Thursday, August 16, 2018

Butter Lettuce

A friend at the YMCA is a nutritionist, when I said to her, I am having problems, I don't like salad.  One of her suggestions was butter lettuce. I found this one in the organic produce at Wal-Mart. Organic means grown without pesticides.

Did  you know lettuce is in the daisy family??? Romaine calm, please. While I turnup the beet.
I am trying to keep my Live It Food Plan*, rock salad, by adding new things to my salad foundation. I do not want to kale it quits. I am trying to keep my food plan on an even kale.. 
Lettuce celebrate, I am eating salad. 
 I still don't LOVE it... ...lettuce know if you have any TIPS...

*I never use the word diet, I am on a live it food plan. One that can be done for the rest of my life. I am at TOPS meeting today... Take Off Pounds Sensibly... slow but sure . I have followed my plan for 19 months...

Butter Lettuce nutrition FOR THOSE who care.
A 1-cup serving of cut-up butter lettuce contains only 21 calories per serving. With less than half a gram of fat, 3.63 grams of carbohydrate, 0.74 grams of protein, 1.53 grams of sugars and only 8 milligrams of sodium, butter lettuce is a low-fat, low-calorie, low-sodium food choice that is nonetheless rich in other nutrients.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I have seen butter lettuce around. I bought some that was hydroponic a few years ago. But my all time favorite is iceberg! Diets do not work, it has to be a way of life. Because with a diet, you have to eventually go off it, then you gain everything back.

Ann said...

I'm proud of you for sticking with this and doing so well. I wish I had your determination.
The problem for me that if you are buying organic you are paying more money and I am super cheap. I buy whatever is the cheapest. I don't mind eating salads but they can get boring.

Julie said...

My peeps eat lots of salad stuffs (rarely including lettuce) and I am not impressed...this Princess likes to SHARE their foodables and lettuce is not on my most favourite yummy list
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I love salad, have you tried the baby spinach in a salad..My favorite is romaine but I will look for this Butter Lettuce. What else do you put in your salad? Congrats on sticking with your live it food plan. You are doing great. Have a happy day!

Gayle said...

If I eat lettuce I prefer Romaine hearts for the crunch but shy away from lettuce in general. My solution is to make a salad with all the usual low cal ingredients except the lettuce. celery, carrots, almonds, hard boiled egg, grapes are my basics.
We know Butter Lettuce as Bibb Lettuce here in Western P. A.

Karen said...

Butter lettuce and spinach are my two favorites. I like Tessemae's avocado dressing.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! I could eat salad FOREVER...romaine, butter, red leaf, green leaf, beets, cukes, tomato, radish, celery...the Pres tells me I'm a root girl!!...:)JP

My Mind's Eye said...

I love butter lettuce...actually I love salads but "romaine" undecided about some of them varieties of lettuce. Especially the lettuce with big ribs.
Yesterday I never hit publish on my comments until about 4 pm as I was shutting down. Today I will do it.

Hugs Cecilia

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I usually eat a salad for lunch instead of a sandwich but the key is the toppings. I ALWAYS have some kind of meat as part of my topping and cheese. I need the protein! So I chop up grilled chicken, Havarti cheese and tomatoes and avocado and mix in some mayo thinned with lemon juice. Pile all that on top of the bed of lettuce. It takes longer to eat...which is a good thing and it lasts all afternoon. Yum yum! Way to go on your healthy living program!

Mevely317 said...

I don't think I've ever tasted butter lettuce!
So many poor heads and bags of lettuce have passed away in our fridge. Either Tom or I will get on a kick and fix a couple salads, then pretend we don't see it anymore.

Far easier to just order one in a restaurant and be done with that craving for a few weeks. The best salad I've ever tasted is at Zaxby's. (Mellow Mushroom a close second.)

Chatty Crone said...

Girl you have got it! So tell me - you still have more weight to lose - you look pretty good to me. Sandie

photowannabe said...

I do love your salad puns and I really do like salads.
Butter lettuce is so good, sweet and tender.
Hard boiled egg, tomato, cukes, green and especially red peppers chopped are my mainstay. Throw in some mushrooms and a low cal lemon, olive oil vinegrette and I'm one happy camper. Lots of times I use one of the 100 calories packs of tuna to mix in too. Filling and satisfying. I do like baby spinich on occasion but it can have me running to the bathroom...okay..TMI !!!
I'm going to look up that carb thing you mentioned.
Happy TOPS day...

Inger said...

I eat spinach and baby lettuce (various kinds) with olive oil, walnuts, and red onions every day with my dinner. I don't like regular lettuce, but the butter lettuce looks pretty good. I may try it. And how wonderful that you are keeping up all the good work and also entertaining your friends with those wonderful word exchanges. Great stuff this post. And now I will go and spin, I had planned it earlier, but so conveniently forgot all about my good intentions.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I don't call it a "diet " either...I call it living a healthy lifestyle :-). I enjoy butter lettuce. It's very bland and tender. Have you tried baby lettuces. Baby butter lettuce and baby spinach are a good mix.

Lowcarb team member said...

Summer and salad just go together.
You may like this recipe which uses lettuce

All the best Jan

Cranberry Morning said...

I love this punny post! I eat salad at least once a day, always Romaine as a base with carrot, broccoli, onion (sometimes), always half an avocado in chunks, pistachio seeds chopped, dried cranberries, olive oil and lemon juice for a dressing - and SALT. And cherry tomatoes. I love this stuff. Hurrah for you for 19 months! Lettuce rejoice! xo :-)

Cranberry Morning said...

Oh. And snap peas.

DeniseinVA said...

I didn't know any of this about butter lettuce and I haven't had any in a very long time. I buy organic most of the time.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I eat most forms of lettuce but haven't tried the Butter one. I do make a point of buying organic when I can. Way to go on eating healthy and sticking to it for 19 months now!