Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Banish Your Wrinkles Quickly


Several of you have commented how smooth my skin is in selfies and I want to show you why.
Of course low light helps. 
The thing I have noticed is when I smile, the wrinkles don't show.
At the risk of some of you dying of fright seeing my UGLY non smiling selfies.
Check out what a SMILE does.

You may notice, when my face is at rest, my mouth naturally turns down. So did my Dad's. I always look mad if I am not smiling...
See how I look 10 years older and angry?

Laugh and the world laughs with you, Weep and you weep alone. Ellen Wheeler

Let your Smile change the world, but don't let the world change your SMILE

Smile and your wrinkles will not show
and you will look younger than you know.
your cheeks may look apple fat,
but no one will notice that
Because the world will smile with you,
that is all you have to do.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Yes, you look mad; but even in the mad photo, you look really good! I love your wreath header!!

easyweimaraner said...

tanks to youuuuuuuuuu!!!! I always refused to do selfies because of...

Hootin Anni said...

My wrinkles are deep. And your magic potion is such a simple "fix".

PS...you have a beautiful smile!!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM

Ann said...

It does make you look younger. But you even look good in the one where you aren't smiling. I must look mad when I don't smile too because people will look at me and tell me to smile.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Sandra

Those smiles are contagious. You have a pretty smile, keep smiling..
Have a happy day!

crafty cat corner said...

You are so right. smiling changes your face and if you can smile at people usually they smile back.
Like you my mouth turns down and when I catch myself off guard I have a fright, lol

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

There is so much truth in what you wrote about a smile, Sandra, and not only does it make you look better but feel better too. These days the only way to see a smile is in front of a mirror because of wearing masks in public 😕

Mevely317 said...

My new favorite .gif!
Like Anni, my wrinkles are deep. But I agree 100% with what someone(?) once wrote about a smile being the best make-up. Now, what to do about these darn jowls?

My Mind's Eye said...

Quick prepare a video of YOUTube you'll make a million bucks
Hugs Cecilia

Martha said...

Your skin looks great even not smiling. My wrinkles are much worse than yours. It got really bad after losing weight when I first retired. It is true though, we all look younger when we're smiling. My favorite is that last one. I could never figure out how to do the stuff you do!

Chatty Crone said...

This was really aa great post! Made me happy too.

Ella said...

Baby, when you smile you are gorgeous!
Big hug!

Forsythia said...

You have a great smile! (I look seriously grumpy when I don't smile.)

Inger said...

You are so correct here. Anyone over 65 who is having their photo taken, is well advised to smile. I makes you look so much better and it will also cheer up anyone who, maybe years later, looks at the picture. That person will most likely smile also.

If you go the other route and don't smile, you will look grumpy and what's the point or fun in that? I have a friend who never smiles in pictures and she looks like such a grouch. I've had to bite my tongue to not ask her to smile if I'm the one taking the picture.

photowannabe said...

I'm smiling now just reading this.
Smiling does help my very deep wrinkles. It seems my "beauty lines" came on so fast..wish I had taken better care of my skin years ago.
I guess these lines prove I made it this far.
Love your closing poem..so much truth to that.
Oh and the smile to frown to smile is terrific. Your beauty shines through.

photowannabe said...

If you had seen me this morning you would have been scared...
We were awaken out of a dead sleep at 7:10AM that was very early for us...the phone rang right by my bed. It was a robo call wanting to talk about a new credit card...can you say Blocked? Not a great way to start the day but then I read your blog post and now I'm smiling despite the early wake up call.

Rose said...

My mouth turns down, too! It really does make a difference.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Now that is a motto to live by!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is a good enough reason to smile. My Dad used to say that smile adds a lot of face value.

CheerfulMonk said...

What a great post! Thanks for the suggestion.

Betty Manousos said...

first off, i love your smile. and thanks for the wonderful tip. i’m the opposite of photogenic; the camera hates me.

DeniseinVA said...

You take great selfies. Going to follow this great advice.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Smile or not you still have very good skin held together well. No serious sags. Colleges and slilica in ones diet are important and you must be eating right. Not much make up helps too. You look great.

DawnTreader said...

Sorry about Bob's problems with health and new medication, finding the right balance with new meds can be very frustrating - I hope it gets sorted to work as well as possible for him (and you...) As for your haircut, I honestly couldn't see much difference from your photos in the previous post - but I know one sees things differently when looking at oneself in the mirror... (And photo selfies even worse!) As for looking better with a smile on one's face, I think that goes for all of us.