Saturday, December 19, 2020

In Memory of Nancy and Kenneth McGowan


In Memory of Kenneth and Nancy McGowan
Yesterday my friend Julie, lost both of her parents to this deadly Covid-19.
They died in our ICU after 17 days, they died 16 minutes apart.
They leave behind a huge loving family, and many friends that considered them their parents too.
I have been friends with their daughter and her husband for many years.
The virus has struck close to home and I want all of you to know this virus is not a hoax.
Our town has had 400 die in the past few weeks, our ICU is full in all 3 of our hospitals.

My brothers son and his wife, are down with the virus now, in Augusta GA
PLEASE take care, 
Stay Home, Stop the Spread
We are told there will be 500,000 dead from this virus between now and April
and it can be avoided by
Wash Hands, wear MASK, stay Home.
So simple, Save Lives.


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

My deepest condolences on this sad news, Julie. We have never thought this pandemic to be not real, as you correctly said many have, and it’s only when non-believers read of another death that some then believe. So sad for Julie and her family to bear this loss any time, but especially at this time of year.

Rose said...

I am so sorry for their loss!

Martha said...

I'm so sorry Sandra. My condolences to your friend Julie and her family. I can't even imagine losing both parents at the same time, just heartbreaking. Praying your brother's son and his wife will be ok.

Mevely317 said...

Sandra, I'm so, so sorry to hear of this tragedy. Praying now -- both for your friend and your nephew and his wife. All of a sudden, everything else seems inconsequential.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Sandra,

I am so sorry for your friend Julie. I can not imagine losing both parent so close together. Covid is real and we are seeing more positive cases and deaths each day. I feel for all the health care workers, they are heroes. The hospitals are running out of ICU beds and room.
Sending prayers for you and your family. I pray they all recover! Take care and stay safe!

Linda said...

God bless your friend, Julie, and the entire family.....I'm so sorry.
The oldest living member of our family has the virus as well as her daughter and SIL. They all live together and are quarantining together. So far they have only light cases. Lillian and her roommate are back in isolation after they were doing so well. Lillian sounded bad this morning.....

My Mind's Eye said...

I am so sorry for the loss of this much loved man and woman....
Bryan lost his very healthy 72 year old cousin who was an avid bicyclist to it in August, he contracted it while taking pt for a back injury. We have other acquaintances who have lost loved ones too.

From Thursday night to Friday morning NC had 8,444 new cases. Our County Wake has the most cases of the 4 counties surrounding us. I send prayers for your brothers son and wife...
Hugs Cecilia

Inger said...

Oh, Sandra, I'm so sorry to read this. What a terrible loss, on the same day, same time. This virus is brutal. I'm glad you mention your friend has a large family that will care and support her. Thanks for the reminder to be careful. I worry because I have been to the post office with mask and gloves and eyeglasses too.

Last night, not a good idea, but I read that there are no more ICU or hospital beds here either. I woke up in a panic at 2:30 am. Thinking, what if I get sick with something else? What about people with bad hearts, heart attacks. People with cancer, can they get chemo? Car accident victims?

I am so sorry for your friend's loss and for your loss as well.

Jo said...

My sincere condolences Julie. Sandra, you're so right: this is a KILLEr virus and people need to take it seriously. We have had hundreds of deaths daily here in SA with our second wave. YET. as I drive through our Valley and into town, people are hitching lifts (as they do) and have NO masks on. As I pass them, I spread the fingers of my left hand over my masked face and yell, WHERE'S YOUR MASK? They can't hear me through closed windows but many see what I mean. On Tuesday, in a shopping center car park, I passed kombi with the side door open. ALL the passengers were sitting in it maskless. I peered in and asked the driver: Where are all your masks? He reached into the pocket in the door and waved his mask at me. I said you must ALL where a mask. Not many do. Very frightening. Please dearest Sandra, take care of you and Bob and your Beau. Blessings Jo

photowannabe said...

What a terrible tragedy. I'm so sorry for everyone and praying for health and wholeness for the rest of us.
P.S. my email still is not working. Truly a pain that I hope will be resolved over the weekend.

Ruth Hiebert said...

My condolences. If only people would realize the severity of this virus.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
OH my word, Sandra, what news to greet me as I settle back into my own wee Hutch... such sadness this COVID rains upon the world. And for your family now to be infected... please you and Bob be super careful and my very good wishes for the improvements and wellness to come again for your dear ones. YAM xx

Suburban Girl said...

I am so sorry to hear this and saddened for their family. We can't get this vaccine soon enough! Stay safe!

Chatty Crone said...

I haven't mentioned it but my husband's brother died from Covid December 12. He was in Wisconsin. It is real.
I am so sorry for your friends. Sending prayers to them.
I lost my mom January 2003 around 4pm in Atlanta - my parents were divorced - my dad died January 3, 2003 in California at 4:15 with my half sister.
It is something you will never forget.
Love, sandie

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so sorry for her, how awful!! Not only both parents, but at Christmas as well. Yes, you and I know the dangers more than others. I will be talking to my doctor in a few days about my overwhelming anxiety. I am ready for help. Yet I know we are so blessed to be safe and healthy now, if only I could stop thinking of the future like the bible warns us!

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so sorry. Things are getting bad here too.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Sandra, my deepest condolences for you and your friend. Although our numbers cannot compare to yours, we had an increase of 81 in just one day. The Pres and I take this very seriously...and although we know both family and friends that have contracted it, they have all made it. It's not going to be an easy year coming up...stay healthy...:)jp

Ann said...

So very sorry to hear this. My deepest condolences

Hootin Anni said...

Sad news!! I hate this virus and all the political B S behind with our wishy-washy government!! Lives could have been soared long ago I think. It just makes me so angry.

My late sister-in-law's sister had covid and recovered. But along her side, her husband got it and passed away.

Hootin Anni said...

...not soared but, saved

My Tata's Cottage said...

Terrible loss, very sorry for your friends loss of both parents. My SIL Jake lost his buddy Big J to the virus but he had underlying health issues and nonetheless very tragic. He was in his early 40's. My son-in-law said a kinder heart did not exist.

Susan from Bucks County said...

I am so sorry about the loss of your friends.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I will keep this family in my prayers. How sad! And I just wonder why so many are not taking this seriously and seem to be living there lives as if nothing is going on around them. But don't get me started! We all need to do our very best for ourselves AND for others. But I realize that sometimes it gets to people that are doing their I don't want to sound critical. Hugs to you both and prayers for this precious family.

DeniseinVA said...

I am so very sorry to learn of this Sandra. My deepest condolences to your friend Julie. We lost a sweet aunt to this deadly virus just over a month ago, and also a dear friend before.