the moment.
Hi Sandra, what a great visitor. I am always excited to see wildlife in my yard. I would be thrilled with this owl too. Looks like a young screech owl?
Very cute photos. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!
Hari OM
wildlife surely does excite me, especially if it is just outside the window! what a lovely present to see this owl so clearly... YAM xx
We do see wildlife on the river, mostly mallards and Canada geese and occasionally a great blue heron. And a few varieties of songbirds are heard especially in early morning. What a hoot to see your owl capture, Sandra, which would have excited me as well😊
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what a wonderful stroke of luck to be able to capture this beautiful photo. The Owl's eyes are beautiful
Liam better keep that regrown tail tucked tight
Hugs Cecilia
Wow what an exciting sight. I dont think I have ever seen an owl in person. Really cool shots.
How awesome for you both. I love when wildlife comes to visit me. Great shots! Here is your link to Florida owls. I have had such fun researching him! I do believe him to be a screech owl, what do you think? What an exciting story!! I bet he was on the ground because he was lizard hunting. And you got SUPER pictures!!! This post is a birdwatcher's delight, and that is ME! HOORAY!!
That was so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How neat is that?!?! I was getting chill-bumps just staring at his/her picture!
Not counting the cardinals - and once a blue jay - all we've encountered are little black toads and the occasional tree frog.
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited for you!!! Loved the pictures and I am doing a happy dance along with you! An owl!!! We have some at the ranch but I haven't seen them.....I just hear them!
Yes, I love spotting critters! May I tell you a secret? I have pet possums. I know where they live and I leave food for them right at their door. They love watermelon and cantaloupe. What can I say? I miss feeding the goats and ducks and chickens and horses when I'm in the city so now I feed my possums! Works for me!
We used to have owls in the trees behind our house when we lived in the San Francisco Bay Area .
I loved hearing them call in the still of night.
We had pesty raccoons that rummaged around our yard.
A doe and her babies would jump our backyard fence and enjoy the safety of our yard.
Good memories.
I'm always amazed at how they are camouflaged. Your owl blends right in with the tree bark! Maybe that's one reason I never see them. Yes, I get very excited to see bunnies, turtles, and song birds on my morning walks! Saw a summer tanager up close at dawn this week.
What a wonderful treat! I love the wildlife and after living here for 12 years now I have had a chance to see how much it changes. Sometimes it's lots of rabbits and coyotes, then none. Sometimes chipmonks, then none. Snakes one year, none the next. At least none that you see. And so it goes. Ravens, ground squirrels and rabbits are the staples I think. With coyotes the main predators. So you see I'm excited by it all.
OH MY GOSH SANDRA!! This is just too awesome for words!!!a
OH MY GOSH SANDRA!! This is just too awesome for words!!!a
SQUEEEEEE!!!!! I love nature photos....what a WONDERFUL experience this must have been!!!
I deleted my previous comment as there were far too many typos.
I love that you snapped the owl pics and that I recalled trying to do the same but my pic was too blurry. Since owls are rare in my garden I spent much time that day learning what it was. It was 8 years ago now and sadly I forgot already what I studied. I tried to reset my comments as per your suggestion. I am waiting to see how it goes now.Thanks for caring.
Wow! We get them pretty often. I hear them on the neighbor's chimney. I've never gotten a picture. At Michele and Pam's in Arizona there are two in the neighbor's tree. All day long!
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