Saturday, July 25, 2020

What He DOES NOT say

What he doesn't say, makes me crazy! I have to take a break and PLAY in Photoscape!

The list he does not say makes me crazy!

I used the last bottle of nose drops!
(guess who is the only one that uses nose drops)

I put the last pack of gum in my truck!
(he is the only one that chews gum)

Then has the nerve to say, I have no gum, I have no nose drops!
(I am the only one that shops and keeps a running list of what we are out of and every time I leave I say, do you NEED ANYTHING?)

We are driving home from the Y, I have to use the windshield sprayer to clear the windshield.
I say when we get home, would you fill the windshield cleaner?
He says, we are out of it.

BECAUSE....??????? can you guess?

He did NOT SAY, I poured the last one in the container. He says NOTHING when asks if we need anything on the shopping list.

these things make me want to


Ginny Hartzler said...

I like this last graphic. And these are very good pictures of Bob. He is looking stern, likely because he does not want to be snapped. I find this so typical of men. They wait till the last minute for everything. If they have ANY of ANYTHING left, then they do not need more. They only need more when it totally runs out. I am the opposite. Eye drops, I like to have TWO bottles. The second is for when we run out of the first, so I don't have to rush right to the store. Same with toothpaste, floss, and most everything.

CheerfulMonk said...

Andy's like me, he plans ahead and tells me. It's so much simpler.

Hootin Anni said...

The only thing, and I do mean only thing Bud says is "I need wine". If he uses, say, the last slice of bread...will he tell me? No.

Hmmm, bread & wine. Sounds biblical doesn't it?

Linda P said...

Each weekend our daughter says "make a shopping list so I can get your shopping" then Hubby and I do it together. We remind one another what we need. Great graphics. I like the swirly one with what looks like hair? Not Bob's I know. Have a good weekend.

crafty cat corner said...

Go Sandra....get it all off of your chest. I have one similar. He has a cough with his illness and takes medication 3 times a day to ward it off. Guess who coughs and has to be told to take his pills.
I can't understand how he can be coughing and not see that he hasn't taken them.
I have to keep telling myself that he is 80 and it could be worse, lol

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

My husband is a person who in the past did not like having extras of anything on hand. The Covid shortages have changed his mind on this, so it isn't a battle anymore to order (or occasionally pick up at the store) extra eye drops, TP, and most other things because there for a while we were lucky if we could even find one of some items.

Since we try to buy what we will need for quite a while with each shopping trip, I find it difficult to remember everything we need when I am making the list. Bad on me.

Ann said...

Oh my, it looks like Bob is getting sucked down the drain in that last photo. Not that he doesn't deserve it for not letting you know when he is out of
Wade would send me a text asking me to pick something up at work. I would tell him I don't always look at the phone before I leave please call me on the store phone. What's he do the next time he wants me to bring him something home? You got it, he sends me a text.

eileeninmd said...


LOL, that happens here too. We need to remember to add to our shop list, the items are used up.. Love the Bob images. Happy weekend!

Mevely317 said...

Exactly! Me: "Why didn't you tell me?" Him: "I didn't think about it until now." (In an accusatory tone.) I'm thinking of making up a big, long list in Excel of everything we might possibly need/want; and each week stick it up on the refrigerator to mark off the "Oooooh, yeahs."
LOVE that last graphic!

My Mind's Eye said...

It has to be a man thing.
Bryan will be taking the last of a vitamin etc 2 days after I went on a shopping run...I hear the same thing I'm out of whatever...I say I went 2 days ago did you not notice then. Plus I keep a list in plain site of things that are needed weekly. I think this is because women are proactive men are reactive.
I hear you sista!
Hugs Cecilia

Rose said...

That happens here, too....but a lot now I just know I have to remember. Just every now and then the odd thing I have not thought of and that is not used often.

Inger said...

Oh men! We just have to love them and put up with them and remember that there are a few things they can do very well. Most of them.

DawnTreader said...

I never have anyone to blame but myself... So like Ginny I try to always be prepared. When I open the last bottle or pack of something, I put the item on my shopping list.

DeniseinVA said...

We have that old Venus and Mars thing going on here Sandra. Or we could just say "MEN!" :)))

photowannabe said...

Life with our spouse sure can be trying..I agree...
I guess you have to become a mind reader and then stock up...I can see how these little things can put a kink in our get along...
I always ask before going to the store if he needs anything. He usually says I think there is something but I don't remember what it is...So I say write it down when you think of it...usually doesn't happen...
Love the last graphic ...says it all.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my gosh - had the very same issue with Listerine yesterday - I mean when he wants it he wants it!

Saimi said...

Yes I can totally see how that would make one go crazy, especially when you ask is there anything you need at the store. We try to keep a running list of when we use the last of something but with my husband he is the total opposite. He buys multiple of everything. Why buy one when you can buy 10 haha. Also we stock up when things are on sale so if, for instance, every time Costco has toilet paper or paper towels or anything we use there, we will pick the limit up and continue until the sale is over. so on the rare occasion I run out of something I hear it from the husband, 'this is why we write things down so we don't run into this problem.haha
Hang in there,
and by the way, you are a master at your computer skills. I have no idea how to do the things you do.

Betty Manousos said...


Debby@Just Breathe said...

I keep telling Mark he is looking like Bob. He's let his hair grow long and has a mustache and goatee that has gotten very long and his hair is the same color. Reading your post I feel your pain. I keep thinking he would be lost without me. I'm always on top of things for him. Wish he did the same in return for me but such is the life with these men!

My Tata's Cottage said...

You crack me up! I make a list of what I need at the store, the hubby does not. I hope you did not send him flushing down the drain?! Men just are not as smart as we are. HUGS across the miles.