Monday, January 28, 2019

Living Inside The Mind of MADsnapper

Saturday AM as soon as we get out of bed, we start to clean our floors, working together.
 Imagine me getting up. Imagine where I go first. 
When I am there, I reach behind me and with left hand, pick up the little green thingy the Toilet Brush lives in. In the DARK.
I place it on the lip to the shower, to keep it out of the way of brooms and mops.

Tuesday AM, I am brushing my teeth and I look down and spy a SPIDER, a round fat one, hanging in a web that has been spun from the tip of the TB handle over to the underside of the lid on the commode.
Right where I sit in the dark!
Are you with me on the IMAGINE part?
I race down the hall, screaming there was a spider on the toilet brush holder.
Did you kill it? 
Of course I did.
Then What do you want me to do?
NOTHING! just think about it.
What if I went in there in the dark in the middle of the night and he climbed up on the seat?
What if I sat there in the dark and REACHED back to put it on the shower stall?
What if I were blind and had no way to know it was there at all?
What if he decided to spin the web from the lid to the seat?
I go in there IN THE DARK every night, several times. Now I will have to turn a light on, that will wake me up and I will not be able to go back to sleep.
Now that I think about it, what if one decides to make a web from the window sill to the head of the bed? You know I hate having the window over the bed. That is why I don't reach behind my head in the dark and put the window up when I get hot. What if there is a lizard or spider trapped between the screen and the glass?
Are you picking up what I am putting down? 


Ginny Hartzler said...

They have toilet lights now, in different colors. You do need some kind of night lite in the bathroom though. For lots of other reasons as well. Growing up, my family would never let bed covers touch the floor. Because spiders could climb up them onto the bed. But there are many other ways to get on the bed, so I don't care. They can climb up the wooden legs. We use paper grocery bags for our kitchen trash can. Just throw them out at the end of the day, nothing to get dirty or have to clean. Our daughter-in-law was horrified. Her family were afraid of paper grocery begs and would never keep any. They had a story that spiders bred in them.

Ann said...

I probably shouldn't tell you this but for the longest time every time I walked out my front door I would walk through a spider web. It would build it's web there all the time and the first one out the door would walk in it.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
In OZ, when I had a spider (redback) in the toilet, there was a reason for concern - they can be lethal over there. I did get bitten in the night once - whilst lying in bed - white-tail spider and the finger was useless for a week... but am here to tell you that tale. I'm not scared of them, just life-aware. Here, I get spiders all the time and they are welcome. No deadlies in the UK. Webs have never ever been reported as endangering life to the best of my knowledge.

Is any of this useful to you? Yours spinningly, YAM (spider advocate) xx

eileeninmd said...


That is a lot of what if's. I would turn the light on, anything creepy would run from the light. Have a happy day!

Mevely317 said...

"What if?" for sure!!! Gives me the willies! I'm guessing you'd HATE! living in Arizona where Black Widows and Brown Recluse(s) thrive.

Could you, perhaps, keep a small flashlight on your night stand to carry along to the 'throne'?

Anni said...

Two words...and no, those words are not "What if".

My two words are: LIGHT SWITCH!

My Mind's Eye said...

Spooooky for sure. Those 8-leggers are sneaky and conniving.
Hugs Cecilia

Rose said...

I AM picking up what you are putting down...LOL A world of What If's....I need to send you a little email before I leave...cant tell you here.

photowannabe said...

HaHa...snort...I'm dying Sandra...

The way you explain things makes me laugh right out loud
but I will admit here in front of the "millions" that read your blog, that I check out for a" certain critter " in the bathroom too.
Its the house centipede....every so often it seems to think that the bathroom walls are the perfect place to set up housekeeping.
They are so ugly and we get them in all sizes.
It makes me totally crazy.
I do get brave enough to squish them but if they are up too high I have to call in my fearless husband. gives me the willies just thinking about them...

Chatty Crone said...

Sandra I am just like you there - what if one gets on your bed and goes to your mouth and you swallow it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

You can make a story out of most any happening. A very vivid imagination.:)

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh make me giggle every day!..I think maybe you should just not think about spiders at all ;-)

DeniseinVA said...

Now here are lots of thoughts to ponder upon. I have to keep a night light on these days. Not that I am scared of the dark, just scared of tripping over something in the dark. I try to keep everywhere clear but Gregg calls me the safety officer so I have a reputation to uphold, lol. I once had a nightmare of a plate-sized transparent but luminescent spider crawling across my ceiling. Night night and sweet dreams, you can kick me if we ever meet up;)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh my, my thoughts are right there with you!!