Monday, July 20, 2020

New Coffee Table

While emailing and commenting, I sit in the bedroom in one of the Dog Chairs. I do this because when I talk to my phone, Bob's blaring TV talks over and types strange things.
there is nothing between the chairs but a dog bed, no place to sit my coffee.
This pink tub, slides under the edge of the bed, and lives there until I need it.
I slide it out, flip it upside down and Voila! instant tiny table. The chairs are LOW, it works perfectly!
I place the table, I sit the Phone Pillow HOLDER in the chair, 
coffee in one hand, phone in other, I DROP into the chair.
I lay the phone down, sit the pillow on my knees, lean foward to sit cup down, the pillow flips in the air, clips the cup of coffee in my hand, the coffee spills, not wanting to climb out of the chair,
I leave the cup in a dry spot and when I am done, I climb up and walk down hall to kitchen.
Later that day Bob says, why is their a trail of coffee drips down the hall on the tile?

I am sitting in one of the DOG chairs. They were purchased as dog beds in 2005, for 40.00 each at a thrift store.
This one is the PILLOWS off the bed chair and my reading chair and the other is covered in a black sheet for the Big Black Dog.
Big is the 4th dog to sleep in the chairs. This chair was Baby's and the other Jake.


Ginny Hartzler said...

A lovely coordinated pastel set, in Florida colors. Wish I could think of stuff like this, it is just perfect. And pretty! A matching ottoman/table for maybe a dollar.

CheerfulMonk said...

:D Great idea, but life is seldom perfect.

Linda said...

I do so love you, Sandra! I told Louis Dean and his son tonight as we sat out on the front deck visiting and looking at the stars - I need a foot stool! You’ve given me a few good ideas!l Life is always better if I can sit with my feet propped up!

crafty cat corner said...

Dropping things is the order of the day in this house now and so frustrating.
The fingers just don't grip like they used to and we both get so annoyed.
Maybe we should go slower and work things out before we move (can't get much slower, lol).

Ella said...

You are really funny! But I really like the mug!
I'm so sorry that Saturday I couldn't write a comment on your blog.
Due to a technical problem ... something with the router at my son's home ... we had no internet! Hugs for you!

Hootin Anni said...

Not only talking in the phone, but I'd be doing some talking to the pillow & cup, and spilled coffee, and probably myself for letting it all happen.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Dogs like human chairs, so why not we theirs??? YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

Good morning,

The doggie chair looks comfy, I would need a foot stool.

And the table for the coffee mug is a must. Take care! Have a great new week!

Ann said...

Your coffee table matches your chair perfectly. Spilling the coffee sounds like something I would do.

Rose said...

Great idea! We dont even have a coffee table...I just cannot stand one in our small living room. But I have a step stool that sits in front of the end table between our chairs that I sit my laptop on at night.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Glad you showed a photo of the dog chair, Sandra, because I was trying to picture what it could look like and kept seeing something low to the floor. Also liked your creative coffee table.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That is indeed the cutest little chair! I might have trouble getting OUT of it with anything in my hands for sure. I always loved sitting on the floor with my legs crossed. I still sit that way on the sofa sometimes! lol Enjoy your day!

Mevely317 said...

Hey, I've got one of those little pink tubs! Do believe it came home after one of Tom's hospital stays. SO glad the coffee didn't spill all over your cell phone; I'm totally paranoid about mine getting wet. That chair's really attractive -- reminds me of something you might see in a 1950's Beverly Hills home.

My Mind's Eye said...

It looks very cozy and for sure must be comfy if all the pups have loved it as their bed. I usually have a trail of coffee down my chest evidently my chin has a hole in it.
Hugs Cecilia

Gayle said...

I'm taking comfort in your 'spilt milk', aka coffee. I was really down yesterday about everything I touch or do turning into a disaster.
I had the perfect footstool for under my sewing table; a styrofoam Omaha Steak delivery box; lightweight; easy to move. But alas I gave it to my daughter for a cooler on their way home to TN.
Guess it's time to shuffle around the basement for something else to re-purpose.

DeniseinVA said...

I like your chair and the upturned bin/table. Very clever! I stopped putting glasses and cups on my side table as my pillows invariably fall off the bed and knock everything over. I should lay them in a right-side up so that if they do that at least I won't have such a mess, haha!

R's Rue said...


Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh the struggles of life!

Linda P said...

Glad you've got your own space where you can give instructions to your phone undisturbed by other noises. Does Big Boy keep you company or does he stay with Bob? It's so easy to get comfy with a drink in a mug and then manage to knock it. Such is life!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I really like how your coffee table matches your dog bed chairs!

Chatty Crone said...

They do both match. You are so funny. I am finding I am dropping and spilling more than ever. Does Big Boy sleep there? Are you in his way?

photowannabe said...

Oh my what a story...Happy coffee and posting in the Doggie Chair.
You sure can tell a story in the most breathless, funny way.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh no, sorry about the spill. I like your setup!