And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness
God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day
And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years,
God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.
God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth
and to govern the day and the night, .
and to separate light from darkness And God saw that it was good
Joining Nature Friday over at LLB I our back yard, with Rosy, Arty and Jakey
WOW!!!! Maybe my favorite post of yours EVER!!! It has really left me with a lump in my throat, so moving and gorgeous. And all matching the verses. Pictures 1, 4, & 6 are my favorites. But 1 & 6 are just unspeakably stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OUTSTANDING! This resonates on so many levels, and the accompanying verses are perfect. Funny: I adore sunrises, but twilight has always made me a little sad.
An uplifting post Sandra. The photos are wonderful. You're blessed to have open views across the sea so that you can see the spectacle of a sunrise and sunset and rejoice in the beauty.
You really illustrated the chapter in the bible incredibly well. Those photos were gorgeous Sandra - just breathtaking and you can sure see GOD! sandie
WOW!!!! Maybe my favorite post of yours EVER!!! It has really left me with a lump in my throat, so moving and gorgeous. And all matching the verses. Pictures 1, 4, & 6 are my favorites. But 1 & 6 are just unspeakably stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hari OM
FABulous, Sandra!!! YAM xx
These are beautiful. The first and the last are my favorite of them all
Omgoodness, Sandra, incredible. This has to be the best post ever! And that last photo makes me say AMEN.
This is wonderful! So many beauiful photos in one post!
Oh my, what beautiful photos. Gorgeous sky captures. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend.
OUTSTANDING! This resonates on so many levels, and the accompanying verses are perfect. Funny: I adore sunrises, but twilight has always made me a little sad.
MS what a beautiful Nature Friday Post. God is the best artist of all
Hugs Cecilia
An uplifting post Sandra. The photos are wonderful. You're blessed to have open views across the sea so that you can see the spectacle of a sunrise and sunset and rejoice in the beauty.
Stunning Sandra.
I like Hootin' Annie said AMEN at the end of the post.
God's Word and the photos...
A Masterpiece form God to us.
Amazing skies! :o
We sure hope you have a couple of these on canvas!!
God is good!!!!
This is lovely inspirational post.
Gorgeous pictures. You could not have picked better words to add. This is perfect.
You really illustrated the chapter in the bible incredibly well. Those photos were gorgeous Sandra - just breathtaking and you can sure see GOD! sandie
Sandra, this post was so beautiful in both images and words. it is the perfect closing for my evening. Thank you!
Wow, Sandra, you really captured some beautiful images to share in this post. And, the wording added was right on. Thanks for an uplifting message.
Absolutely gorgeous!
wow, what captivating sunset shots, sandra. i especially like that first one.
well done you :)
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