Saturday, August 17, 2019

Amygdala was hi-jacked.

Photo found on Google Images, not mine photographer unknown

Amygdala... the part of the brain that process emotions, positive and negative and is better known for its role in processing fearful and anxious emotions...… There are two of them amygdalas, not emotions), and I MAY have 3 or 4...JUST SAYIN

This small part of my brain processes my phobias and fears that have been with me since I was 2 years old. My Phobias and I are best friends. Claustrophobia is one. Tight spaces, elevators, dark small rooms, closets and even if someone holds my arms tight so I can't move.

 Research shows by age 25 adults think with the prefrontal lobe, the rational one.

Evidently My brain is till a teenager and thinks with the Amygdala...

Recently I went with a friend to visit a friend, 4 floors of condos. 
Enter Lobby door,
 push 3 buttons,
 phone rings, 
owner pushes button.
 I have seen this in movies, but have never 
Stepped out, looked both ways and see the hall like above,
 stretching in either direction.

We need the 3rd floor.

The elevator door opens to A Tiny Square Box, that might hold 4 people, packed tightly. I hold my breath. It opens on 3rd floor and my Amygdala  is hijacked, a mild sense of panic that I try to hide from my friend, who is tough, she is an army veteran and has no idea what Amygdala Brain Is.

We step off, I look both ways and SEE the Same 2 halls.
 If you have guessed the condo we need is 
THE LAST ONE at the end of the hall, you are right
. She takes off walking fast, I keep up in case I need protection.

I manage to walk without panting, and we step inside this gorgeous condo with sweeping views out glass doors.  I should be feeling better, but as we sit down I realize there is ONLY ONE WAY OUT.

I sit at the table and stare at the kitchen stove and think What if it catches fire. The stove wasn't even ON...
I wonder in my head if they have a fire ladder and where they keep it if they do.  A knife to cut the screen?
(today I am not worried about serial killers coming in the ONLY Door, because there are 3 adult women, 2 teenage girls and a hubby)

Have you ever lived like this?   Would you?

Keep in mind, The only motel I will stay in is ground floor, park in front of the door and it must have front door and either back door or a big window....MUST HAVE at least 2 Exits.

My research showed, ALL the fearful emotions are in that one tiny little part of the brain, the list can be limitless. OH NO! there might be MORE than what I have thought of?

AT LEAST NOW I KNOW THE REASON I HAVE PHOBIAS. MY BRAIN NEVER GREW UP PAST AGE 25, WHICH WAS FIFITY YEARS know the part that would not let my hand or foot hang off the bed for fear something would grab it.


Ginny Hartzler said...

My Mad Snapper, you will be forever young. I know the feeling! This long hall has been creeping me out the whole time.

Hootin Anni said...

Only real strong phobia is snakes.

Long story...but blame it on my brother.

Ann said...

I can't say that I have any phobias. You may have many but on the bright side your brain is sill very young.
Ginny is right, the hall is creepy. Not very attractive either.

eileeninmd said...

Good morning, Sandra

The long hallways needs more lighting, it should be brighter. My phobia, is height and caves. I do not like getting close to the edge and being inside a cave with no lights is really creepy. Enjoy your day and have a great weekend.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Well, the opening image had my stomach churning with claustro, so the rest of the post kinda went by in a blur... Though contrary to your reaction, I would then have been fine inside the unit with views to the outside - then again, was there something to focus on, or would the vertigo kick in??? (Worth noting that second reaction is biological and not irrational. I have a hunch where my claustro came from - but that's a very long tale, and may or may not be amygdala related.) YAM xx

Gayle said...

Now I don't know if I feel better or worse. Knowing others share some common phobias; or knowing that I haven't been imagining mine.

Confinement is a biggy for me; such as a dentist chair and needing to be excused(quickly) when constrained by 'equipment'.

As far as the condo hallway, its depressing to think the residents have to experience that when coming and going; even if it is a grand residence inside. Is the dimness designed to be calming and promote those passing through to be quiet?

Rose said...

I am glad you can sort of make fun of would not be fun to deal with though. I am sure.

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh my word that long dreary dark hall is not at all welcoming. Thank goodness the condo was full of light!!
What a most informative post! My biggest phobias are fire and falling from a great height. I cannot tell you how many times I have dreamed I was falling.
I have never hit the ground YET.

NanaDiana said...

I am so sorry you suffer with those phobias. It must limit you sometimes when you wish to be unlimited. It sounds like you have learned to deal with it and push through some things---and not let it ruin/control your life.
At least you know the "why" of it now. xoDiana

Mevely317 said...

Brrrrr! I remember your description of the hallway, but seeing this picture reminds me so much of the place (Tarpon Springs) where I spent 2 unhappy years. That first door to the left was the trash room. (I'll have to find a picture.) Not sure why I never thought about a rope ladder. That should be mandatory for anyone living above the second floor!
I'm sort of the same about motel rooms. Except, I'd rather have the second floor. My phobia is someone walking by the room in the room, trying each door knob in turn … or worse, breaking the window.

Probably my biggest phobia is flying. Always has been, probably always will be. There's just something about feeling trapped in a speeding tin can and not being able to see what's out in front.

Mevely317 said...

Geeze, I did it again. 'Meant to say "in the middle of the night." (Sigh)

Chatty Crone said...

You are so honest - lol. Hey if your brain thinks it is 25 - maybe your body does too. Sandie

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I have to admit my stomach was in a knot reading this post. I can't say I've had those fears but I find myself having trouble now with tight spaces since I had a long MRI 2 years ago. Smart move on the 1st floor of a motel. I'm not sure I could live like that!

photowannabe said...

Well, you are still in your prime age wise...
I really can't say I have those same fears but I do not like heights or looking over the edge from a high distance.
Don't like snakes or mice.
Its such a big wonderful world out there that I just can't have my fears stop me from enjoying what's there.

LC said...

Never thought fears would keep someone young, but you have accomplished it. Amygdala in the title and that creepy photo made me proceed with caution. I was sure your techie talents would have a scary digital amygdala jump out. Sympathies on your experiences with neural hijacking, and kudos on yet again introducing me to something new.

Linda said...

I would think I have a lot of phobias.....but when I try to list them the only one I know for sure is claustrophobia. I'm slightly uneasy on those huge tall spiralling highway overpasses.

I have lots of quirks, though, to make up for lack of true phobias. I take everything out of its packaging - or as much as I can. Tea bags, bar soap, and such. Plus I pour cereal out of the boxes and into large glass jars. Yesterday Louis Dean wanted oatmeal so I asked him to get it out of the pantry. I was smiling ear to ear! "I found it and it's IN the BOX!!!" But he mentioned he did see a big glass jar full of oatmeal too.

I also MUST unpack and put things away as soon as I get home....from the store, the pool, a trip.....anything. I call it 'getting things even.' No idea why....

peppylady (Dora) said...

This is interesting. I wonder what my phobia or fears our. I have trouble seeing people pack a firearm. I am looking for escape route or how fast I can but something between me a bullets Which is quite common around here...
Coffee is on.

DeniseinVA said...

I had the same feeling whenever I get into a crush of people.