Yesterday I nearly drowned in tears. My precious Big Boy has congestive hear failure and fluid in his lungs. the detail story is HERE on Big boys blog
Today is the day we say good bye to R2D2 below.
The AC guy is here installing the new BANK ACCOUNT DRAINER AKA Centra AC Unit.
and the vet visit drained the bank account, butt the PILLS ARE working and our Big is Bettr. A LOT Better!
and today we can disconnect the drain the bank account Portable AC that saved our lives during a week of NO AC waiting for the new one.
Good bye hot home,
Good bye Worry and fretting
Today is HAPPY DAY,
I lost 4 of 6 pounds that were C-19 gain
Thanks to All of you, who have emailed, commented, text and CARED and supported me.
I love you right back! All such good news ..... my heart is full. And, like I remember my daddy saying, "It's just money."
PS - I can't get over how much your avatar looks so much like you!
Happy dance right back atcha....
so glad Big is better and that the AC is being installed.
So sorry about the bank account drain but PTL you had it to "drain"
Love your Avatar's for your story.
Off to doing my 10 hour stint of care-giving...thoughts appreciated for me too.
this is good news...kinda. good 'cause you'll have your sweet puppy all healthy...a new air conditioner. and friends who care! hubby update?
this is good news...kinda. good 'cause you'll have your sweet puppy all healthy...a new air conditioner. and friends who care! hubby update?
this is good news...kinda. good 'cause you'll have your sweet puppy all healthy...a new air conditioner. and friends who care! hubby update?
Well happy dancing here too and lots of clapping and gleeful jubilation.
Hugs Cecilia
I love you too, you are such a wonderful person and friend. Phew, you have been through a lot. So glad the central air is being installed, probably all done by now. And you will be cool, which will help BB get better too, I think. I'm so glad the pills worked right away. That's so great and so great that your vet was so responsive.
The temporary air conditioner you had is the same kind I have in my bedroom, but I only turn it on in the afternoons. And now I sleep in the bedroom facing north where I can open the window. It's only 10 degrees here in the mornings. Thanks to altitude.
I am happy dancing with you. I am so happy for you adn BB, that the pills are working. BB is feeling better, YAY!
The new AC will be nice too. Congrats on the weight loss. The Avatars are cute. Enjoy your day!
Happy dancing with you today! I'm so thankful Big is doing better. That was so scary. By the way, I bought one of those portables when my AC went out a few years ago. It struggled to keep one room under 80 so I had my hubby return it once we got our regular unit fixed. He had no trouble getting the money back. Take yours back, that will save you a little bit at least!
So good to hear BB is improving on his meds. I was so sad for you especially with everything else you have had to deal. These events all seem to come at once. Glad you've got the a/c and you can now be cooler in all that heat. Hope Bob is doing okay too. Congrats on losing the pounds. A big hug from me, to Bob and BB.
p.s. love the avatar pics too.
And that was a big hug to you too :)
I am doing the Hapy Dance in my head. I KNOW B.B. will really appreciate the new A.C. unit, too! I am so glad they came on time like they had said, I have been thinking and fretting about that. I love what you have done with your avatar!! It is SO cool!!
I AM SOOOOOOOO THRILLED ABOUT BIG BOY! I thought about him all day yesterday. Praise God the pills are working.
I am so sorry about your money drainers. I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE SAYING.
Save that room a/c right?
You probably sweated those pounds off! lol
Glad things are better.
Love, sandie
Hari OM
Good news all around!
Oh my goodness. Sounds like Big is responding well to the meds. Hope you're cool by now and yay on the weight loss.
How wonderful that you have cool air and Big on the mend!!
It's really easy to drain the bank. Sorry about that but I know that BB is worth every penny and I'm glad to hear that he is doing better. Your pictures are really cute. (Amber and Dylan have three of those air conditioners)
Hurray! What a neat,upbeat post. :D
I'm glad to hear there are good things happening. You've had far too much bad going on.
I’m a but kate in reading this post, Sandra, and was saddened to read bout Big Boy’s heart issues, but then glad to read that the meds are helping him and you feel better. Also glad you have a new AC. And, BIG thanks to you for always being a blogger who lifts my spirits too. Always look foreard to reading your posts, even if I don’t comment on all. You are appreciated.💐
so glad Big is better.
happy dance right back atcha! xoxo
Hello Sandra, I can't click on any links without my internet timing out. Sooo sorry about Big's condition but I am glad he's with you. Imagine the alternative if he hadn't chosen you as his yoomens. Not to be thought about. Be safe dearest Big and get strong and back to normal. xx Aunty Jo and her furbabies from South Africa
So how is Big Boy doing now?
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