Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Talking Ladies Wordy Wed

Cont from last Wordy Wed.....

 And then on another day I came home late because of another 30 minutes chat and

 I said to Bob
 you know the lady down on the corner of 34th and 17th and that when she moved in she put out all that beautiful yard decorations?

His eyes glazed, he did not answer.

 I said   her name is Michelle
she has three chihuahuas
 she rescued them one at the time shee told me all about her Chihuahua rescues. 
They are so friendly and sweet and let me pet them.

 she has big flowered rugs in her house and cleans them by hanging them on the fence and using a power sprayer.
They are gorgeous!
He came to and asked how I knew what they looked like.
I said they were hanging on the fence and she was cleaning them with the cutest power watcher,
It's hers, she doesn't rent hers. 
She lets them dry and puts them back, all by herself and the are HUGE.

She keeps the power sprayer in that SHE shed! The one I show you every time we drive by and say I want one.
and she showed me her 3 sofas and 2 umbrellas that are behind the fence around the pool...

Bob has that I AM NOT LISTENING STARE as we walk along me talking a mile a minute. Yet he wonders why he knows nothing about our neighbors
 and next week I can tell him this same story and he will say REALLY????
How do you know all this?

Can you believe I wrote this post while walking alone, talking into Samsung Notes on my phone?


Ginny Hartzler said...

I would SO love living with you!! Your just to come home and out of the blue start talking about this lady and her dogs and rugs. It is like a modern fairy tale. What a bright spot in the day!!!

CheerfulMonk said...

Your phone is perfect for you, and for us! Just chat away and let us listen with our eyes. You have plenty of people appreciating your stories.

easyweimaraner said...

I know that look men get, always when we say "listen"... to train dogs is easier LOL

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Sandra, this is a total scream - and I love that you are adapting the tech to fit your needs!!! YAM xx

Hootin Anni said...

If I don't begin by saying "are you listening to me?" with a pause to make sure Bud IS listening, my talking to him would go over his head & out the door.

Ann said...

Wade never listened to my stories. You sure learned a lot about your neighbor from one visit.

eileeninmd said...


I loved this story. It is great to know your neighbor and meet her dogs. Usually it is the opposite here, my hubby is the one talking and I am spacing out. I could not type and walk, I would be on the ground.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Rose said...

Oh. Goodness. This is so me and Roger! I will say something to him andcwsit for an answer..and finally say Didcyou hear me? He answers Yes...I saybwell are you going to answer...he either says he is trying to think. Or that he did not know I needed an answer.

Cranberry Morning said...

This just made me laugh. There are times when I get done talking and ask Mr. C if he heard me. He just says yes. It would be nice to get some response, like even a nod of the head. Lolol

My Mind's Eye said...

What a fun post MS and knowing the amount of background auto/mechanical chatter in your house YES I can believe you walked and talked.
Hugs Cecilia

Chatty Crone said...

You know what I admire people who can talk like that. I see someone and I can say Good Morning - How are you - but it is the next few lines I have trouble with. lol Wish I was better at it. Sandie

Ida said...

Now that's a novel way to do a post. I might feel strange talking out loud like that (although here lately I catch myself doing just that.) Fun post by the way. It's neat to learn things about people.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I still feel awkward talking into my phone, but I know it works.

photowannabe said...

Gafawww, snort..haha
too funny and partly true in our household too.
Love this post.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh Sandra, you and your stories always make me smile!!

Mevely317 said...

Did you hear me snort out-loud when my eyes got to Paragraph #3? Last night I was trying to show Tom a video I took and not halfway through he just walked away. Wonder how he'd feel if I did the same to him when he's talking about his stupid airplanes.
That's a brilliant idea about the rugs. Tom found an inexpensive power washer at Harbor Freight and I could do the same thing with the kitchen mats.

A verbal post? Color me impressed! Oh, I'd probably try ... yet as often as I go back and add or delete a word/punctuation mark the phone would explode.

Inger said...

I don't think I could talk my posts. And husbands, oh well, they tend to be like that.

Linda said...

I don’t think I really talk much for a woman. Louis Dean talks way more than I do. He uses extra words all the time. Phrases like, “for lack of a better word” and explaining that a six inch board isn’t reallly six inches but.....sometimes I marvel at the number of extra words he uses.Now I can talk and visit and chat with the best of them but quiet is good, too. Tonight when Louis Dean wasn’t bragging on himself, he was singing! I guess it’s just my mood today.....

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm not comfortable talking to my phone. Heck we have a Google box that we never talk to anymore. That's some story! I wish Mark would listen but he doesn't. Men!!!